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Dancing in the Streets Until you Die - Medical Mysteries

A Hint of Fiction

Release Date: 01/08/2020

The Most Mysterious Place on Earth - Disneyland show art The Most Mysterious Place on Earth - Disneyland

A Hint of Fiction

To all who come to this Happy Place, Welcome! In this episode, we celebrate Disneylands birthday with a star studded extravaganza! Ghosts, we got em, Yeti's, check, black widow brides looking for their next lover, oversided mice, we have it all! Our three stories include: Counterprotestors take over the Disneyland Park, three animatronics dissapear and reapper and Walt gets a little help from the CIA, can you tell which story is true? Intro: 00:46 The Day the Yippies Invaded 8:18 The Animatronics That Left and Then Came Back 25:21 The building of a city, with a little help from a spy 40:16...

The Greatest Objects Never Seen Again - Lost Artifacts show art The Greatest Objects Never Seen Again - Lost Artifacts

A Hint of Fiction

Legends of objects of value and grandeur surround people of similar nature, we look to these relics as milestones of our accomplishments as humans and sometimes these objects take on stories of their own. Weapons of great power and destruction, secrets that could change the world or powerful objects that in the wrong hands could cause the end of everything.  These sacred and special artifacts sometimes go missing and lost to time, where do these pieces of our history go and what happened to these mythic items? Today, we bring you three stories of powerful artifacts lost to time. A feudal...

It's Where you Live - Strange Towns show art It's Where you Live - Strange Towns

A Hint of Fiction

We all come from somewhere and all towns have a story.  While many feel safe and secure, sometimes dark truths lurk just under the surface. What truth’s will you uncover in your cozy little hamlet’s and homesteads? And what if those truths are not always what they seems In this episode, we discuss three strange and in some cases deserted towns, filled with their own dark stories. A man obsessed with flight makes a journey above the skies, An ancient seaside town, is actually a den of sin and debauchery and a small coal mining town becomes abandoned after an accident.   Intro:...

I Put a Curse on You and Now Youre Mine - Curses show art I Put a Curse on You and Now Youre Mine - Curses

A Hint of Fiction

Curses are the great equilizer in our world, we see them in our history, our media and our mythos. But how do curses affect the real world and how do you try and stop one? In this episode, a bad contract affects all who work on the Man of Steel, Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the King, and a cursed forest attracts wedding bells. Intro - 1:07 The Curse of the Man of Steel - 5:14 Curse of the Ancient Mummy - 20:31 The Cursed Forest that Wants Wedding Bells - 34:16 Outro - 41:51  

By Air, By Land and By Sea - Cryptids show art By Air, By Land and By Sea - Cryptids

A Hint of Fiction

Humans are considered to be the top of our food chain, we are the biggest apex predators on the planet, contending with Great White Sharks, Lions, Tigers and Crocodiles…. Oh my. The question I put to you is, what if we were not? Stories of large humanoid creatures, flying beasts in far flung jungles and massive sea creatures make us question our place at the top of the food chain. Do these cryptids pose a threat to our very existence?   In this episode, a bat creature attacks an expedition team in a remote jungle, a large sea creature is unearthed after some major construction and an...

Dont Go Breaking My Heart - Breakup Stories show art Dont Go Breaking My Heart - Breakup Stories

A Hint of Fiction

Love is amazing, it lifts us up, it binds us, and it makes us become something more than the sum of our parts. On the other hand, losing love can feel like losing a part of yourself, and can make you to make outlandish decisions in the scramble to be whole again.  In this episode, a goddess ghosts a aggressive suitor, a Emporer and his wife are just awful and a poet scorns the love of a mistress, which causes her to go insane.  Intro: 1:12 Do as the Greek’s do and Ghost: 2:47 A King in Heartbreak, A Tyrant of Rome: 16:01 Nothing Like a Lover’s Scorn: 31:59

Black Cats and Rocking Chairs - Strange Occurences show art Black Cats and Rocking Chairs - Strange Occurences

A Hint of Fiction

Things occur in collective history that are unusual, strange and downright weird, we discuss three of these stories this week. 

Who Ya Gonna Call - Ghosts show art Who Ya Gonna Call - Ghosts

A Hint of Fiction

Ghosts, what are they? Are they the actual living spirits of humans long since passed? Or are they emotional ties to a place of great importance? Or something even sinister? 

What Goes Bump In The Night - Urban Legends show art What Goes Bump In The Night - Urban Legends

A Hint of Fiction

Welcome to Half Halloween, it's like Halloween...we'll you get it. 

A Pirates Life for Me - Pirates show art A Pirates Life for Me - Pirates

A Hint of Fiction

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum! Alex and Will explore the true history of pirates and talk about some of the greats! Did pirates bury their treasure? What is a buccaneer? Why was the rum always gone? 

More Episodes

In this episode, we dive into the mysteries of the medical field. Stories of things that seem unlikely, and conditions that can't be true. Mostly things that make Will uncomfortable and intrigue Alex. 

In this episode, a fear of finding yourself in a brand new place becomes real, medical examinations lead to the belief in extraterrestrials and  dance parties are taken to far as people can’t stop and begin to die of exhaustion.

*************************Spoilers Ahead****************************


Dromomania: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dromomania

Alien Abductions: Written by William Acker

Dancing Plague: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_plague_of_1518