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688: I Stopped Sharing My Kids' Faces On Social... Here's Why

The Goal Digger Podcast

Release Date: 07/19/2023

708: Why Is NO ONE Doing These 5 Marketing Tactics?! show art 708: Why Is NO ONE Doing These 5 Marketing Tactics?!

The Goal Digger Podcast

Whether I’m out with my daughters, watching TV, at a concert with Drew, or scrolling through Instagram, I always have my eyes and ears open to glean insights from the marketing tactics used by the brands we all experience every single day.  Though it can get a liiiiittle intense when I just can’t seem to shut my marketing brain off – my poor husband! – you’re about to benefit from this little quirk of mine. Today, I’ve rounded up 5 unique marketing tactics I’ve seen recently that left me wondering, “Why is NO ONE else doing this?!" In this episode, we'll unravel the genius...

707: Is Digital Course Academy Really Worth It? Tune In To Find Out! show art 707: Is Digital Course Academy Really Worth It? Tune In To Find Out!

The Goal Digger Podcast

Today I’m welcoming Braden, Lindsay, Lucy, and Rosemary onto the podcast because before enrolling in they were just like Y-O-U. Enroll into the today and take advantage of my $1,997 bonus FREE when you join.  It’s time to leverage the power of a digital course to finally unlock your income, your time, and new opportunities for impact and adventure! Let's hear from entrepreneurs who did just that! Today's guests are business owners who heard me and countless others share about our success with the online course world and thought, “Good for them, but it probably doesn’t work for...

706: One Sentence That Changed My Biz… And My Life show art 706: One Sentence That Changed My Biz… And My Life

The Goal Digger Podcast

When my massage therapist and intuitive healer, Thea, said ONE sentence to me, my jaw almost hit the floor. She was in the middle of my massage, and said a profound, powerful statement… Click PLAY to hear what it is! Thea’s sentence has now become my mantra as I work through these next years of my life and business, and I can’t wait to share it with you. Listen now to get inspired!   GOAL DIGGER FB COMMUNITY: GOAL DIGGER INSTAGRAM: GOAL DIGGER SHOW NOTES:     START RITUAL FOR 30% OFF:    

705: Exposing All the Reasons Why You Haven't Created a Digital Course (YET!) show art 705: Exposing All the Reasons Why You Haven't Created a Digital Course (YET!)

The Goal Digger Podcast

Why haven’t YOU created a digital course yet?!  Amy Porterfield and I have both made millions selling online courses, we’ve impacted tens of thousands of lives, and we’ve talked about the lifestyle, the freedom, and the effect teaching online has made not just on our lives but on our students lives too.  So, really… Why haven’t YOU done it too? If you’re listening to this show, you’ve probably heard all of the reasons why you SHOULD create a course, but there’s still something stopping you from taking this step in your business, like what people will think of you,...

704: The Critical Reason Why You Need to Experiment More In Your Biz show art 704: The Critical Reason Why You Need to Experiment More In Your Biz

The Goal Digger Podcast

If I hear one more business owner throw in the towel after they’ve made a mistake or one of their launches failed… *facepalm!* Trust me, we’ve all been there – we get excited about doing something new and then that something doesn’t pan out exactly how we thought it would and we’re ready to quit.  Buuuuuut *steps on soap box*... it is SO important to experiment more in our businesses and commit to consistency! That’s why in today’s episode of Goal Digger, I’m sharing some of the experiments I’ve done in my own business – ones that worked, ones that didn’t pan out,...

703: How to Get Less Resistance and More Ease in Your Life and Biz show art 703: How to Get Less Resistance and More Ease in Your Life and Biz

The Goal Digger Podcast

This ONE system helps you learn more about your decision-making skills, your strongest sense, your gifts and more?! It sounds too good to be true, but I’ve seen for myself that it isn’t.  Human Design is NOT your mama’s personality quiz… In fact, it’s not a quiz at all! Basically, this ancient system uses your exact time, date, and place of birth to help you understand more about your personality, emotions, and energy centers, and my guest on Goal Digger today is the QUEEN of helping people use it to get less resistance and more ease in their lives (and businesses)! In our...

702: What No One Tells You About Online Courses show art 702: What No One Tells You About Online Courses

The Goal Digger Podcast

Are you considering creating an online course? For your business, adding a course to your offerings promises flexibility, affordability, and the opportunity for your students to learn at their own pace. Plus, you create it once and can launch it over and over again, which means you’ll get back more time (the ultimate currency)!  In today’s episode, I’m sharing the hidden realities and the surprising benefits that often go unspoken in the online course world to help you decide if this is a journey you want to embark on.   GOAL DIGGER FB COMMUNITY: GOAL DIGGER INSTAGRAM: GOAL...

701: Real Talk: Is It Time to Quit Or Should You Push Through? show art 701: Real Talk: Is It Time to Quit Or Should You Push Through?

The Goal Digger Podcast

What’s the difference between those who are defeated by struggle and those who are sharpened by it? Between those who are broken by pain and those who are made wiser by it? Resilience. Bianca Olthoff is the Co-Lead Pastor of The Father’s House Orange County and was named one of Christians top 30 leaders under 30 by Relevant Magazine. She’s convinced that true power is getting back up, and that success isn’t only for the smart, talented, or well-connected. Her brand new book, is out NOW and today she’s going to share some of the leading principles in the book including how to...

700: Tips for Managing Inconsistent Income As An Entrepreneur show art 700: Tips for Managing Inconsistent Income As An Entrepreneur

The Goal Digger Podcast

If the fear of not having a consistent paycheck has held you back or made you nervous to make the leap into entrepreneurship, you're not alone. Whether you're a freelancer, a creative professional, a small business owner, or a side hustler with big dreams, we ALL face this reality at some point.  I know just as well as you do that the income inconsistency is one of the scariest parts of being an entrepreneur. Before I left my steady packcheck and corporate gig and started working from home to be a full-time wedding photographer, I spent MONTHS preparing my budget to ensure that every bill...

699: Crack the LinkedIn Code With Expert Hala Taha show art 699: Crack the LinkedIn Code With Expert Hala Taha

The Goal Digger Podcast

How’s your LinkedIn looking? Maybe creating an account has been on your to-do list for ages, or you want to up-level your current strategy, but either way, you clicked on this episode for a reason.  LinkedIn has more than 900 million members in 200 countries and regions, so chances are your ideal client is on it right now, and it’s a great place to market your business! My guest today is Hala Taha, a business owner, podcast host, and LinkedIn expert, and she’s the perfect person to help us. Hala is one of the biggest influencers on Linkedin with over 224K followers and 8 million...

More Episodes

Is it time to rethink sharing your family's life online? This topic has been on my mind for many months, and recently, Drew and I made the decision to no longer show our children's faces on the internet. 

When it comes to online sharing, I’m an experimenter rather than an expert… but I wanted to report on my personal results of this experiment and invite you to explore your own thoughts and questions on the topic.

This conversation is not meant to judge or condemn, but rather to enlighten and inspire deeper reflection! Click play to navigate balance between sharing motherhood as an aspect of our brand and respecting our children's identities and privacy.