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Episode 342 - Getting Over Your Vocal Skis

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

Release Date: 10/17/2023

Episode 382 - Taking Control of Your Vocal Journey show art Episode 382 - Taking Control of Your Vocal Journey

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John discusses the importance of taking control of your vocal journey. Singers cannot be good at everything and should focus on their strengths and passions. Consider your mind, personality, and innate gifts to help determine your limitations and potential as a singer. It’s also important to find the right teacher who aligns with your goals and interests. Episode highlights: Singers should focus on their strengths and passions rather than trying to be good at everything. The mind, personality, and innate gifts play a significant role in a singer's limitations and potential....

Episode 381 - Understanding Time Signatures show art Episode 381 - Understanding Time Signatures

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John Henny discusses the importance of understanding time signatures for singers, and how rhythm and phrasing separate great singers from average ones. He explains the basics of time signatures, such as the meaning of the top and bottom numbers, and focuses on the most common time signatures. Henny highlights the significance of internalizing the rhythmic clock as a singer and the advantage singers have in playing with time. Episode highlights: Understanding time signatures is crucial for singers to develop rhythm and phrasing skills. Odd time signatures like 5/4 and 7/4...

Episode 380 - Training vs Natural Talent show art Episode 380 - Training vs Natural Talent

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John Henny discusses natural talent versus training in singing. He shares examples of famous singers who have worked hard on their voices, debunking the myth of effortless talent. He emphasizes the value of voice teachers and the benefits of formal training, though self-study and listening to other singers can also be valuable. Ultimately, he encourages singers to work hard and find the right teacher or method to develop their voices to their fullest potential. Episode highlights: The myth of natural talent in singing is often perpetuated by the media and fans, but the...

Episode 379 - The Science of Rough Vocal Effects with May Oskan show art Episode 379 - The Science of Rough Vocal Effects with May Oskan

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John talks with May Oskan about rough vocal effects and the techniques behind them. May also discusses the importance of creating vocal effects safely and the different parts of the vocal tract that can be used to create distortion. She explains that coordination and control are key in creating different vocal effects.  Episode Highlights Creating vocal effects safely involves controlling volume, avoiding extrinsic tension, and using specific structures in the vocal tract. Learning vocal effects may be easier for singers who have already developed specific coordinations...

Episode 378 - Your Vocal Prime show art Episode 378 - Your Vocal Prime

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John explores the concept of the vocal prime, its significance, characteristics, and implications for singers of all ages. He emphasizes the importance of honoring and investing in the voice, regardless of age, and encourages continuous improvement and care. Episode highlights: The vocal prime is a significant period in a singer's life, characterized by strength, stability, and flexibility in the voice. Investing in vocal care and improvement is essential at every stage of a singer's life, regardless of age. Creating a new vocal prime is possible at any age, emphasizing the...

Episode 377 -  Creating Charisma show art Episode 377 - Creating Charisma

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John discusses the importance of charisma and owning the space as a performer. He emphasizes the cultivation of energy and emotional communication, and highlights the role of vocal technique and emotional intention in creating a powerful performance. Episode highlights: Charisma is a quality that can be cultivated and developed by performers to own the energy and space during a performance. Vocal technique is a tool for communication, and emotional communication is the highest level of singing. The shared humanity and emotional connection between the performer and the...

Episode 376 – Emotional Support for Singing show art Episode 376 – Emotional Support for Singing

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John Henny discusses the importance of emotional support for singers. He emphasizes that singing is different from learning any other instrument. Singers expose themselves in a way that other instruments don't because the average listener focuses on the singer more than any other aspect of music. Singers also face emotional challenges such as stage fright, self-doubt, and criticism. It is essential for singers to have emotional support from friends, family, and the right voice teacher or mentor. Episode highlights: Singers expose themselves in a way that other instruments...

Episode 375 - The Chiaroscuro Whisper with Ken Bozeman show art Episode 375 - The Chiaroscuro Whisper with Ken Bozeman

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John Henny interviews Kenneth Bozeman about the concept of the chiaroscuro whisper. Ken explains that the chiaroscuro whisper is a technique used to identify the resonances of the vocal tract by introducing a white noise into the vocal tract. This technique allows singers to tune their vocal tract and hear the pitches of each resonance peak. Ken also discusses the difference between vocal fry and the white noise of the whisper, as well as the importance of tuning resonances for efficient and pleasurable singing. He emphasizes the need to focus on expression and feelings rather...

Episode 374 - The Joy of Failure show art Episode 374 - The Joy of Failure

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John Henny discusses the experience of failure and setbacks in the context of pursuing one's goals. He shares personal stories of failure and how he dealt with them, emphasizing the importance of allowing oneself to feel the emotions that come with failure and not judging or trying to fix them immediately.  Episode Highlights Failure and setbacks are inevitable when pursuing goals, and they provide valuable learning experiences. Allowing oneself to feel and process the emotions that come with failure is important for personal growth. Shifting the focus from seeking...

Episode 373 - Resisting Complexity show art Episode 373 - Resisting Complexity

The Intelligent Vocalist with John Henny

In this episode, John Henny discusses the desire for simplicity and easy answers in singing. He emphasizes the complexity of the voice and the need for a nuanced approach. John explores the challenges of finding solutions for vocal issues and the ever-changing nature of the voice. He also highlights the importance of embracing the complexity of singing and the joy of not knowing everything. John encourages singers to appreciate the uniqueness of their voice and to embark on the beautiful challenge of exploring its complexity. Episode Highlights: The voice is incredibly complex, and there are...

More Episodes

In this episode, John explores the difficulties of trying to master everything all at once, and shares his advice on how we can all learn to not get over our vocal skis. 

Episode Highlight:

  • The temptation to step beyond the starting point
  • Good ways of checking in on your growth
  • The practice of learning how to filter information

To learn more about John Henny, his best-selling books, online courses, Vocal Assessments and Voice Lessons with his Teaching Team of Experts, Speaker Training, and the Contemporary Voice Teacher Academy, visit: JohnHenny.com.