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175 - Old Testament Survey - Exodus

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

Release Date: 06/19/2020

190 - Old Testament Survey - Jonah show art 190 - Old Testament Survey - Jonah

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

This week we talk about the book of Jonah.  You won’t get moralism here.  The point of the book is too important for that.  Jesus’ words in the Gospels about Jonah are our major interpretive lens.  Listen in as we find Christ in this book of the minor prophets.

189 - Old Testament Survey - Esther show art 189 - Old Testament Survey - Esther

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

This week Todd and Chris turn to the book of Esther.  Todd really has some great insight into the book since he grew up Jewish.  How do we understand this book that never mentions God?  Is God still there?  What about his promises?  What does God’s apparent absence mean for the promised Messiah?  Whose word is irrevocable: the decree of the Medes and the Persians, or God’s word?  Listen in as we talk about finding Christ in this unique book of the Bible.

188 - Old Testament Survey - Proverbs show art 188 - Old Testament Survey - Proverbs

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

This week Todd and I discuss the book of Proverbs.  What is the point of wisdom literature like this?  It was given during the typological covenant of works with Israel.  So is it law?  Listen in as we talk about finding Christ in this important book of the Bible.

187 - Old Testament Survey - Psalms show art 187 - Old Testament Survey - Psalms

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

Todd and I are back this week.  We are picking up our walk through the Old Testament with the book of Psalms.  Of course, the main thing we can learn from Meredith Kline about Psalms is that they proclaim Christ.  Listen in as we discuss this important book of the Bible.

186 - Old Testament Survey - Song of Songs show art 186 - Old Testament Survey - Song of Songs

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

We are joined by Miles Van Pelt today to talk about the Song of Songs.  Miles is an excellent resource for understanding this book that often be intimidating.  We hope you benefit from this as much as we did!

185 - Old Testament Survey - Ecclesiastes show art 185 - Old Testament Survey - Ecclesiastes

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

This week is related to the theme of suffering in the book of Job from last week.  Ecclesiastes is wisdom for living in a fallen world.  The fallenness of the world means that death makes everything seem vain and futile.  Listen in as we discuss this wonderful book!

184 - Old Testament Survey - Job show art 184 - Old Testament Survey - Job

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

Job is definitely about suffering.  But why does Job suffer?  In this episode, we use Meredith Kline’s contribution about Job in the Wycliffe Bible Commentary to connect Job’s suffering to what has come before in redemptive history - and what will come after.  We hope you find this episode encouraging!

183 - Old Testament Survey - Ruth 4 show art 183 - Old Testament Survey - Ruth 4

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

With this chapter, we wrap up the book of Ruth.  If you have thought about this book as a love story about Ruth and Boaz, you probably won’t expect what we talk about.  We still have unfinished business with Naomi.  Listen in as we talk about how to find Christ in the real, historical people in this story!

182 - Old Testament Survey - Ruth 3 show art 182 - Old Testament Survey - Ruth 3

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

Ruth chapter three gets a little bit uncomfortable.  Naomi devises a sinful scheme, but Ruth redeems the situation.  Problems get solved, but new problems emerge.  Listen in as we talk about how God is revealing the person and work of Christ in the real, historical people in this story!

181 - Old Testament Survey - Ruth 2 show art 181 - Old Testament Survey - Ruth 2

The Glory-Cloud Podcast

We continue on with Ruth chapter two, this week.  The drama builds, because this is where Ruth and Boaz meet.  But is this a Hallmark love story?  Or is something else going on?  What does this story about Ruth gathering barley in Boaz’s field, mean?  Please listen, subscribe, and tell others who need to hear this!

More Episodes

This week, Todd and Chris summarize the message of Exodus.  We look at how its story and its structure are parallel to the story and structure of the gospels.  Listen in and see how Exodus preaches Christ!  Also, subscribe, and tell others who need to hear this!


Show Notes:


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Biblical Theology by Geerhardus Vos

The Unfolding Mystery by Edmund Clowney

The Unfolding Mystery series by Lee Irons

Introduction to the Old Testament by Longman and Dillard

Kingdom Prologue by Meredith G. Kline


  1. Deliverance - Ch. 1-24

1. Birth and calling the covenant mediator - Ch. 1-6

2. The redemption of the covenant people through 

the mediator - Ch. 7-18

B. Tabernacle building - Ch. 25-40

1. The building of the people through the Law - Ch. 


2. The building of the Tabernacle - Ch. 25-40

Episode 164 - The Problem of the Pastorals

The Structure of Biblical Authority by Meredith G. Kline

Leviticus 22:31

Exodus 20:1ff.

Jeremiah 31:31-32

Isaiah 25:5-10

Isaiah 43:16-18

Hosea 2:14-15

Deuteronomy 18:15ff.

1 Corinthians 10:1-5

Leviticus 18:5

Matthew 5

Exodus 19

Echoes of Exodus by Bryan Estelle

Episode 144 - Interview with Dr. Bryan Estelle


Exodus is God’s Picture of the Gospel



Desperate condition - Slavery to Pharaoh

Desperate condition - Slavery to sin and Satan

Chosen deliverer - Moses

Chosen deliverer - Jesus

Proof of deliverer - signs

Proof of deliverer - signs

Power over enemy - Plagues

Power over enemy - exorcisms

Means of deliverance - Plagues, Red Sea

Means of deliverance - Cross

Results of deliverance - Political freedom

Results of deliverance - Spiritual freedom

Goal of deliverance - Worship, Land (inherit Canaan)

Goal of deliverance - Worship (inherit Heaven)

Passover - Lamb

Passover - Lamb of God

Tabernacle - Spirit with us

Jesus-Tabernacle - Spirit in us

Moses as intercessor

Jesus as intercessor

Moses struck the rock

The rock was Christ (1 Cor. 10:4)

Moses persecuted - male Israelite children to be killed - God protected him

Jesus persecuted - male children to be killed - God protected him

Moses called out of Egypt

Jesus called out of Israel/Egypt

Undergoes water judgment in the Red Sea

Jesus baptized to identify with the sins of the people

Wilderness testing (40 years)

Wilderness testing (40 days)

Mount Sinai - Old Covenant - 10 commandments

Sermon on the Mount - New Covenant - new ethic


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