When Jesus is revealed to you it will REAL to you. For more about Gloribites
Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do For more about Gloribites
Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. Satan needs permission...... For more about Gloribites
This will give you an opportunity to bear witness. For more about Gloribites
Why try to question the man who has all the answers For more about Gloribites
If you knew the peace you could have in Jesus For more about Gloribites
We are to pray at all times and not give up. For more about Gloribites
We must watch ourselves to prevent stumbling, forgive others, obey Christ, have faith, and await his return For more about Gloribites
There is no scripture indication that salvation is available beyond the grave For more about Gloribites
You cannot serve God and Money For more about Gloribites
info_outlineApart from a personal relationship with Jesus, your prayers are void-GB
The Desire to Learn to Pray
- Jesus was praying in a certain place
- The disciple asked to be taught to pray. Prayer can be taught and shown by example.
- They see him praying and they want to pray for themselves
He tells them what to say :
- Father - we called God by Name
- Hallowed be your name- your name is holy
- Your kingdom come- we operate for the purpose of glorifying the kingdom will
- Give us each day our daily bread - pray for daily provision we don't stockpile this kind of bread
- We can't live off bread alone but by every word of God
- Forgive us our sins-we acknowledge our sins 1 John 1:9
- Forgive others because we have been forgiven
- Lead us not into temptation- protect us from the things people and places that cause us to fall away from God
Persistent Prayer
He then gives the story of the persistent friend who needed bread and his friend didn't have anything but his friend but because of his friend's boldness he will get up and help him
- ask it will be given
- So he said asking it would be given
- seek and you will find
- knock And the door will be open
- everyone who acts receives whoever seats fine
- to him who knocks the door will be open
Our Earthly parents if we ask for something we'll try their best to give us what we asked for and not the opposite so how much more will our heavenly father give us the good gifts
The greatest gift that he gives us is the gift of the Holy Spirit
How is your prayer life?
Jesus > Satan
- Jesus is casting out a demon and someone who is mute
- The person begins to speak everyone is amazed so they say that he is driving out demons with demons
- Others told him to do a sign from heaven despite his continuously doing all of these Miracles healing and casting out evil people still did not want to believe
- He said that a kingdom against itself would be divided in a house divided against itself will fall and he said if Satan is divided against himself how can his kingdom stand
- Then he kind of like roasted them he said that if I'm driving out by saying then how y'all driving it out but if I drive them out by the Finger of God and the kingdom of God has come near you
- He was letting them know that he was driving this out through his power and God
- He next says that when a strong man fully armed guards his house his possessions are safe but when someone stronger than him attacks and overpowers him and takes away his armor that
- Plunder his stuff-divides his spoils satan thinks he is winning for now but God is taking Satan’s kingdom one by one
- Whoever is not with me is against me whoever does not gather with me scatter
If you are not on God’s side then you are on satans
There is no middle no neutral
Why would you want to stay on the losing team?
To be undecided is to be decided
The two forces are at work, trying to win your allegiance
One will win
- He was letting us know that he is stronger than the evil one
- He can overcome all of Satan's plans
Any vacancy in your heart?
- Vacant hearts have opportunities if your heart is not occupied by Jesus then there is a vacancy for Satan
- It goes back to the house because there is not a resident
- he says when an evil spirit comes out of a man it goes through places looking for rest and does not find it
- this lets us know that demonic spirits love to find a body to reside in a place to take up residence I will return to the house I left and even though it's been swept clean and put so that is going to come back seven times more wicked than itself and go in and live there and at the final state was worse than the first state
To empty the evil we must fill with Jesus and his Holy Spirit
- This woman cries out blesses you know he that was born in his mama who nursed him and Jesus said blessed are those who hear my word and Obey it
The Chew
We must train ourselves to pray on every occasion and we must make sure we are in the right standing with God to pray
"Prayer always begins with a relationship. If there is not an established relationship, there is no basis for prayer. The Father's ear is always open to the children's cry. And if you have that relationship with God where you can say, "Father," then you've established that relationship that opens prayer for you, effective prayer for you. But if you do not have that relationship, then prayer is meaningless. There is only one prayer that God wants to hear from you if you are not His child, and that's the prayer, "God, be merciful to me a sinner." And that establishes then relationship, and opens this glorious opportunity of prayer for each one of you. But prayer begins with relationship" Chuck Smith
For more about Gloribites