Ghosts of Vegas Past
The days are shorter and the temperatures are (allegedly) cooler, so once again it's time for another classic ghost story. This year it's the granddaddy of them all, Washington Irving's 1820 classic "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." More Vegas History soon - in the meantime enjoy the annual Fall Classic!
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Sonny Liston, now Heavyweight Champion, faces the most legendary opponent of them all: Muhammad Ali. Will he maintain the title, or is there a Phantom Punch forthcoming? Be sure to check out the show's Instagram at for additional supplimental material, and interesting Vegas-related stuff. Some items mentioned in the show: A look inside Le Colisee in Lewiston, ME: The Modern Martial Artist's breakdown of the "Phantom Punch":
info_outlineGhosts of Vegas Past
Sonny Liston was the world's greatest Heavyweight Boxer in 1961. So why wasn't he the Heavyweight Champion? A neurotic opponent and his vindictive manager planned on keeping the title all for themselves. Meanwhile, Las Vegas fulfills its destiny as the Capitol of Boxing.
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Charles "Sonny" Liston was as terrifying in the ring as he was misunderstood outside of it. A youthful run with the wrong crowd gives him a criminal record he'll never live down, even as he reaches the pinnacle of his sport. In this episode, we look at Sonny's early years and ascent in the Heavyweight Division, through the lens of his eventual relocation to Las Vegas and early death. Follow us on Instagram at govppod, or send your comments and emotional outbursts to [email protected].
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If it's October, it must be time for another trip into the world of classic horror fiction. This year's entry is The Yellow Sign by Robert W. Chambers, which is part of a larger anthology called The King in Yellow. Have you ever started down the road into a relationship you knew wasn't a good idea? This year's protagonist sure does.... Be sure to follow the show on Instagram @GOVPPod, or contact us at More history content coming soon!
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In Fall 2012, one of the worst cases of hoarding ever recorded was uncovered in one of Las Vegas' nicest neighborhoods. How could someone live in a house packed to the rafters with trash? Jane Ann Morrison's original article about the case: Dr. Todd Grande's episode about alleged killer Rob Telles:
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It's that time of year again, where we turn our attention to another piece of classic horror fiction. This year's entry is "Pickman's Model," one of H.P. Lovecraft's best and most accesible works. Dripping in the antique spookiness of Old New England, this story is a great introduction to one of the 20th Century's most important authors. Follow us on Instagram at govppod for Vegas history content, or contact me directly at for your questions, concerns, and emotional outbursts.
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In the Summer of 1987, a painfully shy teenager named Kathy Hobbs is abducted from her East Las Vegas home and brutally murdered. A serial killer already on Death Row in Texas named Michael Lee Lockhart is ultimately fingered, but was he the responsible party? This story was featured in the first season of Unsolved Mysteries; today we give it a full GOVP Examination.
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In the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, actress Carole Lombard went out of her way to support the war effort. What she didn't know was that poorly thought-out Civil Defense plans would take her life and bring Hollywood's greatest love story to an abrupt end.
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In 1942, one half of the most celebrated couple in Hollywood history met her end on a mountainside just outside of a then-unknown town called Las Vegas. In this episode, we look at daily life in this little desert hamlet, as well as reviewing how Clark Gable and Carole Lombard came to be Hollywood's Golden Couple.
info_outline20 miles below Hoover Dam, a resort community was built at the bottom of a wash. What could possibly go wrong?