I quit my $120,000 career after making $200 in affiliate sales from my blog.
Most people thought I was crazy. But I was determined to prove everyone wrong and show that you could make money blogging.
After reading endless amounts of income reports from fellow bloggers, I figured if they could do it, I could too. For the next eight months, I slaved away 12–18-hour days doing anything I could to make my blog print money.
But despite endless amounts of hours, my blog was barely making $500 per month. I was relying on random side hustles and credit cards to keep my dreams alive.
The blogging dream didn’t pan out, but thanks to freelance writing, I’ve never had to go back to a cubicle and have made over six figures writing. Ironically, as a writer, I work with a lot of successful bloggers and know what works (and what doesn’t).
Use these lessons before going all-in on your blog, so that you can increase your odds of success and not hit rock bottom like I did.
Full story on Medium: https://medium.com/the-post-grad-survival-guide/7-lessons-from-my-failed-blog-471280dea915?source=friends_link&sk=e1c9e08b0c06be5c4b06c7c061e50aaa