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The CIO Wrangler

The Future in Context

Release Date: 09/20/2024

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The Future in Context

As the nation nears its 250th anniversary, a longtime broadcast journalist and historian calls for addressing economic inequities, corporate monopolies, and restoring effective governance grow stronger. The country’s 250th birthday comes on July 4, 2026. Technically, it is called the quarter millennium or semi-quin-centennial. The word is hard to say but once you get it out, the coming anniversary does provide a reminder that it is not too early to take stock of how the republic is doing, and what its prospects look like. Alexander Heffner is a journalist, civic educator, and the host of The...

The CIO Wrangler show art The CIO Wrangler

The Future in Context

As state CIOs prepare to gather in New Orleans for their association’s national conference next week, it is worth taking stock of the public-sector IT community — strategic and operational complexities, leadership, strategic planning, partnership-building and relentless change in technologies and citizen expectations. National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) Executive Director Doug Robinson is uniquely positioned to reflect on the status of state IT. Marking his 20th year at the head of the membership organization, his two-decade tenure is significantly longer than...

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The Future in Context

Fifteen years after putting the civic in civic tech, Code for America is pivoting to come alongside local governments to take on the challenges they face today — bringing collaborative expertise to the use of AI in the public sector and defending gains made through diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs in government.amanda.jpgThe organization made its name by helping government better use (and often liberate or democratize) the data it holds and developing citizen apps through early hackathons, and making a network of volunteer developers available to public agencies that could not...

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The Future in Context

SHOW NOTES Here are the top five takeaways from this episode: Rural Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities: Small and rural communities face significant cybersecurity challenges, particularly in protecting critical infrastructure like utilities, with limited resources making them more vulnerable to cyber threats. Whole-of-State (WOS) Cybersecurity Programs: WOS initiatives, supported by federal grants, provide comprehensive cybersecurity support across state and local government levels, with various states adopting unique strategies to enhance their cybersecurity posture. Sector-Specific...

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The Future in Context

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The Future in Context

The former Rust Belt state is betting its future on a sought-after natural resource — people — guided by one person in particular. Hilary Doe, the first state chief growth officer anywhere, discusses what’s next. Michigan is putting its future in the hands of a single person — its first-in-the-nation chief growth officer. Hilary Doe, chief growth officer, expressed her excitement about the transformation of Michigan Central Station into a dynamic hub of innovation. This revitalized landmark in Detroit is not only fostering a thriving startup ecosystem, but also pioneering cutting-edge...

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The Future in Context

As ridership continues to lag amid a stubbornly slow recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, cities experiment with free rides and micromobility to prove public transit’s worth in worsening financial conditions. When New York Gov. Kathy Hochul spiked plans to implement congestion pricing in New York City, it took a much-anticipated annual injection of $1 billion out of the mix — just as public transit systems there and elsewhere were looking to the pricing scheme for some good news in an otherwise bleak fiscal landscape.In TFIC’s occasional series, Your Mileage May Vary, senior writers of...

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The Future in Context

Former Compton, CA mayor Aja Brown grew up poor. Early on, she developed a sense of what could be for her community. Later, as an urban planner, she had what she calls a “heart to see Compton reach its full potential.” Once she sat in the mayor’s desk, armed with a 12-point vision plan that reflected community needs and a determination to revitalization her city, she used the levers available to her to nudge Compton toward a preferred future. During her tenure, Brown focused on sustainability, economic development, and youth empowerment, leveraging private investment to drive progress....

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The Future in Context

Eric Goldman, associate dean of research at Santa Clara University School of Law, assesses concerns around the impending TikTok ban or buyout. It faces significant First Amendment challenges, he said. The debate over the potential TikTok ban, or forced sale under recent federal legislation, hinges on significant legal and constitutional challenges. Eight TikTok influencers have already filed a lawsuit, arguing the ban infringes on their First Amendment rights. Santa Clara University School of Law Associate Dean of Research Eric Goldman joins our Government A to Z, panel, drawing attention to...

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The Future in Context

A new report card called ScanGov monitors and evaluates the fundamentals of government websites in all 50 states and the federal government. The report reveals that half of all states received a failing grade, indicating a need for improvement in transparency, domain credibility, accessibility, and crawlability. The creators of ScanGov, Elias and Luke Fretwell, emphasize that their goal is not to shame governments but to educate and inspire behavioral change. The project has received positive feedback and has already prompted some agencies to make improvements. However, there is still a need...

More Episodes

As state CIOs prepare to gather in New Orleans for their association’s national conference next week, it is worth taking stock of the public-sector IT community — strategic and operational complexities, leadership, strategic planning, partnership-building and relentless change in technologies and citizen expectations.

National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) Executive Director Doug Robinson is uniquely positioned to reflect on the status of state IT. Marking his 20th year at the head of the membership organization, his two-decade tenure is significantly longer than his peers. He joins the podcast to remember the lessons hard-learned over the years, and to look ahead at what lies around the next corner.


Here are the top five takeaways from this episode:

  1. The Continuing Evolution of the State CIO Role: The interview delves into the evolution of state CIOs from a back-office, technical role into a central leadership position that drives government transformation. The focus has shifted from managing “boxes and wires” to leadership in public service delivery and digital innovation.
  2. 2. Technology, Digital Services, and Future Challenges: The future of state IT focuses on improving the delivery of digital services to citizens. Robinson emphasizes the need for states to embrace new technology, human-centered design, and improved digital identity management, while also preparing for emerging trends like AI. He stresses that public-sector IT must modernize to meet citizen expectations, akin to the private sector.
  3. 3. From Nothing to Permanent Presence in Government Affairs: Robinson traces NASCIO’s evolving focus on government affairs, emphasizing the importance of engaging with federal partners and state legislators. He recounts how the association’s advocacy efforts have grown over the years, including the establishment of an office in Washington, D.C., to represent state IT interests more effectively.
  4. 4. Balancing Member Expectations and Equity: As a membership organization, NASCIO faces the challenge of balancing diverse and sometimes conflicting member needs. Robinson discusses how NASCIO ensures member equity by treating all states and corporate members fairly, regardless of size or influence.
  5. 5. Chief AI Officers and Emerging Leadership Roles: The conversation touches on the rise of new technology-related leadership roles in state governments, such as chief AI officers, chief privacy officers, and chief information security officers. Robinson notes that these roles may or may not report to the CIO and discusses how NASCIO has embraced these emerging leaders by creating communities of practice to foster collaboration among them.

Related Link to coverage of previous NASCIO conferences, including reporting by Government Technology from annual and midyear conferences.

Our editors used ChatGPT 4.0 to summarize the episode in bullet form to help create the show notes. The main image for this story was created using DALL-E 3.