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017 | The Path Before You

Hello Good Neighbor

Release Date: 11/10/2021

30 | The stuff Emoji's are made of show art 30 | The stuff Emoji's are made of

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, I was pondering a word the other day, one that everyone I know understands how and when to use it. You'll find it in books, movies, journalism, and TV shows; and even at times, it seems our beloved domesticated animals know when to use it.  It's a shorter episode today, with a short word of encouragement, as I type this even the Grammarly app is giving pause to my word choices. Have you figured out the word? What could it possibly be...? Enjoy the episode and if you would be so kind as to leave us a review where your podcast player allows, or by visiting  for...

29 | Interview with Mom & Dad show art 29 | Interview with Mom & Dad

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, In this episode, I have the privilege of interviewing my parents, Les and Ann Slabaugh. They were visiting recently and it has been a desire of mine to hear their views regarding our "neighbors" and they were agreeable to do so. From my upbringing in Sarasota, FL, to their own in Indiana and Michigan, we discuss how our lives are to impact others and how along the way, we ourselves have been impacted by the goodness of friends, family, and neighbors all around us. I enjoyed this conversation and hope you will too! Until next time, go out and be a Good Neighbor to others,...

28 | A Bright Spot show art 28 | A Bright Spot

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, I sat down and simply thought to myself, have you ever experienced...  And so this episode was born and now entered the world. I hope you are encouraged by its message and that you will either experience a bright spot or be one for somebody today. We appreciate your messages and financial support, allowing us to continue providing content that you and others enjoy. If you'd like to support us, head over to: There you will find an opportunity to send a message and join in our efforts to share "all things neighborly". Thank you for listening. Please share our content...

27 | Update and Unknown Embarrassing Moments show art 27 | Update and Unknown Embarrassing Moments

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, In this episode, I give a brief update on the goings-on in my world and share a story from a recent event, which could have been slightly embarrassing or simply amusing. Announcing a new addition to our podcast neighborhood: "Goodnight Good Neighbor", Trailer Episode 1 https://sites.libsyn.com/442320/001-the-official-trailer The Goodnight Good Neighbor Podcast will feature stories, scripture readings, affirmations, and thoughts of imagination, all the while, helping listeners to wind down, slow the chorus of the day, and listen to simple stories that are shared through our...

26 | Hope of Things to Come show art 26 | Hope of Things to Come

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, I'm still hearing and reading about how others define the concept of Hope. So much so, that I wanted to continue exploring the topic in this episode, following up on episode 25, The Strategy of Hope. I believe that Hope is very powerful. I believe that it elicits us to action with anticipation of fulfillment. It is based on something real, something tangible, and obtainable. Join me on this episode and consider the Hopes you have, and how they may be achieved. Tony Slabaugh

25 | The Strategy of Hope show art 25 | The Strategy of Hope

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, I once had an individual end a conversation and take a few steps away, then turn around and state that he did not like the word, "Hope". Within the context of the conversation, he really was pressing for an answer, one that I could not give for that department. I was not the right person and more information was needed. We had a plan though. We would follow up and attempt to assist him with his problem, one I hoped (and expected) we could address. How do you respond to the word hope? What does hope bring to mind when you think about it?  Recently I have heard several...

24 | Look around a bit show art 24 | Look around a bit

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, Last week I mentioned a recent vacation of ours and as with any vacation, we often take pictures to preserve a moment in time. We make memories both on and off of the trails of life, so in this episode, I share a few recent moments that were captured in my mind and maybe on film. If this is your first listen, thank you for visiting our neighborhood. Here we explore life through the lens of a scripture verse that simply says "you shall love your neighbor as yourself".  This worldview permeates our content as we explore "all things neighborly". If you like our content,...

23 | Life on the Farm show art 23 | Life on the Farm

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, It has been a very busy time of year for us. We are active here at our small farm and recently returned from a much-anticipated family vacation. As I continue to move through this world, I find that the concepts explored here on Hello Good Neighbor also need to incorporate more of what we as a household do. It's how we live, our worldview that defines us, and with that, I wanted to share a snapshot of life here and how we are continuing to grow our farm in order to serve our family and others. It's larger than any one episode will explore, and so with that, I expect that I...

22 | conTEXT show art 22 | conTEXT

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, Over the years I've had exchanges in the text world that have been short and sweet, long and foreboding, and sometimes simply messed up.  We all have fallen prey to the speed at which we can use this medium of communication, in the realm of incorrect punctuation, autocorrect, and even losing context for what we are attempting to say. It's hard enough when we have face-to-face conversations where we are misunderstood or flubber in our words but when we text, oh my goodness the floodgates are open to interpretation.  Has this ever happened to you? What you meant to...

21 | Sight for Sore Eyes show art 21 | Sight for Sore Eyes

Hello Good Neighbor

Hello Good Neighbor, Have you ever heard the phrase regarding not seeing the forest for the trees? Sometimes we are so close to a situation, thought process, task, etc. that we simply are not able to see what is right there in front of us. We need clarity, and when we receive it, the result can be a sight for sore eyes. This episode explores this concept and provides several options for how to get unstuck, to receive clarity, so that we are able to move forward for ourselves and in service to others. I hope you enjoy the topic and consider sharing it with those who are interested in such...

More Episodes

Hello Good Neighbor,

This episode was recorded on 10/31/2021 and I've completed it for upload on 11/09/2021. Over the last week, it has been interesting to hear others talking about "vision casting". It's amazing that there are points in time and in life where humanity seems to align for a conversation that is greatly needed. For my part, or that which I believe was given to me to speak on, I am grateful for the experiences that I have had over my career and even growing up. I am able to look back on events where visions were cast and other times where the whirlwind ensued. 

Today's thought explores our part in the vision casting process. Our part? Who else is there? Well, God is involved, whether we acknowledge this or not, scripture informs us of how our desires and paths cross the almighty's field of vision, and the interesting thing is, that we get to play a part in it all. That's right, He knows our desires and as we put plans into place, dream things up, and take the steps needed to accomplish our goals, He will direct our paths. (assuming that we acknowledge His role and favor in our lives). 

The God of the universe desires that we move forward with visions and not simply be "stuck" in a holding pattern of life. To, move forward and see what will come. We are to seek Him first and acknowledge His presence in this life, and with that knowing, that belief, He will allow us to dream and will be an active participant in the outcome.

Will it always turn out as we planned? No, His ways are bigger than ours, and yet, we are to plan, acknowledge Him, and take steps forward.

I hope you enjoy this episode that also includes a short personal story of how this very topic came into the neighborhood, through a walk and talk with my beloved bride. We were casting, both in the sense of fishing and of visioning!

Be blessed, bless others, and explore "all things neighborly"...

Thank you for listening.

Tony Slabaugh