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S4 E02: Snuffing Out Toxic Burden

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

Release Date: 11/02/2020

Session 8: The Overflow show art Session 8: The Overflow

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

In our final session we discuss God's nature: overflow, abundance, more than enough. As He works in your life, you will not be able to help but to overflow as well. Let's surrender our lives and be filled with the overflowing goodness of our Creator and loving Father. Join the community , download your Transformation Guide .

Session 7: Renewal of Your Mind show art Session 7: Renewal of Your Mind

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

Our mind is our most precious asset. It creates so much of our reality, and the Bible tells us to "renew our minds" and to "take every thought captive." Let's dive into how we do this, wearing our rightful crown, as a Daughter of the Most High King. Join the community , download your Transformation Guide .

Session 6: Stewardship of Mind, Body & Soul show art Session 6: Stewardship of Mind, Body & Soul

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

As we head into the final 3 sessions of our Heart-First Health™ program, this is one of my favorite sessions: Stewardship. Everything you have is a blessing from the Lord. We must redirect our control and seek to be a faithful steward of all He's given us. Join our community , download your Transformation Guide .

Session 5: Guarding Your Heart show art Session 5: Guarding Your Heart

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

Your heart is your "wellspring of life" as Proverbs 4 tells us. We must learn how to defend, protect and support our most precious asset: our heart. In this session we learn what builds and breaks down our heart's defenses. Let's get to work. Join our community , download your Transformation Guide .

Session 4: Cultivating Healthy Community & Relationships show art Session 4: Cultivating Healthy Community & Relationships

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

God did not create us to be isolated and alone. Community and healthy relationships are the bedrock of a healthy and fulfilling life. But they can be tricky. Let's dive into His Word as we navigate today's session. Join our community , download your Transformation Guide .

Session 3: Godly Wisdom and Taming Your Tongue show art Session 3: Godly Wisdom and Taming Your Tongue

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

How precious godly wisdom is, to guide our hearts and minds. How devastating it can be when it is it neither sought nor followed. Above all else, Solomon asked for Wisdom. Let's learn why is it key to a fruitful life. We will also dive into Solomon's advice in Proverbs about four different speech patterns (or tongues) that we would be wise to wield and heed. Join our community , download your Transformation Guide .

Session 2: Lasting Joy & A Heart of Service show art Session 2: Lasting Joy & A Heart of Service

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

You are a unique creation in Christ. There is no one like you; never has been, never will be. Let's dive into who God created you to be, and learn how to fill your Joy Tank. This is how we serve others for maximum Kingdom impact. Join our community , download your Transformation Guide .

Session 1: Living In Your Identity in Christ show art Session 1: Living In Your Identity in Christ

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

The most paramount (and underutilized) aspect of the Christian's life is the power of living from your Identity in Christ. This is the cornerstone on which all other elements of Season 5 will build upon. With an open and humble heart, let's dive in. Join the community , download your Transformation Guide .

Introducing Heart-First Health™ show art Introducing Heart-First Health™

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

Season 5 will feature a breakthrough program called Heart-First Health™ that God gave to me in February 2019. It has been instrumental in changing women's lives and now God wants me to release it for our podcast audience. I'm so excited for all God has in store in this Season. Open your heart, prepare to go where He leads you, and let's dive in. Learn more at Join our new community

S04 E010: Plant Based Thriving with Chris Wark show art S04 E010: Plant Based Thriving with Chris Wark

The Healthy Christian Women Podcast

What started as a plant-based pivot to heal his own cancer, turned into a passion project helping others around the globe do the same. Chris' experience with the cancer industry reveals striking similarities to the widespread culture of FEAR we've seen over the last two years. But there is a way out.

More Episodes

Our bodies are beautifully complex. Did you know you're fighting off toxic burden in your body right now? With 78,000 new chemicals introduced to the world since 1900, we interact with up to 500 man-made chemicals per day.

Let's dive into what toxic burden is, in your body and your mind, and how to annihilate it!

~Dr. Melody

P.S. To get our Rooted In Christ devotional + journal I mentioned, head to rootedinchristbook.com