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EP. 1 _ Cara McNulty - Business owner and professional friend maker

The Gorge Connected Podcast

Release Date: 03/06/2020

EP 15: Lisa Farquharson of The Dalles Chamber of Commerce show art EP 15: Lisa Farquharson of The Dalles Chamber of Commerce

The Gorge Connected Podcast

We're back with another episode! Matt Cole from DirectLine IT has taken over host of the show and today he sat down with his good friend Lisa Farquharson of The Dalles Chamber of Commerce.    Lisa is a big supportor of local business and community development. Her passion for business deveolpment has led her to her role of CEO of the The Dalles Chamber of Commerce. In today's episode, Matt and Lisa go over all things small business and the kinds of resources the chamber offers to its community memebers and its business owners!    From The DallesChamber.com   "THIS...

EP 14 - WE'RE BACK! Matt Cole from DirectLine-IT show art EP 14 - WE'RE BACK! Matt Cole from DirectLine-IT

The Gorge Connected Podcast

After a long corona virus hiatus, THE SHOW IS BACK!  In today's episode I sat down with a good friend and client of mine, Matt Cole, owner of DirectLine-IT in Hood River.  Matt and I have been talking about this show for some time and we've decided its time for us to come together on this show and bring in some businesses we'd like to learn more about and work with! This episode is packed with lots of good info on Matt and our plans for this show!  

EP. 13 - Samantha Rodgers of Local Rhoots show art EP. 13 - Samantha Rodgers of Local Rhoots

The Gorge Connected Podcast

In this episode I spoke to Sam Rodgers, Owner of Local Rhoots. Local Rhoots is a small business here in the Gorge that provides ready to go meals for yourself and family. What makes Sam's business unique is she sources products from other local businesses AND uses reusable packaging. Combine that with that really good recipes, your family will be eating good while supporting the community!      From "Think globally, act locally, impact the world through our community. On the surface, Local Rhoots is a meal delivery service using locally sourced ingredients wherever possible,...

EP. 12 - Cecily Diffin of The Ruddy Duck and Mikes Ice Cream  show art EP. 12 - Cecily Diffin of The Ruddy Duck and Mikes Ice Cream

The Gorge Connected Podcast

Driving down Oak Street in downtown Hood River, chances are you've seen a bunch of families hanging out on a corner or laid out across the park, all enjoying some ice cream and family time. We'll in this episode I sit down with Cecily Diffin, the "CFO" of The Ruddy Duck and Mikes Ice Cream. Her and Her family came to Hood River years ago and helped establish one of Hood River's favorite places to visit while in town. Cecily has been here since she was just a child and has seen the shift of what Hood River used to be to what it is now and shes got a lot of great insight in her community. You...

EP. 11 - Kim Salvesen-Pauly of Columbia River Gorge Windermere show art EP. 11 - Kim Salvesen-Pauly of Columbia River Gorge Windermere

The Gorge Connected Podcast

If you've ever driven up or down the Columbia River Gorge, chances are you've seen a sign for a Windermere Realtor. Well in this episode, I sat down with the owner of Columbia River Gorge Windermere, Kim, for a one on one chat to find out about the person behind the business. We discussed her upbringing, her profession, her love for her family, her passions, but most importantly her community. If you ever wanted to learn about the company and person behind the yard signs, this is the episode to listen to. 

EP. 10 - Boda's Kitchen show art EP. 10 - Boda's Kitchen

The Gorge Connected Podcast

From "Boda’s Kitchen is a gourmet delicatessen, market and catering company. We are passionate about using high quality, seasonal ingredients sourced locally when possible.  The Pacific Northwest and particularly the Columbia Gorge is bountiful with ingredients.  From wild-caught salmon to the ripest cherries and pears, there is little reason to look elsewhere for tasty food. ​Comfort Gourmet:   Everyone has their own favorite foods that bring them back to that happy place.  At Boda’s, we try to help you find that place by creating such classic dishes using...

EP. 9 - Hood River Market Place show art EP. 9 - Hood River Market Place

The Gorge Connected Podcast

I sat down with Kate Schroeder, the Executive Director of the Hood River Chamber of Commerce. We speak about the current happenings in the Hood River community and the brand new Hood River Market Place that is available to small businesses. 

EP. 8 - Strategy moving forward  show art EP. 8 - Strategy moving forward

The Gorge Connected Podcast

A short episode talking business marketing strategies using social media during and after COVID. 

EP. 7 - Brimstone Boulders  show art EP. 7 - Brimstone Boulders

The Gorge Connected Podcast

From Brimstoneboulders.com   "We’ve chosen to live in the Gorge for two main reasons: THE OUTDOOR PLAYGROUND & THE PEOPLE And we live in the Pacific Northwest. It rains. It gets dark. The wind dies. The trails turn to mud. The snow turns to mashed potatoes. We love our coffee and IPAs as much as anyone, but we believe this community deserves a place to gather, form and get a workout that doesn’t feel like a chore. We love climbing and we believe wholeheartedly in its ability to form strong friendships and facilitate personal growth, but, whether you call yourself a climber or just...

EP. 6 - Solstice Wood Fire Cafe & Bar show art EP. 6 - Solstice Wood Fire Cafe & Bar

The Gorge Connected Podcast

Solstice Wood Fire Cafe & Bar  Located at  501 Portway Ave. Hood River, OR 97031 Ph: (541) 436-0800 website: www.   About Aaron   Growing up in the “Farm to Table” mecca of Berkeley, California, Aaron Baumhackl was raised to appreciate artisan and locally grown foods from an early age (Alice Water’s community garden began at his junior high school). At the age of 14, Aaron began his culinary profession at Oliveto in Oakland, CA, starting with pizzas and working his way up the kitchen line. After mastering every station at Oliveto, he moved to Chicago...

More Episodes

I sat down for a 1 on 1 conversation with Cara McNulty. She is a local resident here in the upper Hood River Valley and she runs 5 separate businesses.