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Jake's Inferno Episode 450

Jake's Inferno

Release Date: 02/01/2023

Jake's Inferno Episode 467 show art Jake's Inferno Episode 467

Jake's Inferno

Summer vacation is right around the corner and I can't WAIT! Nothing big planned but I am hooking up for a beer with fellow podcaster Michael Butler when he swings by town in early August (playing bass for Handsome Dick Manitoba). But that's a long way away and right now there's music to be listened to. On this month's playlist you'll find some punk, thrash, hard rock and alternative. 

Jake's Inferno Episode 466 show art Jake's Inferno Episode 466

Jake's Inferno

Spring is finally in the air and a mid-week holiday (where I live anyway) is much appreciated! Mowed my mom's lawn and fell asleep in the sun. But you're here for the music right? On this month's playlist you'll find some punk, alternative, oi, hard rock, hip-hop, thrash and a lovely little tune recorded in the fifties. Crank it!

Jake's Inferno Episode 465 show art Jake's Inferno Episode 465

Jake's Inferno

New episode out and this is not a joke (there's plenty of other people having a ball on April fools' day). On the playlist you'll find some punk, thrash, garage, alternative, hard rock, hip-hop and last but not least a song sung by a lady who'll turn 83 later this month. Happy Easter!

Jake's Inferno Episode 464 show art Jake's Inferno Episode 464

Jake's Inferno

Off to the ISLAND today to hang with dear friends and family for the weekend, so I'll have to pack some good cds I can spin in the car. Or I could just download my own damn show... On the playlist you'll find punk, stoner rock, hard rock, alternative, crossover, thrash and a cool tune recorded 71 years ago. Enjoy! 

Jake's Inferno Episode 463 show art Jake's Inferno Episode 463

Jake's Inferno

Winding down after a windy day, and what better way than to listen to a bunch of cool tunes? On the playlist you'll find some punk, hard rock, alternative, death metal, Americana and stoner rock. Enjoy!

Jake's Inferno Episode 462 show art Jake's Inferno Episode 462

Jake's Inferno

Absolutely atrocious weather outside but toe-tapping music's keeping me warm (my feet anyway). The first episode of 2024 is a mix of genres as usual so a whiplash warning have hereby been issued. On the playlist you'll find some punk, hard rock, country pop, thrash, hip-hop and alternative. Thanks for listening! 

Jake's Inferno Episode 461 - Best of 2023 show art Jake's Inferno Episode 461 - Best of 2023

Jake's Inferno

It's here! My top ten list of the best albums released in 2023. Half of the bands are old favorites that have been on previous best of lists but some are brand new acquaintances. Thanks for listening this year, I'll be back in January.

Jake's Inferno Episode 460 - Shut Up, We Got This! part III show art Jake's Inferno Episode 460 - Shut Up, We Got This! part III

Jake's Inferno

Throwing you a little Christmas curve ball with a show chock full of instrumental tracks instead of my usual best of the year episode. Don't worry, the latter will come out later this month. Until then, enjoy the jolly season!

Jake's Inferno Episode 459 show art Jake's Inferno Episode 459

Jake's Inferno

Dismal weather but a glass of red wine and vinyl spinning on the stereo lights up this mid-week blues. On the playlist this time you'll find some punk, alternative, thrash, soul, hard rock and hardcore. Stay sick! 

Jake's Inferno Episode 458 show art Jake's Inferno Episode 458

Jake's Inferno

Fall is here and that is NOT my favorite time of year as it gets darker day by day. Good thing there's music to put me (and hopefully you dear listener) in a better mood and this time around I play a decent amount of new stuff. On the playlist you'll find some punk, hard rock, old r&b and death metal.   

More Episodes

Rain, rain, rain (at this moment, in this part of the world). But music is a ray of light so stick this episode in your ears and you'll perk right up! On the playlist there's some punk, hard rock, rap, alternative, glam and the always entertaining Peggy Lee.