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394 - Southern Comfort (1981)

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

Release Date: 10/23/2024

406 - Mardi Gras Massacre (1978) show art 406 - Mardi Gras Massacre (1978)

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

Yobo, Chris in Miami, Bobby, and Mike discuss a movie that covers the ONLY ritual murder ever committed in New Orleans since the 1800s. With restaurants that serve breakfast, lunch, or dinner for the same meal, cops who go deep under the covers, and theatrical musical murder productions; this movie has it all! 

405 - The Boy Who Drank Too Much (1980) show art 405 - The Boy Who Drank Too Much (1980)

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

Yobo, other Tim and Brady join Bobby and Mike as the month of Yobo continues with the 1980's TV movie "classic" about a young Scott Baio with a drinking problem and his friend who wets the bed but might make it to the Olympics one day. Or is this the movie about Scott Baio getting drunk and hitting his brother off a row boat with an oar? Either way, Yobo will be sure to explain it all because he has waited YEARS to bring this to the bin.

404 - Seven (1979) show art 404 - Seven (1979)

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

Yobouary starts strong with the classic Andy Sidaris film, Seven! Starring Grindbin All Star William Smith, this is Sidaris at his best. This movie has literally everything you could want... and, unfortunately, offensive comedy routines... 

403 - Don't Go Near the Park (1979) show art 403 - Don't Go Near the Park (1979)

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

Terry, Lee, Bobby, and Mike discuss a Patreon request from the producer of a classic Grindbin movie... Malibu High (1979)!   A movie that is baffling, highly probalamtic, inept in every way, and something (most) of us absolutely loved. 

402 - Hammerhead Jones (1986) show art 402 - Hammerhead Jones (1986)

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

The guys discuss an incredible wrestling vanity project that surfaced online in the past few years. Starring Ted "Wolfman" Vernon, a man of many hats, including exotic car dealer, prizefighter, writer, producer, gun runner?!

401 - The Banker (1989) show art 401 - The Banker (1989)

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

Tanner, Greg, Bobby, and Mike discuss the Robert Forester "banking" film filled with tons of hot banking action. Cash those checks, keep those receipts, and hit up your ATM, the Banker is in town! 

400 - School Spirit (1985) show art 400 - School Spirit (1985)

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

Bobby, Yobo, Wick, and Mike celebrate the 400th episode of the bin with a classic "Roger Please" movie that in no way holds up to modern standards. This episode has it all everyone: over 3 hours, soy sauce scholorships, rolling chair and dip bars, and a morning zoo radio show. Thanks for sticking with us everyone! 

399 - Memorial Valley Massacre - CAMVEMBER 2024 show art 399 - Memorial Valley Massacre - CAMVEMBER 2024

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

In true Grindbin fashion, Camvember 2024 finally comes to a close over half way through December... but with a real banger! Yobo, Matt, Bobby, and Mike pitch the tent, self-Nell, and drink some crotch warmed high lifes for an ill-fated camping trip. Memorial Valley Massacre is one of the most incohorent, logic defying, and intelligence insulting movies we've ever seen on this show; which makes it a perfect way to end this year's celebration of the man who was barely in the movie. 

398 - Space Mutiny (1988) - CAMVEMBER 2024 show art 398 - Space Mutiny (1988) - CAMVEMBER 2024

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

Fern, Artemis, Bobby, and Mike continue their deep dive into Cameron Mitchel films with another David Winter's "classic" Space Mutiny. Fake beards, directors quitting, space nepotism, this movie has it ALL! 

397 Codename Vengeance (1987) - CAMVEMBER 2024 show art 397 Codename Vengeance (1987) - CAMVEMBER 2024

Grindbin Podcast - Grindhouse and Exploitation Films

Wick, Lee, Vaughn, and Mike discuss an extremely unhinged Cameron Mitchell performance in a movie starring Grindbin legend, Robert Ginty. Directed by David Winters (Rage to Kill, Thrashin') Codename Vengeance is undoubtedly some sort of tax dodge scheme that nobody was actually intended to watch... yet here we are nearly 40 years later discussing it for 3 hours on a theme month dedicated to a man who didn't even know he made this movie. Happy Camvember everyone!

More Episodes

Greg, Chris in Miami, Bobby, and Mike discuss the lesser-known Walter Hill film, lovingly referred to on the show as "Swamp Warriors". When a group of National Guardsmen get stuck in the swamps of Louisiana, they find themselves hunted by locals who really don't like outsiders. Featuring a cast of great charactor actors: Keith Carradine, Powers Booth, Fred Ward, Peter Coyote, and Brion James, this is a movie made for the bin.