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Billy Carson Exposes 4Bidden Knowledge of Ancient Civilizations, UFOs, and Off-Planet Civilizations

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Release Date: 09/05/2024

THE TRUTH About Angel Numbers: Messages You NEED to Know! Michael Sandler show art THE TRUTH About Angel Numbers: Messages You NEED to Know! Michael Sandler

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

There's a KEY REASON your seeing Angel numbers everywhere RIGHT now, for the Angels are trying to get a message to you LOUD and CLEAR. Join us for this special YouTube Live show, on what you're Angels need to tell you, and why they're trying so hard!   444 - ANGEL NUMBERS COURSE! Valentine's Day Sale -- Give as a gift, only $11.11!   To find out more visit:  - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"   - Automatic Writing Experience Course  - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics Join Our YouTube Membership for behind-the-scenes access...

Did You CHOOSE Your Life Before Birth? The Truth About Pre-Birth Experiences! Christian Sundberg show art Did You CHOOSE Your Life Before Birth? The Truth About Pre-Birth Experiences! Christian Sundberg

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

We’ve all heard of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and Life Reviews, but what if your journey started long before birth? What if you chose this lifetime - your experiences, challenges, and even key events before you were born?   Christian Sundberg reveals how understanding your pre-birth experiences can completely shift your perspective on life. Discover where you came from, why you’re here, and how tapping into your soul’s pre-birth choices can bring great clarity, purpose, and transformation!   To find out more visit:  - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic...

Archangel Michael's Feb PREDICTIONS, plus CLEARING! What's Coming NEXT for You! Michael Sandler show art Archangel Michael's Feb PREDICTIONS, plus CLEARING! What's Coming NEXT for You! Michael Sandler

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Archangel Michael has powerful words for February, AND what's coming next. In this channeled co-creation, you'll hear from Archangel Michael predictions for February and what we get to do to positively change our course! PLUS we'll do a powerful ENERGY clearing to help get you light, and put your heart and mind, more at ease.   To find out more visit:  - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"   - Automatic Writing Experience Course  - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics Join Our YouTube Membership for behind-the-scenes access -   ...

A War for Your Humanity! Are We The Last Generation of Pure Humans? Transhumanism with Gregg Braden show art A War for Your Humanity! Are We The Last Generation of Pure Humans? Transhumanism with Gregg Braden

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

With efforts to implant chips, sensors, and "upgrade" our bodies, to where we can be tracked, read, and even our thoughts can be watched, what is the plan for humanity from scientists, governing bodies, and governments, and even the UN, over the next 5 years? It's called Transhumanism, and according to Expert Gregg Braden, there's a war on for your soul--which we dive into in this fascinating, humanity shifting interview.   Find more from Gregg Braden: Pure Human: The Hidden Truth of Our Divinity, Power, and Destiny:     To find out more visit:  - Order Michael...

What's Coming NEXT For Humanity!? Michael Sandler show art What's Coming NEXT For Humanity!? Michael Sandler

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Humanity is evolving into "Humanity 2.0" - a new era of higher consciousness, profound energy shifts, and extraordinary interconnectedness. Dive into the secrets of awakening experiences, the rise of a more enlightened world, and what it all means for you!   To find out more visit:  - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"   - Automatic Writing Experience Course  - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics Join Our YouTube Membership for behind-the-scenes access -    - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content....

Massive Coincidence or Something More? 6-Planet Alignment & Donald Trump! Michael Sandler show art Massive Coincidence or Something More? 6-Planet Alignment & Donald Trump! Michael Sandler

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

In a world without coincidence, and filled with hidden energy and meaning, there's a POWERFUL reason behind the Planetary Alignment and start of the new US administration...Hint: it's NOT what you've been told! And this event has consequences and meaning for you, me, and the entire planet Earth. Join us for this live event as we look at this massive planetary alignment, it's crazy cosmic timing, and what it means for you!   To find out more visit:  - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"   - Automatic Writing Experience Course  - Michael...

Three Days of Darkness and the Solar Flash! What's Coming In 2025! Kerry K show art Three Days of Darkness and the Solar Flash! What's Coming In 2025! Kerry K

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

The Three Days of Darkness have been prophesied, along with a giant Solar Flash. But's what's really coming, when will these be here, and what will it mean for the future of humanity? Learn from channeler Kerry K in this beyond-fascinating interview.   Find more from Kerry K:   To find out more visit:  - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"   - Automatic Writing Experience Course  - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics Join Our YouTube Membership for behind-the-scenes access -    - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter...

Archangel Michael's NEW YEARS PREDICTIONS, What's Coming NEXT and What We Get to Do! Michael Sandler show art Archangel Michael's NEW YEARS PREDICTIONS, What's Coming NEXT and What We Get to Do! Michael Sandler

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Archangel Michael has powerful words for 2025 AND what's coming next this month and beyond. In this channeled co-creation, you'll hear from Archangel Michael predictions for 2025 and what we get to do to positively change our course!   To find out more visit:  - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"   - Automatic Writing Experience Course  - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics Join Our YouTube Membership for behind-the-scenes access -    - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content. ……. Follow...

THEY Don't Want You To See This! Dr. Steven Greer FULL DISCLOSURE Interview show art THEY Don't Want You To See This! Dr. Steven Greer FULL DISCLOSURE Interview

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Breaking News on the Drones, Orbs, what they are and what's coming next, from The Disclosure Project's Dr. Steven Greer. What does the Government know they're not telling, and is the warning sign of an impending Black Flag event--or UFO contact? Learn the truth from The Disclosure Project's Dr. Steven Greer!   The Disclosure Project Trailer Link:   Dr Greer's website: Dr Greer’s archive: Dr Greer’s DPIA crowdfunding site:     To find out more visit:  - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"   - Automatic Writing Experience...

Top Signs You're Being Upgraded with Michael Sandler show art Top Signs You're Being Upgraded with Michael Sandler

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

If you’re feeling flipped upside-down, sideways, or like things have started off "weird" for the New Year, then you are far, far, FAR from alone! Which is why, despite my best efforts to the contrary, we’ll be having a very special YouTube Live event tonight. For tonight we'll look at whether you're actually getting "upgrades" and if so, what that means! We’ll be looking at why you’re feeling upside, and what is REALLY going on!   To find out more visit:  - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"   - Automatic Writing Experience Course...

More Episodes

Join us as we speak with Billy Carson, Founder and CEO of 4Biddenknowledge. During this non-stop jaw-dropping conversation, we talk about Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, Off Planet Civilizations, UFO Sightings, Games that become conscious beings and so much more!


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Billy's Website: Bio-Hack Your Best Life




Billy Carson is the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc, the Best Selling Author of The Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets, Woke Doesn't Mean Broke, and The Epic of Humanity. He is also the winner of the 2022 Stellar Citizens Award.


Mr. Carson is also the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge TV, a conscious streaming TV network, the host of the 4biddenknowledge podcast and the Co-Host of Bio-Hack Your Best Life podcast. He also is also a writer and contributor on Entrepreneur magazine.


Mr. Carson appreciates the dedication and hard work it takes to accomplish great things. Recently, Mr. Carson earned the Certificate of Science (with an emphasis on Neuroscience) at M.I.T. and has a certificate in Ancient Civilization from Harvard University. Among his most notable achievements, Billy is the CEO of First Class Space Agency based in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Specifically, his space agency is involved in research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero-point energy devices.


To find out more visit:


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