Heart Warriors Radio
Jeff Casper Jeff Casper (www.transcodes.com) is an energy worker who has the ability to shift his perception through various levels to help a person’s own energetic self clear blocks, help repair energy systems and work to bring balance to an individual’s energetic system. He also is shown various energetic patterns or connections within the individual that can help them go further if they are willing to diligently work on themselves. Jona Bryndis Jona Bryndis, founder and owner of transCODES. She was born in Iceland and grew up in Germany, where she received a Bachelor’s Degree in...
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Jeff Casper Jeff Casper (www.transcodes.com) is an energy worker who has the ability to shift his perception through various levels to help a person’s own energetic self clear blocks, help repair energy systems and work to bring balance to an individual’s energetic system. He also is shown various energetic patterns or connections within the individual that can help them go further if they are willing to diligently work on themselves. Jona Bryndis Jona Bryndis, founder and owner of transCODES. She was born in Iceland and grew up in Germany, where she received a Bachelor’s Degree in...
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Grounding Yourself In Turbulent Times
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How To Outvibrate The Virus Scare
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Detachment, also expressed as non-attachment, is a state in which a person overcomes his or her attachment to desire for things, people or concepts of the world and thus attains a heightened perspective. It is considered a wise virtue and is promoted in various Eastern religions, such as Jainism, Taoism and Buddhism.
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Halloween is not just about carving pumpkins and having spooky costume parties. it is an opportunity to welcome the unknown, release negativity, and bring a little extra intuition into everyday life. Halloween is celebrated in many countries on October 31 and November 1. People celebrate it by dressing up in costumes and collecting free candies. But in addition to free candy, spooky costumes and ghoulish decoration, Halloween has something more. A deeper spiritual significance is associated with this celebration.
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We all are going through a massive internal adjustment of our energy body right now, and the only way to sooth these energetic sensations is to CONNECT AND GROUND WITH OUR PLANET who is experiencing the same thing as all others that is trying to break through the veil of illusions.
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Whether religious or non-religious, spiritual tattoos are a powerful statement and you should carefully think of what message you want to send to the world when choosing the design of your tattoo.
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How many times do you find yourself stuck in analyzing, overthinking, thinking about your thinking (metathinking), judging, or even fantasizing just hoping you could find a way to stop it all?
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What good does it do us to understand the concept of love & redemption with our minds but never bringing it into expression through our open heart? You may think now, that this is easier said than done, especially if you have a track-record of painful relationship experiences…What is it really needed to love with an open heart?
info_outlineThere is an intuitive knowing that we all have a power within us that can lead us to health, wealth and happiness – a guidance system that allows us to heal ourselves no matter what the perceived problem is. Without being aware of this inner belief, we are programmed to believe that every condition can be cured with medication, therapy or treatment (even the ones we didn’t even know existed). However, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that our healing process goes much faster, smoother and more permanent if a spiritual component is added, that can fully connect us with what is happening within us.
How did we forget to trust in our own ability to feel what is needed to truly heal?
At least in western cultures, we have been lead to accept that healing can only happen through something from outside of us. Needless to say that this not only promotes our dependency to for example meds, but that it externalizes our healing powers all together. We have forgotten how to trust in our own powers!
Where do does this power reside? In our mind? In our consciousness? How do we re-learn to strengthen our spiritual connection? The answer is simple – through the power of our heart - the very part of us that is connecting us with our higher consciousness and higher guidance.
One reason for the ever-growing disconnection and helplessness many people feel is the turning away from spiritual healing. For some it is still obvious that faith and prayer are meaningful tools for getting through a crisis or disease, but for many others, including the modern awakened ‘spiritual person’ it is difficult to see religious practices as pathway for our personal healing or manifestation process. Instead, we seek guidance through books, articles, videos, workshops or metaphysical teachers to learn about energetic healing techniques, mediations or energy work.
Healing is a Two-Fold Process
One part is removing the ill-making agent, person, condition or energy, and the other is strengthening our inner system, such as our physical or spiritual immune system. Both can lead to more efficients ways to deal with whatever caused the disorder. And yet, there is still a component missing. No matter how many affirmations, meditations or Yoga classes we attend, we are still missing the connection with what in ourselves contributed to our condition in the first place. We get stuck in judging our problems as ‘not-spiritual’ and thus the strengthening of our own healing system becomes not only not possible, but we are often unconsciously sabotaging our efforts.
Seeing our disease or unhappiness from an energetic viewpoint can help us to bridge this gap between our mental attitude and inner feeling about out condition. We can learn that everything is ‘just’ energy and that healing is a matter of shifting our energetic state to a faster vibrational frequency. Everything can therefore heal from within, provided we re-learn how to connect with our heart and reactivate our coherence with our inner Divine energies that allows us to reactivate our higher inner abilities to heal through our heart-field.
Since healing and self-healing are not (yet) part of what is taught in our school system, we are often left alone with our search for guidance. We don’t know how to enquire about it without feeling insecure or too embarrassed to admit that we cannot really connect with our hearts.
Finding practical information about heart-based healing and self-healing, energy clearing and how to support our heart is like learning a new language. Nobody can really explain it – we have to experience it! In other words, we have to become an active part in our own healing process – otherwise we could not learn that it is our inner power that does the healing!
Adding to this, many of us are sensing that there must be more to our awakened energetic sensitivity than constantly feeling bombarded or drained by other people’s energies. Could the purpose of this developing additional sense have something to do with healing?