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The Power of Water & Awareness of Tricky Transitions

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

Release Date: 05/18/2023

Responding to Responding to "JUST FOCUS" with 4 R's- Interview with Dr. Norrine Russell

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

I don't know about you, but when I hear, "you just need to focus" it sends chills up my spine! It's NOT that easy, is it!? One thing I know about our uniquely wired brains is that it's not that we have the inability to focus, it's that our focus drifts from one thing to another when the task is boring or something else entices our interest driven, dopamine seeking brain!  In this episode, you will meet Dr. Norrine Russell, who is the founder of "Russell Coaching." Her and her coaches share the same passion as I do as a coach. We want to come alongside kids/students with a strength-based...

Tests Can Feel Tricky & Sticky! What Does My Brain Need to Succeed? show art Tests Can Feel Tricky & Sticky! What Does My Brain Need to Succeed?

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

In light of end of year testing (which I am not a fan of by the way!) I wanted to provide you with some encouragement and support so that you do not feel alone and you have some thought reframing, tools and strategies you can use moving into your upcoming tests.  In this episode I empathize with the fact that testing can feel EXTRA tricky and/or sticky for our busy brains. It is super important to seperate the results of a test from your intelligence. In full transparency, I was a terrible test taker, but it was due to my challenge with the executive function skills needed to execute the...

Using Yoga to Calm Your Big Emotions & Tune Into Your Body: Interview with Using Yoga to Calm Your Big Emotions & Tune Into Your Body: Interview with "Yogi Beans" Founder, Lauren Chaitoff

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

You won't want to miss this episode as I interview a brilliant children's yoga instructor, Lauren Chaitoff, who has created a curriculum "Yogi Beans" to use as a tool for children to find calm, create a habit of taking intentional breaths,  practice balance, and becoming mindful of their emotions, while also increasing the skill of concentration!  Join me and Lauren and we discuss all of the wonderful ways that the practice of Yoga can be helpful in your day to day lives. Lauren shares mindfulness strategies, we do belly breaths together, and we explore how yoga can strengthed that...

We Are We Are "Different Thinkers"- Interview with Authors and Neuropsychologists, Dr. Yael Rothman & Dr. Katia Fredricksen

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

What are those doctor's called who play fun thinking games and help you understand your unique brain better!? They are called, " Neuropsychologists"!!! In this episode, you will meet two pediatric neuropsychologists from Maryland who have a passion for coming alongside kids and families who find themselves wondering if they have a "different thinking brain!?"  Dr. Yael Rothman and Dr. Katia Fredricksen share what the experience is like visiting a neuropsychologist and they also share more about their brand new book titled, "Different Thinkers- ADHD." This is their first book in the...


Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

My favorite thing to on this podcast is to connect and respond to kiddos with ADHD who reach out with great questions! In this episode, you will hear from our friend and listener, Lucas, who asks, "why is my ADHD brain more hyper than other brains!?"  We will focus on the fact that our brains are simply wired in a unique way that causes it to be more "hyper" and create a need to lean into the strengths that a hyper brain brings as we navigate through the struggles that we find comes with a busy brain! It's all about learning and growing through the trials in life and see them as an...

Shedding Light on Your ADHD with Coaching show art Shedding Light on Your ADHD with Coaching

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

Do you ever wonder about the next step you could take on your ADHD journey? I wanted to take the opportunity on this episode to share how coaching could be a great next step! Yes, I am an ADHD life coach and would love the opportunity to work with you. However, there are many incredible coaches out there to choose from too! You want to be sure it's the best fit for you and your family!  In this episode we talk about the value in understanding your own ADHD brain while finding the best tools, strategies, systems, routines, and habits that work best for YOUR unique beautiful brain! I use...

Practicing Self-Compassion One Moment At a Time show art Practicing Self-Compassion One Moment At a Time

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

Do you ever feel like you have a bully living inside your head!? I know I do and sometimes we just allow it to live there and become used to it! Join me in saying goodbye to that inner bully and hello to self-compassion!  In this episode I talk about my own experience with my inner bully who says, "what is wrong with you!" I then discuss how we can kick that bully out and invite in a thought that will serve us better..." I am worthy of love and acceptance!" Then ask the question: "What can I offer myself in this MOMENT? What do I need?" This question allows you to practice a pause and to...

