Grit and Grace with Tracy
This is a short episode that I recorded on the fly, because I promised myself I would. When we keep our promises to ourselves for the small things, it builds self-trust and confidence as we navigate the bigger things. At the end of the day it's about doing the reps - showing up when we don't want to.
info_outlineGrit and Grace with Tracy
Life is about change, and most of the time change requires us to show up in a different way. Our habits, patterns, and priorities shape who we are, what we do and how we show up. When we have big goals and dreams we have to transform our thoughts, beliefs, habits, and priorities. There is someone out there that has something calling her to change. To go after her biggest dreams or desires, but she knows it will cause a disruption in her life. She knows it will cause issues. This episode is about convincing her that she doesnt need...
info_outlineGrit and Grace with Tracy
In this first health and wellness episode, I am happy to share how we use colloidal silver. This is not medical advice, I am simply sharing how and when/why I use this with my family. Colloidal silver is one of those things that I always have around because it's so vertsitile. If you have any recipes or methods you use with colloidal silver, I would love if you shared with me. As promised, I am sharing some links and additional information sources so you can make the decision if it's right for you. Dr. Axe
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In recent weeks we have heard of a number of big companies that have abruptly announced that they will be closing their doors. After working with businesses that are navigating challenging financial situations for the last 20+ years, I wanted to share some facts and myths around bankruptcy and insolvency and some potential considerations that business owners need to think about when there are more bills & expenses vs cash left to cover everything. We need to have these conversations to support those facing these challenges.
info_outlineGrit and Grace with Tracy
In this episode I share my 'why' behind adding health and wellness information into the podcast. It's a short one, but will help you understand the shifts in this show.
info_outlineGrit and Grace with Tracy
One of the greatest regrets of the dying is that they didn't live life on their terms because they were afraid of what others would think. Detaching from the opinion of others is an action item, not a 'one and done' scenario. We must detach and align over and over again so we stay on course to live the life we want. In this episode I share the 4 strategies I use when other's opinions creep in and try and influence how I show up. I hope that you will share with those that dim their light and not show up authentically because they are afraid of what others...
info_outlineGrit and Grace with Tracy
Do you approach a year with with a hope and a prayer that the year will be better? Or do you invest the time to design your year? In this episode we explore the 5 aspects to designing your year so that it is what you wanted it to be. You deserve to have the life you are proud to call yours. This episode asks simple questions to help you design your year in a way that it supports your wildest adventures and biggest dreams.
info_outlineGrit and Grace with Tracy
If you prioritize goal setting and personal development, you will also want to start implementing a book end or summary to your year. Capturing your lessons learned and other aspects of the year helps you to extract the wisdom from even the most challenging experiences. If you are looking to transform how you transition into a new year, you will find these 5 reflective questions helpful.
info_outlineGrit and Grace with Tracy
Showing up with consistency is a challenge most of us face. It is the one thing that holds most people back from getting the results they want and making the changes they desire in their lives. What will it take for you to remain consistent in busy seasons? Have a listen and see if it helps you shift your mindset about showing up consistently.
info_outlineGrit and Grace with Tracy
If you are an entrepreneur in small town, chances are you don't have direct access to your customers via an email list. In this episode I share how and why you need an email list and how it will impact your business an relationships with your customers.
info_outlineSometimes in life, the most profound lessons are the simplest.
This week we said goodbye to a young man who never let a good time go to waste and approached all set backs with the philosophy and belief that 'it's just a part'. I don't know why it has stirred something within me, but it's all I have thought about since the service. I have not lived my life that way.
I have blamed myself for not mitigating risks, for not knowing better, and I allowed shame and regret to eliminate any joy I could have experienced.
I think as we age, we pay way too much attention on the mishaps, and not enough attention on the fun and adventure that's right in front of us.
I hope that this plants a seed of possibility within you as you live by these simple, yet wise words. Seek adventure. Live full out. Embrace the joy. Never ever let a good time go to waste.