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Ep. 361 – “Stark Reflections on Writing and Publishing” with Mark Leslie (@MarkLeslie)

Going North Podcast

Release Date: 06/07/2021

Ep. 747 – The Grief and Happiness Handbook with Emily Thiroux Threatt (@ThreattEmily) show art Ep. 747 – The Grief and Happiness Handbook with Emily Thiroux Threatt (@ThreattEmily)

Going North Podcast

"Grief is love and when it's really love, it doesn't go away just because somebody dies." - Emily Thiroux Threatt Today’s featured international bestselling bookcaster is widow, speaker, grief expert, and founder of the Grief and Happiness Alliance, Emily Thiroux Threatt. Emily and I had a chat about her latest book, “The Grief and Happiness Handbook”, how she discovered her love for writing, alternative ways to offer condolences, and more!!   Key Things You’ll Learn: Why grief and happiness are two sides of the same coin How writing can have a positive impact on your...

#Bonus Ep. – From Aspiring Video Game Designer to Celebrated Author with Luna Rey Hall (@lunareyhall) show art #Bonus Ep. – From Aspiring Video Game Designer to Celebrated Author with Luna Rey Hall (@lunareyhall)

Going North Podcast

“Writing is kind of mixing the genres and seeing what kind of new things you can think of.” – Luna Rey Hall Today’s bonus featured award-winning multi-genre author is poet, Luna Rey Hall. Luna and I had a chat about their book, “The Patient Routine”, the potential effects of AI on writing, and more!   Key Things You’ll Learn: How their poetry background influenced their shift to writing horror The inspiration behind their novella, "The Patient Routine." The importance of originality and giving proper credit in writing   Luna’s Site: Luna’s Books:  ...

Ep. 746 – “How to Be a Goldfish” with Jane Baird Warren (@jbwarren2) show art Ep. 746 – “How to Be a Goldfish” with Jane Baird Warren (@jbwarren2)

Going North Podcast

Have fun and be determined. Today’s featured award-winning author is a first generation Canadian, grandmother, book lover, world traveler, developmental editor, and editorial consultant, Jane Baird Warren. Jane and I had a fun chat about her book, “How to Be a Goldfish”, her journey of becoming a writer, the challenges of writing a second book, and more!!   Key Things You’ll Learn: 3 big lessons learned from traveling the globe Why determination is a requirement to be a successful author Her advice for aspiring writers   Jane’s Site: Jane’s Books:   The...

Ep. 745 – “Speak up, Stand out and Shine” with Regina Huber (@ReginaTYP) show art Ep. 745 – “Speak up, Stand out and Shine” with Regina Huber (@ReginaTYP)

Going North Podcast

"Sometimes you get the result you want and sometimes you get the result you need to learn your lesson." – Regina Huber Today’s featured author is an inspirational speaker, polyglot, serial entrepreneur, world traveler, Multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, and Founder & CEO of Transform Your Performance, Regina Huber. Regina and I had a chat about her book, “Speak up, Stand out and Shine: Speak Powerfully in Any Situation”, the significance of energy in business situations, her signature framework Powerful Leadership Transformation (PLT), and more!!   Key Things...

Ep. 744 – “How to Write a Novel in 20 Pies” with Amy Wallen (@amylizwrites) show art Ep. 744 – “How to Write a Novel in 20 Pies” with Amy Wallen (@amylizwrites)

Going North Podcast

“Even with business stuff, we have to listen to our gut just as much as we do when we're writing.” – Amy Wallen Today’s featured bestselling author is a novelist, memoirist, teacher, editor, and pie baker, Amy Wallen. Amy and I had a dessert-filled chat about her book, “How to Write a Novel in 20 Pies: Sweet & Savory Secrets for Surviving the Writing Life”, the unexpected inspiration behind her first novel, the necessity of following your intuition, and more!!!   Key Things You’ll Learn: Amy's love for pie baking and its connection to her writing Amy’s experience...

