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In the Kitchen

Journey Daily with a Compelling Poem

Release Date: 02/21/2020

Flowers in his wife's long hair is mesmerizing.

Steve Kronen's collections are Homage to Mistress Oppenheimer (Eyewear), Splendor (BOA), and Empirical Evidence (University of Georgia Press). His work has appeared widely in the US and the UK. His many awards include an NEA, three Florida Individual Artist fellowships, the Cecil Hemley Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America, the James Boatwright Poetry Prize from Shenandoah magazine, and fellowships from Bread Loaf, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conferences. He received an MFA from Warren Wilson College. Steve works as a librarian in Miami where he lives with his wife, novelist Ivonne Lamazares. His website is www.stevekronen.com.