The Perfect Mother's Day Gift: It's Not Too Late!
Release Date: 05/13/2018
The Higher Attitudes Podcast
Deeper, richer prayer doesn't happen without us making time for it. But it can feel difficult to make time when we have attitudes about prayer that make us wonder if the effort is really worth it. Join Tom for this episode where is talks about how to change our attitude about making time for prayer. You'll find yourself slipping past your roadblocks to prayer in no time.
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When we allow ourselves to pick at our own weaknesses and focus on what needs fixing, improving, and changing, it is easy to become dissatisfied with who and how we are. When we take our sense of dissatisfaction beyond a healthy desire to improve we being to hate who we are. This is a form of personal warfare. We become our own enemies. This is not pleasing to God. This episode is about ending our personal warfare and learning to dwell in peace with ourselves and others.
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When the Master stilled the storm on the Sea of Galilee, he commanded the seas and the winds to "Be Still!" When we are desperately bailing our own boats and wondering what is to become of us, we too, need the Master's voice to command the storms of life to "Be Still!" Or do we need the storms within us to cease? Join Julie on this episode to explore how we can have the peace we need in the midst of life's storms.
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Sometimes we get so focused on what we know to be our obvious weaknesses, that we miss God's gentle or even urgent guidance to move in another direction. In this episode, Tom discusses the need for us to shift our focus to what God wants us working on instead of what we think we need to work on.
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When we talk about a broken heart and a contrite spirit being the way to draw closer to the Savior, we need more power and honesty than the clichéd meaning off this phrase can offer. God promises not only redemption if we seek Him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. He also promises us relief and strength. What is the essence of a broken heart to you? Listen to this episode where Julie shares how this phrase has gained new meaning and power for her.
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There is a good change, better than average in fact, that you or someone close to you is going through something really difficult. To get through your challenge, you will need strength, consolation, and confidence. All of these things come to us then we learn to be of good cheer before our trials are passed. That's what this episode is all about.
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This has been a very challenging time for me. But through the challenges I have learned that God is there. he weeps with us through the sorrow, comforts us, gives hope in place of despair, and sends earthly and heavenly angels to minister and pray with us. He weeps with rejoicing as our tears of pain become tears of joy through Him.
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Russell M. Nelson knows a thing or two about personal revelation. Recently, he recommended a path for anyone to follow who desires more revelation or divine guidance in their. In this episode, Tom shares how this guidance on revelation has been a blessing in his life.
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You know the feeling, when you know you're running out of steam and any day now you are going to crash. You know you need to stop and reboot your mind and body. But, do you? If not, this episode is for you. Tom explains his reboot process and the hidden blessings of having your life come crashing to a halt.
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Abraham became extremely good at waiting. Patience became one of his virtues. How are we to have this virtue if we are not willing to learn to wait for blessings.
info_outlineWhat do women really want on Mother's Day. While many common gifts are very much appreciated, women seem to want three important (and free) things and they want them more often than just on the day that those in the United States call Mother's Day.
Things to know about this episode:
- The episode is hosted by Tom and Julie.
Resources Mentioned in the Show:
The Higher Attitudes Website >>>
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Higher Attitudes Questions and Comments Recording Line:
+1 (719) 301-0303
Legal Disclaimer: The advice offered in this show is intended for informational purposes only. Thoughts, comments, and advice from this show are not intended to be a replacement or substitute for any professional, financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional, psychological or medical help, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist. The opinions and views expressed in this show are not intended to treat or diagnose; nor are they meant to replace the treatment and care that you may be receiving from a licensed professional, physician or mental health professional. This show and its creators are not responsible for the outcome or results of following any advice in any given situation. You, and only you, are completely responsible for your actions.
Credits and Attributions:
Music for the Higher Attitudes Podcast is compliments of