Inviting In the Inviting In the "Do It Now" Thought and Kicking Out "I'll Do That Later..."

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

Who else is guilty of  coming up to something and reacting with "I'll do that later." Some say that is just being a "procrastinator" but I do believe that we have some control over this tendency starting with the thought that is driving that behavior. Thought control is one of the most powerful tool we can have as ADHD brains!!  In this episode, I talk about the why behind "I'll do that later." Some explanation is that our brain sees the task as boring and our attention turns elsewhere or it's simply overwhelming to get started and so we simply put it off! Don't fret! Let's practice...

Know and Grow Your Potential- Interview with ADHD Life Coach and Author Brooke Schnittman show art Know and Grow Your Potential- Interview with ADHD Life Coach and Author Brooke Schnittman

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

Note: This episode is a little longer and can be listened to in parts. The end especially is for trusted adults to hear about a fantastic resource for their own ADHD journey, but the entire episode is a GREAT conversation guide to use with your child!!  Does it ever feel like ADHD is holding you back from your full potential or do you ever feel like, "they just don't get me and do I even understand me"!? If any of these questions have crossed your mind, this episode is for you!  In this episode you will meet my fabulous fellow ADHD Coach and Author, Brooke Schnittman, who shares with...

Let's Stretch Our Flexible Thinking Muscle show art Let's Stretch Our Flexible Thinking Muscle

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

Does it ever feel like your brain is like a rock and you get stuck on thinking about things or obsessed with things going a certain way!? Well I know this skill can be hard for me too, so let's explore it together!!  Flexible thinking is an executive function skill that needs to be exercised and developed for some of us with ADHD. In this episode, we will discuss why flexible thinking is hard and some strategies we can use to stretch that muscle to become stronger! When we strengthen that flexible thinking muscle, that also helps in the area of emotional regulation as well!! Win...

More Episodes

Hey Everyone!! 

I have missed talking with you guys these last few weeks! I was on vacation in Mexico and brought back a validated nugget of knowledge that is helpful for our ADHD brains and I wanted to speak on how it can feel tricky to transition back into the swing of things when you've been away, your schedule is changed, or you just need to go from one task to another! I felt this a lot when I was trying to get back into my routine after returning from Mexico!

In this episode, you will hear me talk about all of the benefits of WATER! It's amazing calming tool right at our fingertips! Being by the ocean all week when I was away really gave me a sense of how truly calming that simple sound of water is! It was the most relaxed I have felt in years! That got me thinking...water is such a great tool for our ADHD brains in so many ways! Making sure you are well hydrated with water will reduce brain fog and even help with working memory and energy levels for productivity. If you live by any body of water and you feel dysregulated, you can make it a habit to take trips to physically feel the calming mind and body effects of simply being near water. If you don't live by a body of water, you can simply use the water in your home to splash your face when those emotions run high, or hop in the shower as a regulation technique and as an added bonus, showers can spark your brilliantly creative mind too. I get some of my best ideas in the shower! LOL! 

You'll also hear me talk about transitions in this episode, but we just scratch the surfact as next week we will dive deeper into this struggle! The first step is always to simply practice self-awareness of the struggle! This is a great conversation starter to investigate different areas of life, different environments, or even day to day task switching that feels extra hard sometimes. We need to identify before any growth can be made! 

Don't forget to check out the great program I will be running this summer! "Journey to Becoming Mom Again" is a program designed for mama's of kids with ADHD. I am on a mission to create a connected community of moms, where you can become more educated, empowered, and encouraged to understand your child's brain better, respond more appropriately and effectively to behaviors, and become their best advocate both at home and at school! Go to www.focusforwardadhd.com/journey to book a free consultation and see if this program would be right for you!

You can also visit my website www.katelynmabry.com to get on my email list (only one email each week;) check out my book, or reach out to me with a podcast episode request! I would love to hear from your kiddos too!! We are on this journey together!! Love you all!