When Jesus is revealed to you it will REAL to you. For more about Gloribites
Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do For more about Gloribites
Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. Satan needs permission...... For more about Gloribites
This will give you an opportunity to bear witness. For more about Gloribites
Why try to question the man who has all the answers For more about Gloribites
If you knew the peace you could have in Jesus For more about Gloribites
We are to pray at all times and not give up. For more about Gloribites
We must watch ourselves to prevent stumbling, forgive others, obey Christ, have faith, and await his return For more about Gloribites
There is no scripture indication that salvation is available beyond the grave For more about Gloribites
You cannot serve God and Money For more about Gloribites
info_outlineWhat would you do if you knew a thief was coming to your home today? I hope you will prepare!
Be Ready to open the door
Be Ready for service and keep your lamps lit
You are to be like people waiting for the master to return from the wedding banquet so that when he comes and knocks on the door they can open
Blessed are those whom the master finds alert when he comes
He will get ready to recline and serve them
If he comes in the middle of the night or near dawn and he finds them alert blessed are those who are alert
If the homeowner knew the thief was coming he would not let his house be broken into
You must also be ready because you do not know when the Son of man is coming when you least expect him
Be faithful
The master put faithful managers in charge of his household
Blessed is the servant who is found doing his job when the Master returns
He will put him in charge of all his possessions
But the servant who says my master is delaying his coming and begins to beat his servants eats and gets drunk when the master comes on that unexpected he hew will cut him into pieces and assign him to a place with the unfaithful
The servant who knows that his master will and does not do it will be severely punished
The servant who didn't know and did what deserved punishment will receive a light beating
For everyone who has given much, much will be required and from the one who has been entrusted with much even more will be expected
Jesus says he came to bring fire on the earth (judgment -what does fire do REFINE
I wish it were already here to set it ablaze
BUT I have a baptism (the crucifixion and resurrection)
How it consumes me until IT IS FINISHED the mission would be complete
Do you think I come to bring peace? Peace with God those who choose to be his disciples
Unbelievers remain at odds with God and His requirements
He would bring division in households and families
Division over the gospel of Christ in some families split them down the middle
The Spiritual family is more important the family bloodline Holman commentary
They could interpret the weather but not the present time they refused to see Jesus as the Messiah
Be Reconciled
He compares it to a legal dispute reconciles to God before you get to the court of final judgment when the Gravel is down it is done
Settle the account before it is too late
If Jesus were to come today will you be found ready, and in faith?
Have you been reconciled to Christ through this finished work at the cross?
The chew
Be Alert for you don’t know when your Master will return. Don’t Delay the Master is on his way
For more about Gloribites