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Joy of the Heart, Joy of the Soul

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Release Date: 04/30/2010

Ma's River Poem show art Ma's River Poem

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Ma Jaya first shared her "River Poem" in the 1970s, describing the sacred river Ganges in India for which she named the body of water on her beloved Kashi Ashram. On May 26, 2012 at Ma's memorial and what would have been her 72nd birthday, Ma's ashes were placed into the waters as this recorded excerpt from the poem was played. (3 minutes, 50 seconds)

Healing Mantra Practice show art Healing Mantra Practice

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Shakti and the Ego show art Shakti and the Ego

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Kali Natha Tantric Yoga emphasizes appreciation of shakti, the divine feminine in all forms, male and female. We learn to live fully in the moment, free of ego thoughts. The symbolic battles in which dieties battle demons signify the inner battle in which the ego self fights to remain separate from the soul's essential nature which is filled with the essence of shakti. (5 minutes, 19 seconds)

Kali Natha Yoga and Kundalini Rising show art Kali Natha Yoga and Kundalini Rising

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Spiritual Wanting show art Spiritual Wanting

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

The desire to merge with the Divine Beloved is different from the wanting of instant gratification associated with worldly desire. Ma Jaya describes her own devotion to her Guru, Neem Karoli Baba as well as to dieties such as Krishna, Shiva, and the Mother. To ask or pray for help in getting what we want for ourselves and for others is to show faith that our prayers are being heard. Ma also speaks of the role of gratitude, even within the asking. 8 minutes, 40 seconds

Drink as You Pour show art Drink as You Pour

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

How can we serve others in need without burning out? Here Ma Jaya describes the process of "drinking as we pour". Through the discipline of meditation, we learn to drink from the well of divinity. As we carry the space of meditation into our daily lives, we can then cultivate the ability to continue to drink and at the same time pour or share the abundance of that joy with others. 3 minutes, 12 seconds

Thoughts, Karma, and the Breath's Fire show art Thoughts, Karma, and the Breath's Fire

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

In this excerpt from a live darshan at Kashi Ashram, Ma Jaya shares how to focus on the breath and fire to free ourselves of mistaking ego identity for our true, essential selves. The freedom that comes through meditation on the fire with breath awareness brings us into a bissful experience of the moment. 4 minutes, 40 seconds

Embrace All Ways show art Embrace All Ways

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Ma Jaya illustrates the interfaith teaching of embracing all forms of the divine as she tells a story about a sadhu (spiritual seeker). Laxmi, goddess of prosperity, and Kali, fierce warrior goddess exemplify the contrast between two dieties and traditions.

Breathe In Light show art Breathe In Light

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

The experience of great light is a universal spiritual image. In this live teaching, Ma guides her audience through breath and meditation techniques to bring the actuality of light into the every moment. This transformative practice helps one to move from negative thinking to deliberate awareness. (9 minutes, 10 seconds)

Listen to Your Truth show art Listen to Your Truth

Teachings of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Ma Jaya speaks of the essential, intuitive process of paying attention to one's own inner wisdom. This podcast is an excerpt from a live darshan from Kashi Ashram.  (9 minutes, 14 seconds)

More Episodes

In a live darshan teaching, Ma Jaya answers a student's question, "Does the joy of the heart equate to the joy of the soul?" Ma responds with an explanation of the difference between the soul, which is always joyful, and the human heart, which can be broken until one learns to fall in love with the soul's beauty.

(7 minutes, 11 seconds)