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103. Ten Minute Turn Around #2- Multiplying the Good

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

Release Date: 09/27/2023

119. Invitation to be a Child Again show art 119. Invitation to be a Child Again

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

Living in a knowledge-rich world, it’s easy to put all kinds of self-improvement protocols or wise teachers in our lives in the seat of “judge” of what’s good and bad. In our effort to earn it or keep the latest cleanse, we sometimes miss God’s invitation to be childlike and lean on His Word alone.  Encounters:  -What wisdom that isn’t your wisdom am I putting on the seat of Judge/Driver in my life? -Lord, what areas are you inviting me to be more childlike and lean not on my own understanding?

118. Have Your Peace Ready show art 118. Have Your Peace Ready

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

Instead of just having peace for a time, what would it look like to never take our peace off? Encounters:  -How can I keep my shoes on today? -Lord, what safety do you want to reveal to me that invites discovery?

117. Persistence in Prayer show art 117. Persistence in Prayer

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

Part 3 of our prayer series! What Jesus taught about prayer reveal both the truth of our identity as well as the greatest stumbling blocks to our persistence in prayer.  Encounters:  -How can I know you better as my Father or my protector/provider? -Lord, give me eyes for your timing and your justice.

116. Exchanging Good for Better show art 116. Exchanging Good for Better

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

Part 2 of our prayer series! Take a deep dive into the root of prayer in Scripture. How can we utilize prayer time to exchange our "good" for God's "best"? Encounters:  -God, what divine exchanges are you wanting to make in my ideas or wishes?

115. What is God Building Through Your Prayers? show art 115. What is God Building Through Your Prayers?

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

Take a deep dive into the root of prayer in Scripture. How does God use our prayers to build things in the Spirit that impact the world? Encounters:  - God, what are you building through my prayers?

114. Growing What You Don't Yet See show art 114. Growing What You Don't Yet See

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

Some seasons feel like staring at a garden bed waiting for sprouts. The truth behind that, however, is even in these seasons there is much to do and much to hope for. Encounters: -God, what does watering look like for me? - What is something You are growing, Lord, that I don't yet see?

113. Believe the Message show art 113. Believe the Message

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

A life of faith isn't about praying the right prayers, doing the right declarations, or prescriptive behaviors. So what does it mean to live a life of faith? What good messages from God are hard for you to really believe? Join me as we invite the Lord into these places. Encounters: - God, what messages am I having a hard time believing? - What would it look like for me to really live like the Kingdom of God is here?

112. The 8 Day Difference show art 112. The 8 Day Difference

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

In the time between our prayers and the fulfillment of God's answers for them, how do we encounter joy in the journey and lean into the transformation of the wait. Encounters:  - Ask God to remind you of His promises or review old written down prophetic words - What fruit are You producing in the wait, God? - How can I embrace joy today?

111. Don't Get Horses From Egypt show art 111. Don't Get Horses From Egypt

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

God is always providing, but sometimes we're missing the new resources He's opening up because we're busy seeking fulfillment from the same place it came last season. Let's seek the Holy Spirit about what thinking patterns or habitual behaviors may need to change with our new season. Encounters:  -In what ways am I still getting horses from Egypt? - What new sources are you opening up for me in this new season?

110. Turning Our Battles Into Bread show art 110. Turning Our Battles Into Bread

Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

When the Bible says the Lord FIGHTS for us, that fighting doesn't mean the hand-to-hand combat we imagine. Learn how God designed us to fight, and find delight in the place of your pressure today. Encounters:  -What battle do I need to stop fighting and realize that you already won? - What does it look like to eat instead of fight in my season? - What works have you made for me to enjoy with you that the enemy is trying to distract me from?

More Episodes

Multiplication is good and essential to stewardship...but are we called to multiply everything? Let's look at Genesis 30 for a fresh encounter on strategic multiplication.

1.) What are the strong sheep (things You want to multiply) in my life that you're calling me to multiply? 
2.) What are the weak sheep (eat up too much time/effort/resources) in my life that you're calling me to multiply?