When Jesus is revealed to you it will REAL to you. For more about Gloribites
Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do For more about Gloribites
Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. Satan needs permission...... For more about Gloribites
This will give you an opportunity to bear witness. For more about Gloribites
Why try to question the man who has all the answers For more about Gloribites
If you knew the peace you could have in Jesus For more about Gloribites
We are to pray at all times and not give up. For more about Gloribites
We must watch ourselves to prevent stumbling, forgive others, obey Christ, have faith, and await his return For more about Gloribites
There is no scripture indication that salvation is available beyond the grave For more about Gloribites
You cannot serve God and Money For more about Gloribites
info_outlineTo grow a seed must be planted
On Tour with Jesus
Jesus is on a tour of the nearby town and villages
Preaching the good news with his 12 disciples
Some healed women with him on the journey
They had been healed of demonic and diseases
They were using their own resources
The Farmer Did His Job
He gives this parable about a farmer scattering seed
The seed fell on 4 types of soil
Footpath-stepped on and eaten by birds
Rocks-wilted and died from lack of moisture ( you have go to be watered by the Word)
Thorny-grew and choked
Fertile-produced a crop hundredfold
They all grew but all were affected by the circumstances surrounding them
Which soil are you in?
He uses parables fulfilled with scriptures
He explains the meaning
The Footpath- hear the message, only to have the devil snatch and prevent them from believing and being saved
Rocky- hear, receive with joy, don't have roots so they believe for only a little while fall away from face temptation
Thorny-hear the message but quickly gets crowded out by the cares, riches, and pleasures of this life, never matures
Fertile-honest good-hearted people who hear the word and cling to it and patiently produce a harvest
Shine your light and Listen
No one hides lamps around their house
It's on a stand display
Where are your lamps? How is it shining? Our witness is public.
What secret will be brought out in the open
Everything concealed will be revealed
Therefore consider how you hear.
Listen and get more understanding
Don’t listen and what you understand will be taken away from you
Hear the Word and obey it
Jesus mother and brothers came to see him and they couldn't get to hi
So they sent the word to your family outside
Jesus responds my mother and brothers are those who hear the Word and obey it
Are you in Jesus' Family?
Where is your faith?
Jesus said Let’s go to the other side of the lake
They get in the boat
Jesus takes a nap
They failed to realize Jesus said they were going to get to the other side
Fierce storm, boat filling up, they were in danger
They woke him up shouting we are going to drown
Jesus woke up and rebuked the wind and the waves, all is calm
He asked them Where is your faith?
Their eyes were on the storm and not the Savior
They were terrified and amazed
Who is this man?
The wind and waves obey him
They have seen his authority over the death, the sick, and now the creation and they still asking who is this man
We must see Jesus for who he is.
Rebuke the storms when they arise don't wait until the water fills the boat
We must have fertile soil, watered daily by the Word of God to obey and shine our light and to walk by faith
For more about Gloribites