Hot Coffee: A KBG Injury Lawcast
Pennsylvania is one of the most dangerous states in the country to drive in during winter weather, resulting in a spike of personal injury claims. On this episode of Hot Coffee, personal injury attorneys Evan Kline and Craig Milsten discuss winter car accidents caused by driver negligence and determining fault in multi-car auto accidents.
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Blame may be clear after a car accident, but multiple parties could be partially at fault for the end result. On this episode, KBG attorneys Ted Kennett and Wes Addington discuss how partially at fault determinations are made and the impacts on personal injury claims and compensation.
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Injured at work? Can you also file a personal injury claim? On this episode, KBG Injury Law attorneys Tim Salvatore and Dean Dominick discuss the differences in pursuing a tort claim over workers’ comp, how both might apply and legal steps you should take.
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Most personal injury lawsuits are settled well before they ever get to trial. It’s risky. Court cases take time, often more time than injured parties can wait, and settlements reduce the risk of losing or potentially receiving lower compensation. Personal injury attorneys Ted Kennett and Wes Addington discuss tips for how to navigate personal injury cases.
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October marks the start of a dangerous time of year for pedestrians. Personal injury attorneys Craig Milsten and Evan Kline explain the factors that lead to more pedestrian-related auto accidents and deaths in the fall and legal steps to follow if you are injured.
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Depending on the situation, volunteer and paid first responders may be eligible for workers’ comp benefits if injured on a job. Workers’ compensation specialists Drew Gannon and Jennifer Kline explain Pennsylvania’s laws as they directly relate to firefighters, EMT personnel, police officers and other first responders.
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From calling local law enforcement to taking pictures, attorneys Brian Strong and Wes Addington recommend the steps you can take that will help an attorney pursue your claim.
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Before you press “post,” consider the ramifications of anything that might go on social media. Even the best intentions could be held against you if you’re in the midst of a legal dispute. Attorneys Evan Kline and Tim Salvatore share a checklist of what do to and what not to do on social media.
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When you entrust your loved ones with caregivers, you expect that they’re kept physically and emotionally healthy and safe. If you see signs of abuse or neglect, it’s important to understand the options you have. Attorneys Ted Kennett and Craig Milsten discuss what you should know about nursing home neglect and abuse.
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Attorney Nancy Mizerak discusses work credits, accessing the Social Security Administration website, determining financial benefits, veterans’ benefits and more in this episode of Hot Coffee: A KBG Injury Lawcast.
info_outlineAs Pennsylvanians deal with unexpected furloughs, unemployment and contraction of COVID-19, certified workers’ compensation specialists Dean Dominick and Drew Gannon provide insight on what workers need to know during these uncertain times.