When Jesus is revealed to you it will REAL to you. For more about Gloribites
Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do For more about Gloribites
Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. Satan needs permission...... For more about Gloribites
This will give you an opportunity to bear witness. For more about Gloribites
Why try to question the man who has all the answers For more about Gloribites
If you knew the peace you could have in Jesus For more about Gloribites
We are to pray at all times and not give up. For more about Gloribites
We must watch ourselves to prevent stumbling, forgive others, obey Christ, have faith, and await his return For more about Gloribites
There is no scripture indication that salvation is available beyond the grave For more about Gloribites
You cannot serve God and Money For more about Gloribites
info_outlineJesus raises us from the coffin of our sin to new life in Him
I Have Not Found Such Great Faith
Jesus is in Capernaum
A highly valued slave was sick and nearing death
He was the slave of a Roman officer
The officer heard about Jesus, and he sent some Jewish leaders to ask him to come and heal his slave
They earnestly begged Jesus to come with them and help the man who felt that he deserved the help bc of his love for the Jews and he built them a synagogue He was uncertain if Jesus was going to grant a Gentile request. Jesus is for everyone
Jesus went with them
Right before they get to the house the officer sends word to Jesus that he should not trouble himself by coming to his house because he feels unworthy for Jesus to enter his house so he said Just say the word from where you are and my servant will be healed
He explains that he is a man under authority and he has authority and he only needs to say Go and his servants go and come and they come do and they do. He was humble
Jesus was amazed and he turned to the crowd and said I tell you, (the crowd) I haven’t seen faith like this in all the land of Israel that gentile understood his authority and not his own chosen people
When the officers who were sent went back to the house they found the slave completely healed
What does your faith look like right now in the eyes of Jesus?
Get Up
Jesus went village with his disciples with a great crowd following
A funeral procession was coming out as he approached the village
The boy who died was the only son of a widow she would have no hope and no support
The Lord saw her and was overflowed with compassion
Don’t cry
Jesus walked to the coffin touched it and the bearers stopped
Young man, Get up
The dead boy sat up, began to talk
Jesus gave him back to his mother this was the first time he raised someone from the dead
Great awe and praise
We have seen the hand of God at work today
The news spread all over Judea and surrounding areas
Jesus is saying to the woman and us don't cry get up I can handle rather it is what you are dealing with hurt, pain, and grief. He has compassion on us just this women
We see salvation in this we were dead in the coffin of sin like this boy and Jesus loved you and had compassion on you while you were still sinners and he called you to get up and be raised from death to life.
Should We Expect Someone Else
John’s disciples told him about everything Jesus was doing
John sent two of them to ask Jesus
Are you the Messiah we are expecting or should we expect someone else?
At that very time, he cured many people of their various diseases, cast out evil spirits, and restored sight to the blind
They were expecting a Messiah and asking should expect someone else. Who are you expecting him to deal with life in the world as we have seen that is going crazy the only hope you have is to put your trust in Jesus and surrender your life to him
John needed reassurance and so do we when we are suffering and it's about to take our doubts and questions to God we just don't stay there
God Blessed those who are not offended by me
Jesus tells them to Go back and report to John
What you seen
What you heard
The blind see
The lame walk
The Lepers are cured
The deaf hear
The dead are raised to life
The Good News is being preached to the poor
God blessed those who are not offended by me
They said a mighty prophet has risen among us when it was God himself in the flesh in the form of Jesus
The Chew: To Have Faith in the authority of Jesus to get us up when and down to raise us from the dead place of sin. We are to expect Him alone, He is the one who blesses us.
For more about Gloribites