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Milltown Resurection

Journey Daily with a Compelling Poem

Release Date: 02/27/2020

Memories with lifelong friends repopulates the old town.

Larry Smith graduated from Muskingum College in Ohio and earned an MA and PhD at Kent State University He taught at Firelands College-Bowling Green State University and in 1980 he was a Fulbright lecturer in American Literature in Sicily. He is the author of eight books of poetry, two books of memoirs, six books of fiction, two literary biographies of authors Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Kenneth Patchen, and two books of translations from the Chinese with co-translator Mei Hui Huang. His poetry has been featured on Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac. Two of his film scripts on authors James Wright and Kenneth Patchen have been made into films with Tom Koba and shown on PBS. He is professor of English and humanities at Firelands College (1970-2010) and is director of the Publisher, Bottom Dog Press, Inc.