Caring for the Caregiver with Acupuncture with Guest Royal Fraser
HOPE: On the Other Side of the Door
Release Date: 05/24/2018
HOPE: On the Other Side of the Door
Dr. Ken discusses the causes of psychosis. He explains what it actually means. He explains what causes diagnosis of schizophrenia.
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Dr. Ken reviews the book "Clozapine" by Meyer & Stahl. He explains the aspects of the book that might make you want to read it.
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Terry Peterson has been living with schizophrenia. He tells his story and explains how schizophrenia patients can achieve a balanced, healthy life.
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Dr. Ken reviews the book Surviving Schizophrenia by E. Fuller Torrey MD. Dr. Ken gives his understanding of the various aspects of the book's 5th edition. He goes through each part in detail.
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Dr. Ken Campos discusses his brand new video series, Hope at Home.
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Today Dr. Ken talks to Charles Sayer about the environment inside of the hospitals. They also discuss legal matters surrounding patients of schizophrenia.
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Dr. Ken is joined by Royal Fraser to discuss the use of yoga to help out the caregivers.
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Dr. Ken is joined by Steven Morgan to discuss Soteria House. Steven explains his experiences in the mental health system.
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Dr. Ken is joined by Adolph Vidal, LCSW, for a discussion around the laws after a hospital stay. The discussion delves into what is legal and what is not surrounding medication. It is a lively and interesting discussion.
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Dr. Ken’s guest is a man who had a dark period in his life with hopelessness, lack of self-love, and suicidal thoughts. He is a personal acquaintance from a local club. This interview is to help bring awareness to the issue of suicide in the context of a caregiver of a loved one who is living with schizophrenia. It is the goal to gain a greater understanding of this difficult and somewhat mysterious topic of self-destructive urges, and what to do about them
info_outlineToday Dr. Ken's guest is Royal Fraser.
Royal ‘s early life experience exposed him to Chinese Medicine. His father was in the military and was sent to Korea, though Royal and his family couldn’t go, his father sent back stories, art and Zen Buddhist objects that spoke to Chinese Medicine and the riches of Korean culture. Later in New York City, he studied at the oldest massage school in the United States, the
Swedish Institute. He specialized in Shiatsu, a massage technique based on the teachings of Chinese medicine. In NYC he worked as a massage therapist with Park Avenue movers and
shakers. Later, Royal studied Chinese Medicine for four years @ the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York & San Diego. This graduate level program included internships at a
hospice, senior’s clinic and homeless clinic.
Personally, I have had over 100 acupuncture treatments from Royal for my own low back and mid-back back issues, and for overall energy & health balance. This moved me to a new
plateau of health, and completely stopped my back spasms which lasted about 3 days each, and had happened over a several years long period.
His patients get the royal treatment.
Royal, thanks for being here today.
Royal says that Chinese Medicine focuses on helping people before they get sick. He says there are 8 aspects of Chinese Medicine. He focuses on acupuncture. Acupuncture is the use of very fine needles to stimulate points int he body that are useful in promoting someone's health. The Chinese mapped out a system of where to stimulate the body to cure certain issues.
Royal speaks about chi. He explains the energy aspects of that and describes it similar to steam that comes off cooking rice. He says that steam is exactly the same as the concept of chi.
Acupuncture can help a caregiver by helping their digestion which improves their nourishment. Royal says he speaks with the client at first to get a feeling about the things they need. Eating can be an issue for caregivers.
Royal addresses guilt and shame. He says Chinese Medicine sees guilt and shame as a cycle we have to move through. He mentions there should be joy and a sense of willpower as well. He says these things are meant to happen on a daily cycle.
Royal says that one thing that can be helpful to a caregiver is to get outside for at least 10 minutes each day. This will connect them back to nature and help relieve stress.
Royal finds that caregivers appreciate being listened to. They tend to be the ones who have to do the listening, so having someone listen to them is very helpful for their mental state. He says that people become relaxed by their acupuncture treatment. They feel rested and refreshed after a treatment. Sometimes grief comes out as well.
The discussion turns to how Royal can help people with anger issues related to their caregiver role. He says acupuncture can help get the anger out.