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The Gospel For Christians

Gospel Driven Athlete

Release Date: 06/04/2018

Two Kingdom Theology and Politics show art Two Kingdom Theology and Politics

Gospel Driven Athlete

How does understanding the distinction between the Redemptive Kingdom and the Common Kingdom help inform how Christians live and interact with the political world around us? Join hosts Scott Willingham and Russ McCary as they discuss the what's and why's of Two Kingdom Theology as it relates to politics. 

Episode 110- Heirs According to Promise- Galatians 3 Part 2 show art Episode 110- Heirs According to Promise- Galatians 3 Part 2

Gospel Driven Athlete

Join hosts Scott Willingham and Kevin Johnson at they continue in our Galatians series with a look at the second half of Galatians chapter 3. This week we will look at what exactly the promise of Abraham is, how we are heirs of that promise, and why it matters to us today. 

Through Faith Alone- Galatians 3 Part 1 show art Through Faith Alone- Galatians 3 Part 1

Gospel Driven Athlete

Join hosts Scott Willingham and Kevin Johnson as they continue in our Galatians series with a look at the first half of chapter 3. This week we will take a look at what made Paul call the Galatians “foolish,” what it means to be “sons of Abraham,” and how exactly we, as sinful people who are at odds with God as a result of our sin, can be right with Him. We will also take a look at how quickly we ourselves are at risk of being called foolish like the Galatians, through our own attempts to justify ourselves before God. 

Episode 108- Christ Plus Nothing: Galatians 2 show art Episode 108- Christ Plus Nothing: Galatians 2

Gospel Driven Athlete

Join hosts Scott Willingham and Kevin Johnson as they continue in our Galatians series with a look at chapter 2. This week we will take a look at Paul’s uncompromising commitment to the unadulterated, scandalous, and completely free gospel of Jesus Christ in the face of pressure from within the church to add human effort and new law to the gospel. We will also take a look at how today we often unwittingly add human effort and law to the gospel and, as a result, do the very thing that Paul fought so hard to prevent.  

What Isn’t Faith? show art What Isn’t Faith?

Gospel Driven Athlete

Join Scott Willingham and his co-host as they take a look at where our assurance as Christians comes from, what faith is (and isn’t), and how these two concepts are integrally related.  

Episode 106- Grace, Peace, and a Murderer of Christians: Galatians 1 show art Episode 106- Grace, Peace, and a Murderer of Christians: Galatians 1

Gospel Driven Athlete

Join hosts Kevin Johnson and Scott Willingham as they kick off our series on Galatians with a look at chapter 1. This week we will take a look at what has gotten Paul so fired up in this chapter, what is really at stake within the church in Galatia, and whether or not this is something that we are at risk of falling prey to in our day and age as well. 

Episode 105- What makes a Christian a Christian? show art Episode 105- What makes a Christian a Christian?

Gospel Driven Athlete

Catch up with your long lost hosts as they look at what makes Christianity unique over all other worldviews and religious systems. 

104- Intro to Galatians and Various Randomness show art 104- Intro to Galatians and Various Randomness

Gospel Driven Athlete

Catch up with your long-lost hosts, Kevin Johnson and Scott Willingham with our official kick-off of the 2019 podcast season!   

Two Covenants. Two Ways to be Saved? show art Two Covenants. Two Ways to be Saved?

Gospel Driven Athlete

Join Scott Willingham and his co-host as they wrap up our three week mini-series on “twos” with a look at the two main covenants we see in the Bible and how these two covenants ultimately tell one story of salvation for God’s people. 

2 Kingdoms. 1 Hope. show art 2 Kingdoms. 1 Hope.

Gospel Driven Athlete

Join Scott Willingham and his co-host as they continue our 3-week mini series on “twos” with a look at the two kingdoms we see in the Bible and how these two kingdoms play into our lives.

More Episodes

Join hosts Scott Willingham and Kevin Johnson as they answer a listener submitted question about navigating the gospel conversation. In this episode they specifically address how the gospel relates to Christians and whether or not the gospel is necessary for Christians to hear on a regular basis.