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Episode #195: Struggle Guilt

The John Huff Podcast

Release Date: 05/29/2024

Episode #197: I Need A Break show art Episode #197: I Need A Break

The John Huff Podcast

On Episode #197, your humble host announces – after a solid two-year stretch that includes 100 published episodes – a brief vacation from the podcast, and waxes semi-eloquent about creative blocks, the importance of taking breaks, getting quiet, listening to and trusting your intuition, and new music by Rowena Wise. Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at   Listen to the playlist .  * Door close sound effect by Caroline Ford, courtesy of soundbible.com. Creative Commons attribution 3.0.

Episode #196: The Game You Choose To Play With Kay Howl show art Episode #196: The Game You Choose To Play With Kay Howl

The John Huff Podcast

On Episode #196, your humble host welcomes – from somewhere off the coast of Greece – podcast favourite Kay Howl for an impromptu chat about the highs and lows of performing on cruise ships, library felons, social media influencers, shoilets, resilience, faith, and choosing what to focus on in a world of superficial distractions. Follow Kay on .    Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at .  Listen to the podcast playlist . * Sound effects: Door Close by Caroline Ford, Crisp Ocean Waves by Mike Koenig, Flock Of Seagulls by Daniel Simion, and Foghorn by Daniel Simon...

Episode #195: Struggle Guilt show art Episode #195: Struggle Guilt

The John Huff Podcast

Why do we cling to the myth that creating art should be a struggle? Why do we feel guilty for wanting more in life? How much of what we desire is ego and how much is our higher self leading us on the path to our greatest potential and contribution? On Episode #195, your humble host tackles these important questions, and waxes semi-eloquent about his past life as a fiction writer, Douglas Coupland’s Life After God, living in Japan, and being in flow. Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at .  Listen to the playlist . * Door close sound effect by Caroline Ford, courtesy of...

Episode #194: Following Your Heart (The Tao Of God's Naked Butt) show art Episode #194: Following Your Heart (The Tao Of God's Naked Butt)

The John Huff Podcast

This week, your humble host reflects on a Ram Dass quote about expressing divinity through art, and waxes semi-eloquent about visiting Vatican City, Michelangelo’s genius, trusting your artistic instincts, and being a podcasting Mother Teresa. All that, plus very relevant new music by Nada Surf, on Episode #194! Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at .  Listen to the playlist . * Door close sound effect by Caroline Ford, courtesy of soundbible.com. Creative Commons attribution 3.0.

Episode #193: The Latte And The Tea Party show art Episode #193: The Latte And The Tea Party

The John Huff Podcast

This week, your humble host shares a disappointing coffee story, and waxes semi-eloquent about performing at the 24-hour Drum Marathon with Jeff Burrows of The Tea Party, learning from pro players, and finding your tribe. All that, plus new music by spiderblush, on Episode #193! Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at .  Listen to the Spotify playlist . * Door close sound effect by Caroline Ford, courtesy of soundbible.com. Creative Commons attribution 3.0.  

Episode #192: Can The Leafs Lose To Someone Else, Please? show art Episode #192: Can The Leafs Lose To Someone Else, Please?

The John Huff Podcast

On Episode #192, your humble host waxes semi-eloquent about Toronto vs. Boston as a Canadiens fan, sports fandom and personal growth, Anglo-French history, a sight of intense revulsion in Amsterdam, lessons from trees, and new music by Petey and Unto Others. Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at .  Listen to the Spotify playlist . 

Episode #191: Heya Kelowna! show art Episode #191: Heya Kelowna!

The John Huff Podcast

On Episode #191, your humble host digs deeper into the infamous Kelowna gig with Carly Thomas, and waxes semi-eloquent about train life, picking up your artist as a side player, managing rough gigs, mountain runaway lanes, living in the present, and new music by Sebastian Bach. Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at .  Listen to the Spotify playlist . * Door close sound effect by Caroline Ford, courtesy of soundbible.com. Creative Commons attribution 3.0.

Episode #190: Gretchen Goes To Toronto show art Episode #190: Gretchen Goes To Toronto

The John Huff Podcast

Why is your humble host’s voice ravaged on this week’s episode? What does it have to do with attending the First Church Of Rock And Roll – aka a King’s X show – in Toronto? What’s the true value of participating in a battle of the bands? And how does it feel to have a five-lane highway all to yourself? All of that, plus new music by Avalon Stone and Freeze The Fall, on Episode #190! Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at .  Check out the Spotify playlist at .  * Door close sound effect by Caroline Ford, courtesy of soundbible.com. Creative Commons attribution...

Episode #189: Hey Pinko! show art Episode #189: Hey Pinko!

The John Huff Podcast

What would your humble host do if he won a lot of money? Which footballer inspires his answer to that question? What’s wrong with Hollywood? And what was the Battle Of The Eclipse anyway? All of that – plus another controversial food take and new music by Invasion – on Episode #189! Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at .  * Door close sound effect by Caroline Ford, courtesy of soundbible.com. Creative Commons attribution 3.0.

Episode #188: Fifth Anniversary Q&A (The Tao of Pineapple On Pizza) show art Episode #188: Fifth Anniversary Q&A (The Tao of Pineapple On Pizza)

The John Huff Podcast

On the fifth anniversay episode of the podcast, your humble host answers listener questions, and waxes semi-eloquent about the hard parts of running a podcast, having no hands, the pros and cons of starting a band, being Ringo, and yes, pineapple on pizza. All that, plus new music by Issa, on Episode #188! Follow the show at .  Support on Patreon at .  * Door close sound effect by Caroline Ford, courtesy of soundbible.com Record scratch sound effect courtesy of Pixabay. Creative Commons attribution 3.0.

More Episodes

Why do we cling to the myth that creating art should be a struggle? Why do we feel guilty for wanting more in life? How much of what we desire is ego and how much is our higher self leading us on the path to our greatest potential and contribution? On Episode #195, your humble host tackles these important questions, and waxes semi-eloquent about his past life as a fiction writer, Douglas Coupland’s Life After God, living in Japan, and being in flow.

Follow the show at www.john-huff.com

Support on Patreon at www.patreon.com/johnhuffpodcast

Listen to the playlist here.

* Door close sound effect by Caroline Ford, courtesy of soundbible.com. Creative Commons attribution 3.0.