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Final Marriage and relationships-Andy and Priscilla's story

Journey Tribe Podcast

Release Date: 02/24/2022

3-2-1 Re-launch! show art 3-2-1 Re-launch!

Journey Tribe Podcast

This episode I am re-launching the podcast that has sadly set still for a year and a half.  What have I been up to?  Find out inside this episode.   Burnt Ship:Episode 65

What you focus on expands show art What you focus on expands

Journey Tribe Podcast

So often, we repeat things over and over again verbaly or within our thoughts.  Our mind wanders to what we're lacking in life.  There is power in what we choose to focus on.  There is expansion in the things we spend an abundant amount of time focusing on.  Today's episode talks about various things you can focus on to bring positive expansion in your life.  

Burnt Ship show art Burnt Ship

Journey Tribe Podcast

So many of us set out to grow. To be different.  Sometimes, despite our efforts, we can feel stuck and left wondering what that next step is in our life.  We leave behind the things that no longer align with where our life is actually heading and then you realize that nothing around you is aligning anymore.  That's when you know, that, it's no longer about setting things aside, but it's setting fire to your old life, that ship, that you have been standing on.  It's time to jump in to the unknown, without a clear picture.  Take the risk.  Take the leap.  ...

The Wellness Way-Journey to find answers show art The Wellness Way-Journey to find answers

Journey Tribe Podcast

It can be frustrating when you are unable to figure out what is going on in your body.  Priscilla had been experiencing breathing issues and stomach problems and back pain for years.  She finally made the decision to try The Wellness Way.  Their motto is "we don't guess, we test."  And that is exactly what they did.  Through various testing she was able to get some answers and begin a journey of healing.  

No shame in the reframe show art No shame in the reframe

Journey Tribe Podcast

Sometimes we get lost in our emotions or feelings and we become stuck.  And sometimes we meet that place again and again and get stuck again.  When you get to a place of realizing that pattern, sometimes it is one word or one positive action that can shift things for us.  Our brains are in search for an answer or a reason to everything we experience and it will associate that with a feeling/emotion.  The key is recognizing this pattern and reframing your belief about it.  Priscilla shares a common feeling of rejection in her own life that would arise.  She finally...

Creating Community- Rock painting show art Creating Community- Rock painting

Journey Tribe Podcast

Priscilla and guest, Melissa Sweeney chat about something beautiful coming from their struggles of belonging, acceptance and not knowing what the next step for them was.   It's difficult when you're in the funk to see it's purpose.  When you make it to the other side of it is when you can see what it's purpose was.   Through trials and tears, these two came together and eventually figured out a way to create the community their hearts longed to be a part of.  

Fitting the mold show art Fitting the mold

Journey Tribe Podcast

For years Priscilla tried to conform her dreams around what other's had already accomplished.  Oftentimes, we don't realize how much of our decisions are based on what others think or how they do things.  We're afraid to stand out because it doesn't look like most.  You were'nt created to fit in to someone else's mold.  You were designed to bring you.  That is a big enough gift!  Let's let the creativity out.  

Break out of your prison show art Break out of your prison

Journey Tribe Podcast

Do you desire to be yourself?  Like, really, who you are deep within.  So much of our authenticity is burried for fear of what others might think or even say.  We hide our talents, gifts and uniqueness for fear of it not being recieved as such.  Let's uncover the gold burried in each one of us.  Let's be free to be truly who we were desiged to be which is not like everyone else, it's like us.  

In the waiting show art In the waiting

Journey Tribe Podcast

When?  Such a common question when you don't know what's next in your life.  You feel stuck.  You feel the desire to do something different and be someone different, yet you're left asking yourself, "where do I begin?"   It's what happens in the waiting that is key to a lifetime of positive changes.  How are you utilizing the time that you have while you are unsure of that next step?  This episode is about the waiting and what you can do during that time to benefit your life.  It's not about the waiting itself.  It's what you do in the waiting that...

VRBO and RV Life show art VRBO and RV Life

Journey Tribe Podcast

Priscilla is back for season 4!  What has she been up to?  Well, on this episode she talks about what a new normal summer is for her and her family.  Her and her husbands business endeavor led them to a way to help support their income as she stays home with her kids.  

More Episodes
This is the final episode of the 4 part series of Andy and Priscilla's Marriage/relationship story.  They get honest with their feelings and struggles.