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Attack on Nehemiah part 1

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

Release Date: 02/12/2025

Intro to Esther show art Intro to Esther

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

On today’s broadcast we begin a new book of the Bible, the book of Esther. Esther paints a graphic picture of the world at that time. There’s an old proverb that says, “First a man takes a drink - then the drink takes the man.” The book of Esther has a lot to say about the dangers of drunkenness. We’ll meet a King who has the ability to do whatever he wants and it leads to disaster.

Forgotten Promises part 2 show art Forgotten Promises part 2

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

 There came a time in Nehemiah thirteen when the people’s devotion needed to be rekindled. We’ll see how the Lord brings this about in their lives, as well as in our own. Today Pastor Jim Jarrett will put the finishing touches on our study of Nehemiah.

Forgotten Promises part 2 show art Forgotten Promises part 2

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

The wall in Jerusalem had been rebuilt, it was a great time of rejoicing and celebration over all that God had done. But very sadly, things take a turn for the worse as we open Nehemiah thirteen today on Growing in the Word. And how often have we seen it, after a great victory, comes a terrible defeat. It’s not only common in athletics, but in our spiritual lives too.

The Dedication part 2 show art The Dedication part 2

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

Pastor Jim Jarrett has framed his study around Nehemiah twelve. Now to bring you up to speed, in case you haven’t been with us, the building of the wall of Jerusalem has just been completed. That was a huge accomplishment, and the people were truly excited about it. So it was time to have a dedication service, and give all the glory to God.

The Dedication part 1 show art The Dedication part 1

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

Jim is nearing the end of the book of Nehemiah and brings chapter twelve into focus today. A Great building project in Jerusalem is complete, and it’s time to celebrate and give thanks to God for what He’s done. So a worship team is assembled and ready to go. As we look at this dedication today, Pastor Jim notices worship and purity go hand in hand.

Revived And Committed Part 3b show art Revived And Committed Part 3b

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

 Pastor Jim Jarrett is on the final leg of his journey through Nehemiah and we’ll have one more look at chapter eleven today. Let’s get back to the basics and see how to be revived and committed.

Revived and Committed Part 3a show art Revived and Committed Part 3a

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

At various times in our lives the Lord will ask us to sacrifice something for Him. And you can be sure He’ll ask us to offer our lives as a living sacrifice. As we follow through and obey, He in turn blesses us greatly. Not that we deserve it, but He is so very gracious. The people of Israel are about to make a transition into Jerusalem, and this required a great sacrifice for them to do so. Let’s see how the Lord blesses them. We’re in chapter eleven of Nehemiah.

Revived and Committed part 2 show art Revived and Committed part 2

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

The Bible has a great deal to say about money and stewardship. In fact, as we’ll learn today on Growing in the Word, how we handle our money says a lot about us. When the people of God have the right focus and priorities, everything changes, including how we spend and give. Turn if you would to Nehemiah ten and let’s see how to be revived and committed, as God would have us.

Revived and Committed Part 1 show art Revived and Committed Part 1

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

Pastor Jim Jarrett has been teaching us from the book of Nehemiah and we get back to chapter ten today. As you may recall, the nation of Israel had just experienced a great revival. But would it stick? Well as we open this section of Scripture, Pastor Jim notices several evidences that prove it was true repentance and a real revival.

The Covenant Part 2 show art The Covenant Part 2

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

Today, Pastor Jim Jarrett returns to his study of Nehemiah. We’ll bring you another study in chapter ten on this day. You’ll remember the Lord was doing a great work in His people at this point in time. They were humble, separated from the things of the world, they publicly confessed their sin, and opened the Word of God. That’s a recipe for revival in our lives too.

More Episodes

Just as satan tried to prevent God's work through Nehemiah, he's still up to the same thing today. And using the same techniques and tactics I might add. Pastor Jim will point to an attack on Nehemiah, with the hope and prayer that it will help you when you're attacked. Again we're in Nehemiah six.