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Devotion to Love: Being the First to Own it with John Wineland Part 2

Intimate Conversations

Release Date: 06/19/2024

Client Maria's Story and Healing Tools That Work show art Client Maria's Story and Healing Tools That Work

Intimate Conversations

I love how in Podcast interviews with clients that I discover things I never knew even though we have faced the darkest shadows and most transparent vulnerabilities together. I discovered first hand how one of her daughters says she’s 'sort of herself’ at school, with friends, with family… but when she’s with her mom, she’s 100% herself. OMG. Is there any greater complement than to know you’ve created a safe space for our children to be real? In this delicious conversation we also discussed… -How Maria chooses to dive deep and do the work with one coach and savor the results of...

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Intimate Conversations

I seriously think I'm healed from ever questioning that my dream for relationships is unfounded. Johann and Rachel pour PRAISE & RESPECT into each other’s Souls. They are a beautiful, transparent and authentic couple who is engaged in co-devotional practices and brave transparent communication that I've always craved. It's possible! And of course the inside always creates the outside so their deep internal devotional self practice is clearly at the root of their shared devotion.  @johannurb3731      @fxemma   In this deliciously vulnerable and succulently...

The Art of Co Devotional Love with Rachel Pringle Urb & Johann Urb Part 1 show art The Art of Co Devotional Love with Rachel Pringle Urb & Johann Urb Part 1

Intimate Conversations

I seriously think I'm healed from ever questioning that my dream for relationships is unfounded. Johann and Rachel pour PRAISE & RESPECT into each other’s Souls. They are a beautiful, transparent and authentic couple who is engaged in co-devotional practices and brave transparent communication that I've always craved. It's possible! And of course the inside always creates the outside so their deep internal devotional self practice is clearly at the root of their shared devotion.  @johannurb3731      @fxemma   In this deliciously vulnerable and succulently...

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Intimate Conversations

Who the fuck knew I would cry at the end? What an honor to speak of Making Love with Life, one of my Allana Pratt Method Processes and address your awesome questions gathered by my social media department. There are many examples from my life and my successful client’s lives that show you what’s possible when it comes to you valid concerns around intimacy, sexual connection, repairing ruptures and awakening your most glorious sacred orgasmic energy. Enjoy! I answered the following questions and went on many delicious tangents!  1. How can unresolved conflicts in a relationship lead...

Client Rosie's Story and Healing Tools That Work show art Client Rosie's Story and Healing Tools That Work

Intimate Conversations

I can't imagine what it takes to be a full-time family law litigator, own your own practice for 40 years, then get multiple coaching certifications and show up with such zest for life and joy for being alive... while simultaneously beginning to understand that feeling doesn't happen in the mind, it happens in the body... and that there are no feelings that are wrong or bad, that we aren't wrong or bad, that all feelings are a beautiful part of Being Human. This has been the Exquisite journey of watching Rosie come into my Inner Circle coaching program, become a certified Allana Pratt method...

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Intimate Conversations

Wow what a phenomenal blast from the past with my soul brother Blake! It gives me such joy to watch where we both were a couple of years ago when we recorded this episode and I just had to share it with you delicious ones again. Watch out for the next Intimate Conversations episodes with Blake that will be airing in November, it gets even juicer which I didn't even know was possible. Love you brother! Talk about a rich, juicy, vulnerable, connected, authentic call with a brother from another mother on the other side of the globe. What a blessing, honor and privilege to receive Blake's...

The Spirit of Fatherhood with Larry Hagner Part 2 show art The Spirit of Fatherhood with Larry Hagner Part 2

Intimate Conversations

Divinity is absolutely bonkers magical and amazing, of COURSE I welcomed Larry back to the podcast with the theme From Head to Heart as he shared with us the journey of writing his latest book, the Spirit of Fatherhood. And when he embarked on writing this book about faith, indeed his faith was tested. In the interview you will hear so many ego deaths when it came to family, animals, his boys, his marriage, his business, his physical body, depression... yet it didn't stop and Larry kept going until he surrendered and became the embodiment of Hope. And this incredible intimate conversation we...

The Spirit of Fatherhood with Larry Hagner Part 1 show art The Spirit of Fatherhood with Larry Hagner Part 1

Intimate Conversations

Divinity is absolutely bonkers magical and amazing, of COURSE I welcomed Larry back to the podcast with the theme From Head to Heart as he shared with us the journey of writing his latest book, the Spirit of Fatherhood. And when he embarked on writing this book about faith, indeed his faith was tested. In the interview you will hear so many ego deaths when it came to family, animals, his boys, his marriage, his business, his physical body, depression... yet it didn't stop and Larry kept going until he surrendered and became the embodiment of Hope. And this incredible intimate conversation we...

