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Kagro in the Morning - May 10, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Release Date: 05/10/2024

Kagro in the Morning - May 31, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - May 31, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Well, Trump’s trial jury decided to, scuttling our chance to hear David Waldman vocally impersonate each member of the 118th Congress over the course of . Maybe next week. TFFG earned another F last night. In fact,. The question is, do finally take him to? To us in, it , but let’s stand back and think… Yes it does seem as if Donald Trump might not be an, but only a two-bit  to the press . Of course you are now asking “” Well, , the jury’s .  and  are  to vote for Trump now, but as Greg Dworkin and Keith Olbermann always remind...

Kagro in the Morning - May 30, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - May 30, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

It's Thursday, and David Waldman returns! Greg Dworkin returns!! and Armando returns!!! They don’t make Thursdays any better than this. In New York, Donald Trump’s. They have requested that a few bits of testimony previously drowned out by  to be repeated, with. Fox smooths out the nuances by demanding that  be frog-marched to awaiting squad cars. If Florida deputy sheriff John Mark Dougan  that, he should just move there….  For Arizona for Abortion Access, Abortion is their middle name, and Reno 911 life imitates art, An...

Kagro in the Morning - May 29, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - May 29, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman brings the wit and wisdom to today’s KITM. Greg Dworkin’s … or maybe he multiplies it. Donald Trump’s lately, just in case visitation  in the near future. Pundits are divided between those that believe a guilty verdict, and those who believe it . Then there are those who aren’t sure  one way or the other.   may not find  by Robert De Niro.David Waldman brings the wit and wisdom to today’s KITM. Greg Dworkin’s … or maybe he multiplies it. Donald Trump’s lately, just in case visitation  in the near future....

Kagro in the Morning - May 28, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - May 28, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman has had enough , back to the microphone!  have begun in , and well,   be  as one would think , fake electors plan to .  the  for three years, because who doesn’t signal international distress when attacked by passive-aggressive lawn signs? Martha-Ann Alito  to show reporters she wasn’t one to trifle with. Who knows she chose, it would depend on  she bought it at. None of that explains the Alito at their beach home. , and the fast growing movement, you need  but  on hand. The Texas GOP platform ,...

Kagro in the Morning Kagro in the Morning "Encore Performance" - May 27, 2020, airing May 27, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Another installment in our continuing series, “Are You Better Off Now, with an Episode From Four Years Ago?” Things were very different on May 27, 2020. For one thing, it was a Wednesday. Also, there was a global pandemic, and we had the worst possible president. Here’s how Scott Anderson described it, using the primitive tools we had available to us in those times: David Waldman and Greg Dworkin clocked into early this morning to apply their noses to their respective sanitized KITM grindstones: It turns out that most people , and would as well. , however, are happy to . That is,...

Kagro in the Morning - May 24, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - May 24, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman drops us off holding a brand new KITM that he has crafted himself, with a little heart drawn on the outside. Donald Trump at his rally in the Bronx! No, he ! Well, we must prove that  to ! Because, once, they will understand… well, . Democrats love to state on hand, as well as , in the belief that once supplied, Republicans will... First,. Second, they will . Third, The Democratic love of facts, logic and explaining that Dems have now . Trump’s vow to deport 15 million people is... Uh,  which got Trump who...

Kagro in the Morning - May 23, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - May 23, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

What are David Waldman and Greg Dworkin talking about today? you will probably be talking about it tomorrow! Donald Trump has had filled with, , all with  around the edges. It sure is , but if anyone knows how to sell, it is Trump. The story doesn’t need to make sense, just add  and and you’re set. Oh, and scrap , and find some ...  Trump’s , Natalie Harp —     Trump jurors have to prevent this from becoming a rerun.  the next ! Nikki Haley feels no need to… yet... but will be  to it....

Kagro in the Morning - May 22, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - May 22, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are up to their usual Wednesday hijinks. Let’s laugh and learn along. Yes, MAGA has been feeling like  recently. LOL! ! Then... Lib tears . Then, all of this increased exposure moves . Then, it’s policy. Before you know it, 5/9ths of  start believing that is how the Founding Fathers You say that Donald Trump’s vow? Well, that is what you said about , and , so... Who cares , anyhow? At least filibuster reform is  status. Trump jurors got as both sides rest following Donald . almost had on his, then...

Kagro in the Morning - May 21, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - May 21, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

Donald Trump at his today. It  that he to everyone. Yesterday the entire courtroom had to be cleared... , it wasn’t , it was defense witness, . The now begins. Like at Trump rallies,  will probably to beat the traffic home. Probably not  that Trump. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden is doing a fine job, but We conclude , former who realized that, and is now facing some . Joan McCarter pops in, and she and David Waldman celebrate Now if they can only of If CEOs to make  on the fly, ?

Kagro in the Morning - May 20, 2024 show art Kagro in the Morning - May 20, 2024

Kagro in the Morning

David Waldman is surprised as you are that. Greg Dworkin remains on “Assignment”… or “Sabbatical”... or maybe “Hiatus” (The names of his fishing boats) in search of the perfect Raft O’Stories™ to haul in on this Wednesday. Meanwhile, Greg tells us of , which doesn’t quite have, but it is still quite messy. Joe Biden gave the commencement speech at Morehouse College, which emphasized . Of course, . Some prefer . Iran’s President’s helicopter technically  on Sunday, also subsequently.  of the most - dotard continues, much...

More Episodes

David Waldman makes a surprise return to KITM! It was mostly a surprise to him, but there he was, sitting in front of the microphone, so he figured, why not?

By popular (David’s Mom) request, Ace KITM Correspondent Rosalyn MacGregor reports on Abdullah Hammoud, the Mayor of Dearborn, Michigan deciding whether to support Joe Biden, and if a lack in his support will bring peace to Gaza, or Donald Trump to office. Meanwhile, over in Rosalyn’s neck of the woods, voters in  Ottowa County recalled a GOP county commissioner who voted to repeal their DEI department.

Joe Biden is out there trying. Joe announced that the U.S. will not supply Israel with weapons to attack Rafah, which isn’t everything, but it’s something. The problem with satisfying issues voters is when they wonder what you’ve done for them lately. With ideological voters, they will always/never be happy. Donald Trump prefers purely transactional donors who give him billions, and he can stiff later.

The Senate passed a reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration once they gave Senators direct flights out of DCA.

Orange Turd, Von ShitzinPants, whatever his name is today, he’s back in court. He sure can golf though, huh?

Stockholm Syndrome” is how police describe cooperating with someone who isn’t a cop, because you’d have to be insane to not cooperate with the cops.