We focus on Austrian politics in this third episode, talking to Anton Pelinka, a professor of political science at the Budapest-based Central European University. Austria has received much attention recently due to problematic presidential elections and a strong comeback by the far-rightist Freedom Party. We talk about how things got here and about potential changes to the Austrian political field ahead of parliamentary elections later this year.
History minute: Conflicting Traditions of Austrian Democracy
Sebastian Kurz Pulls Plug on Austrian Grand Coalition, Matthew Karnitschnig, Politico Europe, 12 May 2017
The Alternative in Austria, Benjamin Opratko, JacobinMag, 10 December 2016
The Haider Phenomenon: Explaining the FPO in European Context, Anton Pelinka, The Journal of the International Institute, University of Michigan, 2001
The Haider Phenomenon, Anton Pelinka, Routledge, 2002
Karl Lueger’s Rise to Mayor of Vienna, The World of the Habsburgs, Habsburger.net