Ascension News: White House Mobilizes Troops Against “Cartel” With 22 Countries + Odd Celebrity & Government “Celebration” Video + More
Health Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
Release Date: 04/06/2020
Health Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
In this episode of health spirit freedom's %D Ascension podcast, we discuss the true meaning of ascension. We also discuss the logic behind their being both a Mother & Father God. We update you with news on the Arizona audit, discuss medical freedoms when it comes to vaccines and respecting that of others. Finally we talk about the real mission of saving the children and much more. Visit for updates and a free ebook on naturally healing anxiety, depression, and more.
info_outlineHealth Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
On today's episode of the 5d Ascension podcast, we discuss the new financial system which has been LONG incoming formally titled NESARA and now titled GESARA. (Full name mentioned in the episode) We also talk about some shocking vaccine information, the cabal and deep state's common sex changes, fake distraction events, and much more. Enjoy and much love. Visit for a free guide on naturally healing anxiety, depression and more.
info_outlineHealth Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
In this episode of the 5d portal podcast, I get into a very personal story of mine involving too much weed and a psychosis experience. This is something every weed smoker and especially ones doing spiritual work are going to want to hear. I also talk about some of the benefits I experienced when smoking weed for spiritual purposes. This is a bonus show. For news and updates, visit our telegram channel titled "5d ascension Portal News" or simply listen to this show! Much love to all and thank you.
info_outlineHealth Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
On today's episode of the 5d portal podcast, we discuss a powerful channeled message of hope from Ashtar, a pleidian commander. We also talk about the Pentagon's UFO disclosure. Was it good? Or was it a fart in church? We talk about what really happened in Atlantis and Lemuria as well as more 5d ascension news. Sending love to all. Thank you for listening.
info_outlineHealth Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
Today on the health spirit freedom 5d ascension portal podcast we discuss much of the recent news including Rudy Guiliani losing his law license and Donald Trump's comments on it - The UFO Pentagon disclosure - How to make natural hydroxyclooroquine - and some uplifting messages from members of the Galactic Federation of Light. Visit to stay in touch via email and search the "5d ascension portal news on telegram" for news in text form. Much Love to all.
info_outlineHealth Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
This is an excerpt with a quick explanation from the song "God Is A Woman" by Arianna Grande. Those who have studied 'Conspiracy theory" and deep state corruption are VERY familiar with how the Illuminati' Deep state uses symbolism to put the truth out there all while lying to our faces.
info_outlineHealth Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
This clip is a great intro to the unstoppable shift in consciousness of humanity, ascension, and the great awakening.
info_outlineHealth Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
"When we are triggered by words, we must heal within."
info_outlineHealth Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
In this returning episode, we feature and discuss Mother God and the “Love Has Won” organization from unique first hand perspectives. Is Mother God really on earth? Is “love has won” actually an evil cult? The experiences discussed may not be what you would expect. I encourage listeners to enjoy this show with childlike wonder and curiosity.
info_outlineHealth Spirit Freedom: Teaching 5D Ascension & High Vibrational Health
In this episode, I discuss how I met my twin flame for the very first time after unknowingly running into her at a local concert. Prior to the meeting I had received lots of divine signs and synchronicities which I discuss here as well. I share the unbelievable energy and sensations I felt within my chakras and body during this meeting as well as her miraculous reappearance on a platform shortly thereafter.
info_outlineIn this episode I discuss & show an official clip of the White House announcing our new war with the “drug cartels” as of April 1st 2020. Is this a front for the deeper war many of us know has been taking place for a long period of time and is coming to a head right now?
I also show and discuss a creepy and odd ceremony video involving many well known and seemingly unconnected celebrities. What is the origin of this and what are the connections of these people? You be the judge. I further elaborate on more ascension news including the current spiritual / energetic evolution currently taking place on the planet.
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Matt Michael is a 5D Intuitive Spiritual Teacher & Ascension Guide - Lyran Starseed / Twin Flame - Reiki Master - Holistic Health & Weight Loss Coaching Professional - Comedy, Parody, & Spiritual Musician - Dog Dad - Star Wars/Trek/Superhero Nerd
“I’m Here To Assist & Serve Others While Living My Own Best Life By Example” - MM
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