Ep. 743 – “Sunflowers Bend But Rarely Break” with Oksana Kukurudza (@KukurudzaOksana) show art Ep. 743 – “Sunflowers Bend But Rarely Break” with Oksana Kukurudza (@KukurudzaOksana)

Going North Podcast

“Human beings, as much as we say we evolve in many ways, we make the same mistakes over and over and over again with history repeating itself.” – Oksana Kukurudza Today’s featured author is a mom, world traveler, and management consultant, Oksana Kukurudza. Oksana and I had a chat about her upcoming book "Sunflowers Bend But Rarely Break", the importance of our roots, and more!!   Key Things You’ll Learn: What fuels her writing What it was like growing up with family on the other side of the Iron Curtain Her parents' experiences during World War II & their resilience...

Ep. 742 – “God’s Plan, Our Circus” with Clay Boatright (@ClayBoatright) show art Ep. 742 – “God’s Plan, Our Circus” with Clay Boatright (@ClayBoatright)

Going North Podcast

“All of us have experiences and challenges. The baggage and drama are optional. It's all in how you choose to look at your life.” – Clay Boatright Today’s featured fellow Christian author is a father, nationally recognized volunteer advocate for people with severe disabilities, and the Founding Chairman for Texas Health & Human Services’ IDD System Redesign Advisory Committee, Clay Boatright. Clay and I had a chat about his book, “God's Plan, Our Circus: A Family Odyssey through Autism, Death, and Reinvention”, the joys of dating in your 50s, and tons more!!!   Key...

Ep. 741 – “The Girl In The Garage” with Sharon Hughes show art Ep. 741 – “The Girl In The Garage” with Sharon Hughes

Going North Podcast

"I truly had a radical healing by a radical God." - Sharon Hughes Today’s featured award-winning author is a multi-certified coach, speaker, self-worth expert, and the founder of Confidence Academy, Sharon Hughes. Sharon and I had a fun chat about her book, “The Girl in the Garage: 3 Steps To Letting Go Of Your Past”, the distinction between self-worth and confidence, and more!!   Key Things You’ll Learn: The importance of self-worth and not letting negative beliefs define us The difference between self-worth and confidence The importance of increasing awareness of the...

Ep. 740 – “Empowered by Discomfort” with Cristina Ramirez show art Ep. 740 – “Empowered by Discomfort” with Cristina Ramirez

Going North Podcast

"The way that you feel right now is not the way that you're going to feel forever." - Cristina Ramirez Today’s featured bestselling author is a mom, serial entrepreneur, empowerment coach, changemaker, and keynote speaker, Cristina Ramirez. Cristina and I had a fun chat about her book, “Empowered By Discomfort: Face Challenges With Confidence Using The 20% Power Principle of Discomfort”, the importance of embracing uncertainty, the writing process for her book, and more!!   Key Things You’ll Learn: Her two biggest lessons learned from being an entrepreneur Why we have the...

Ep. 739 – “From Dental Entrepreneur to Thrilling Novelist” with Peter Thomas Pontsa (@PeterTPontsa) show art Ep. 739 – “From Dental Entrepreneur to Thrilling Novelist” with Peter Thomas Pontsa (@PeterTPontsa)

Going North Podcast

Enjoy a fun and exciting milestone annually while working on your business. Today’s featured author is retired dental entrepreneur, black belt martial artist, and avid British sports car enthusiast, Peter Thomas Pontsa. Peter and I had a chat about his book, “Outfoxed: An Inspector William Fox Adventure”, the importance of realism in fiction, Chump Car Racing, and more!!   Key Things You’ll Learn: How he stumbled into the dental business and transitioned to writing fiction novels after retiring Why Peter decided to go the hybrid publishing route with his first novel ...

More Episodes

“When you put a book in someone’s hand, you’re opening up worlds to them.” – Mark Leslie

Today’s featured international bestselling author is a fellow podcast host, professional speaker, and bookseller with more than a quarter-century of experience in writing, publishing, and bookselling, Mark Leslie Lefebvre. Mark and I talk about podcasting, the power of helping others through the written word, and tons more!!!


Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:

Why he writes thriller novels.

The 2 greatest gifts Mark received from publishing his work.

Why you should have a long-term strategy instead of just one-off tactics as an author.

One of the major benefits of starting an interview-based podcast.


Mark’s Site: http://markleslie.ca/

Mark’s Books: http://markleslie.ca/bibliography/  

Mark’s Podcast, “Stark Reflections on Writing and Publishing”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stark-reflections-on-writing-and-publishing/id1331135549


The opening track it titled, “The Journey” by Asis Galvin. To hear the full track and financially support the artist, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/the-journey


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