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Episode 72. Set Yourself Free

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

Release Date: 11/28/2016

Acceptance show art Acceptance

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

Trust show art Trust

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

A powerful 4 minute visualization/affirmation for trusting that life is working out for you. 

Shine show art Shine

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

Russ McClellan's interview with Fletcher Ellingson show art Russ McClellan's interview with Fletcher Ellingson

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

Three guys chatting about fear, success, failure, and how to create a fulfilling life. Join us for some good food for thought as Russ McClellan interviews Fletcher Ellingson. 

Episode 80. De-mystifying meditation. Interview with Bradley Morris show art Episode 80. De-mystifying meditation. Interview with Bradley Morris

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

Maybe you already meditate or maybe you are just considering it. We talk about what it is and practical ways to get started with someone who knows it well. Join a conversation with Bradley Morris as we breathe in the topic of meditation.  FletcherEllingson.com Learn to take 100% control and responsibility for your life. Implement these strategies of knowledge and action to absolutely transform your relationships, finances, health and any area of life. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then listen up...Someday Has Arrived. Your Life Is Now!

Episode 79. From upset to calm and creative. show art Episode 79. From upset to calm and creative.

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

Do you have patterns of upset, anger, sadness, or fear? Let's find out what's going on and how to interrupt those patterns and experience more freedom. FletcherEllingson.com Learn to take 100% control and responsibility for your life. Implement these strategies of knowledge and action to absolutely transform your relationships, finances, health and any area of life. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then listen up...Someday Has Arrived. Your Life Is Now!

Episode 78. I am upset, frustrated, and annoyed. show art Episode 78. I am upset, frustrated, and annoyed.

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

I've been experiencing more upsets lately. Feeling frustrated and annoyed. What's going on? What can I do about it? FletcherEllingson.com Learn to take 100% control and responsibility for your life. Implement these strategies of knowledge and action to absolutely transform your relationships, finances, health and any area of life. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then listen up...Someday Has Arrived. Your Life Is Now!

Episode 77. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses show art Episode 77. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

What do you do when you run up against obstacles. First distinguish if they are truly obstacles or excuses. Fletcher answers one of his listener's concerns regarding running into obstacles. FletcherEllingson.com Learn to take 100% control and responsibility for your life. Implement these strategies of knowledge and action to absolutely transform your relationships, finances, health and any area of life. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then listen up...Someday Has Arrived. Your Life Is Now!

Episode 76. The killer of joy.  show art Episode 76. The killer of joy.

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

Fletcher addresses the dangers of playing the comparison game and suggests another more empowering way of viewing the world. FletcherEllingson.com Learn to take 100% control and responsibility for your life. Implement these strategies of knowledge and action to absolutely transform your relationships, finances, health and any area of life. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then listen up...Someday Has Arrived!

Episode 75. Mary is stuck. Now what?  show art Episode 75. Mary is stuck. Now what?

Your Life Is Now! With Fletcher Ellingson

Fletcher addresses a frequent dis-empowering way of living and suggests strategies for moving past stuck. FletcherEllingson.com Learn to take 100% control and responsibility for your life. Implement these strategies of knowledge and action to absolutely transform your relationships, finances, health and any area of life. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then listen up...Someday Has Arrived!

More Episodes

We're going into the new year. Make sure you know this. FletcherEllingson.com Learn to take 100% control and responsibility for your life. Implement these strategies of knowledge and action to absolutely transform your relationships, finances, health and any area of life. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then listen up...Someday Has Arrived! Music courtesy of Scott Buckley or  www.scottbuckley.com.au (Intro slightly altered) Thanks for the use of your art.