Candid Confessions: From the Painful World of Anxiety to My Heart's Intimate Truth show art Candid Confessions: From the Painful World of Anxiety to My Heart's Intimate Truth

Intimate Conversations

In this episode I love talking about how to leave the painful world of anxiety, second guessing, fear-based strategizing, desperate seeking of understanding into the quieter wiser realm of the heart’s truth… which sets us up to descend even further into the hip’s knowing, the soul’s embodiment. I created this process based on all I’ve learned in the past 20 years, based in my own suffering of, Why did he leave me? cheat on me? hurt me? use me? Why why why… it was driving me mad! While I’m proud of my Ivy League education and graduating with honors… it’s done sh*t to create...

Client Elizabeth's Story and Healing Tools That Work show art Client Elizabeth's Story and Healing Tools That Work

Intimate Conversations

How magical that Elizabeth came to me back in 2015 and we began our journey together regarding intimacy with money and her relationship with her father. About eight years later she returned when shit was really hitting the fan and she elegantly had a spiritual breakdown~ breakthrough in her ability to let go of family drama and find her wholeness, centeredness and enoughness on the inside.  In this delicious episode we also discussed ... -How when we stop clamoring for pleasure and resisting pain, we can drop into deep presence and no longer be victims of our circumstances... -How on her...

More Episodes

Blown away as I imagined by return guest John Wineland.  Right out of the gate as I expressed the theme of the month with turning anger into fierce love, John took us on a deep dive into the energy of anguish, when anger and grief are combined. He's so right, underneath my anger I always want to sob (and I shed some tears on this podcast). He spoke of how when we widen our anger in the yogic practice and open, we reconnect with our hearts and authentic anguish is accessible to express AND much more palpable to receive by our partner. 

In this extraordinary conversation we also discussed...

-How being with the feminine storm is not about putting up with wound dumping or ambushing the masculine with anger...

-How we're always going to fail in the practice of intimacy, devotion to love, and masculine and feminine polarity… we just need to recommit...

-How often when we attempt to repair after a rupture, if we told the truth, we honestly don't want to hear about their experience...  and what is it going to take to change that...

How there's very specific language and communication practices found in John's Embodied Relationship Experience platform that make communicating so much easier such as beginning with, I know you never want to hurt me...

-How curious that both of us were going through conscious uncoupling at the recording of this Podcast and ways that John coached me to go first, to be devoted to love, into invite deeper completion... 

-How John is offering both this Embodied Relationship Experience platform and his 5th Teacher Training to help people more deeply embody love and experience fulfilling intimate relationships... 

As long as I dive deep for Truth, Life keeps getting richer and more fulfilling. Since this recording and receiving John's invitation for deeper completion in my uncoupling, I have renewed my love, connection and commitment to me... and to Scott. A miracle. Never Say Never.


❤️ Successful professionally yet suck at deep intimate love? Can’t get it right as hard as you try? Hate yourself because you know better, but the pattern still continues? Desire 1-on-1 support to integrate these subconscious trauma wounds? This is my genius. Let's set you free. Schedule your VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me here:

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❤️ As committed as you are, what’s still repelling deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy? Your Blindspots. Unintegrated heartbreak. Let’s move you from confused to clarity, insecure to confident, disheartened to hopeful... single to finding The One. We’ve got you. 

Schedule your Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me today https://allanapratt.com/connect 

Scholarship Code: READYNOW

❤️ Finding the One is Bullsh*t. Becoming the One is brilliant and beautiful, and ironically the key to attracting your ideal partner. Move beyond the fear of getting hurt again. Register for Become the One Introductory Program. http://allanapratt.com/becomeintro 
Use Code: BTO22 to get over 40% off

❤️ Complimentary Intimacy Mini-Course ~ After 20 yrs as an Intimacy Expert, I’ve discovered the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Learn how to avoid them so you can thrive deliciously. https://allanapratt.com/top5mistakes 

❤️ What’s your Intimacy Blind Spot? Discover what may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy soul shaking relationship. Take the quiz! https://allanapratt.com/quiz  

❤️ The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at www.magicmind.com/intimallana and redeem the discount code INTIMALLANA.

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