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RESCUED- The Change (Testimony)

It Brings Hope

Release Date: 12/15/2021

Running The Race with Discipline show art Running The Race with Discipline

It Brings Hope

Scriptures: Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV) ========================================== Email: ==========================================

Give Our Thanks To Him show art Give Our Thanks To Him

It Brings Hope

Scripture: Psalm 118:21 (NIV) =========================================== Email: ===========================================

Keep It Up! show art Keep It Up!

It Brings Hope

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV) ================================================== Email: ==================================================

Shine Like A Light show art Shine Like A Light

It Brings Hope

Scripture: Philippians 2:15 (NIV) ================================================= Email: =================================================

Tu Es Entendu! show art Tu Es Entendu!

It Brings Hope

Passages: Psaumes 61: 2-4 ============================================== Email: ==============================================

You Are Heard! show art You Are Heard!

It Brings Hope

Scriptures: Psalms 61: 1-3 ============================================== Email: ==============================================

Jésus N'est Pas Absent show art Jésus N'est Pas Absent

It Brings Hope

Colossiens 2: 5-7 (LSG)

Jesus Is Not Absent show art Jesus Is Not Absent

It Brings Hope

Colossians 2: 5-7 (NIV)

Il Est Tout show art Il Est Tout

It Brings Hope

Passage: Exode 3:14 (LSG) =============================== Email: ===============================

He Is Everything show art He Is Everything

It Brings Hope

Passage: Exodus 3:14 (NIV) ============================== Email: ==============================

More Episodes

Rescued is a testimony by Philippe. In part 1 “The Change” Philippe speaks about his encounter with Jesus. He explains how Jesus has rescued him from the Voodoo religion, and touched his heart to find faith in God.


Testimony link: https://youtu.be/BlnFFy9HGbo
