Into the Cage with Josh and Charlie
This week we watched Adaptation- Josh's personal favorite Nic Cage movie, and much like The Rock, this is an episode where one of our co-hosts gets WAY too into the movie and the other one has to sherpa the conversation along in an effort to not waste your time. Also, Charlie teaches Josh what a sherpa is.
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In today's episode, we watch Sonny - Nic's directorial debut and the unofficial prequel to Tommy Wiseau's The Room, starring James Franco doing an impression of young Nicolas Cage on xanax. Also - the 4th Quarterly Cage Awards!
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World War II is a time in world history that's been covered countless times in film, but never before has it been captured with the blinding light of Adam Beach's teeth. Also Nicolas Cage and Mark Ruffalo's mustache are in this too, but oh god. Those teeth.
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Today's episode is a special audio commentary! That's right, it spans the entire 77-minute runtime of this bland movie that's almost impossible to find, rendering all of this useless. All of it. All hail the time cone.
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On today's episode of Into the Classical Music with Charlie and Wikipedia, special guest Josh DiCristo stops by to discuss Nicolas Cage's love letter to his own singing voice.
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Nicolas Cage wakes up in an alternate reality where his best friend is Jeremy Piven. It's terrifying.
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The guys watch Gone in 60 Seconds. I'll be honest, I'm phoning in the description this week. THEY'RE NOT ALL WINNERS, PEOPLE.
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In today's film, Nic plays a melting priest who drives a murder van across New York City in Martin Scorsese's sci-fi dystopian epic, set in the dark and gritty future of the early 90s. Kind of.
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A part of Josh dies.
info_outlineInto the Cage with Josh and Charlie
This week we take a deep dive into the dark and disturbing psyche of Joel Schumacher as we watch his superhero origin movie/psychological meditation on porno snuff films 8MM. One of these things is true and it's not going to be the one that you want.
info_outlineBefore he left Las Vegas... he... had a honeymoon? Sorry, that was stupid. Much like this movie. Much like this episode. Much like this entire podcast.