When Jesus is revealed to you it will REAL to you. For more about Gloribites
Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do For more about Gloribites
Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. Satan needs permission...... For more about Gloribites
This will give you an opportunity to bear witness. For more about Gloribites
Why try to question the man who has all the answers For more about Gloribites
If you knew the peace you could have in Jesus For more about Gloribites
We are to pray at all times and not give up. For more about Gloribites
We must watch ourselves to prevent stumbling, forgive others, obey Christ, have faith, and await his return For more about Gloribites
There is no scripture indication that salvation is available beyond the grave For more about Gloribites
You cannot serve God and Money For more about Gloribites
info_outlineJesus showed Willingness to be with all the people who needed him.
When you sought Jesus who did you see? Are you believing in his message or rejecting it?
Repentance was in her actions. Her sin was loud but her repentance was louder.
Jesus looked at what she was doing not what she did.
Public repentance and public forgiveness
Salvation involves humility. She came behind Jesus but she showed. No matter what the past looked like for you. The future can be forgiveness
The Chew
Faith is necessary we are saved by grace through faith.
For more about Gloribites