Keep The Faith's Podcast
St. Marie of the Incarnation was "a wife, mother, widow, businesswoman, religious, mystic and missionary" according to Pope St. John Paul II who beatified her. She was the first woman to evangelize North America, a dream she was inspired by at a Ursuline convent in France which she had entered after the death of her husband and her son entered the Benedictines. Arriving in Quebec in 1639, she labored there until her death in 1672. Mary of Egypt was reputed be a holy, wise hermitess in Jordanian desert who had run away from home and lived a disolute life as an actress, courtesean for 17 years....
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St. Damien of Molokai was a Belgian missionary priest who volunteered to a life sentence of ministry on the leper island of Molokai in the Kingdom of Hawai'i. He brought Charity and Faith to a place described as a living hell due to the lawless despair and depravity that the place had fallen into. He faced opposition from some violent inhabitants and brought healing of soul and care for their bodies in the sixteen years that he served there before his death from the dread disease. His feast day is May 10. Blessed Miguel Pro entered the Jesuits on 1911 and studied in Mexico until 1914, when...
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St. Patrick, the great apostle to Ireland was captured from England as a young boy and taken to Ireland to serve as a shepherd. He escaped, studied to be a priest and returned to bring the Faith to the unconverted natives of Ireland. His faith, courage and perserverance are model for all.
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St Agnes is a virgin martyr who suffered martyrdom in 304 at about age 13. Born to a noble family her beauty caused many to seek her hand in marriage, and when rejected they denounced her as a Christian, and after various attempts on her virginity and life, she was beheaded. She is the patron of young women and virgins and girls in scouting.
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St Margaret Clitherow was a wife, mother of three, and faithful, courageous Catholic in England during the continuing persecution of the faithful. She risked her life repeatably by hiding priests and having Mass offered in houses she rented to avoid surveillance. Investigated after her son went abroad to study for the priesthood, she was arrested and eventually tortured to death by pressing with a great weight with a sharp rock under her back. Her feast is celebrated in England on May 4.
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St Dymphna's story is illustrated with a modern drama. She was a young Christian who consecrated herself to Christ and chastity. Shortly after this her mother died and her pagan father began to suffer from mental illness. He sought a new wife and came to desire to marry his daughter, who fled to Belgium with her confessor and trusted servants. She built a hospital for the poor and sick, but her father tracked her down, and when she resisted his attempt to bring her home, he struck off her head. Her feast is May 15.
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The story of St. Florian is told in a modern drama. St Florian was a commander in the Roman army and responsible for training an elite group of soldiers specially trained to fight fires. Reported to Rome for not enforcing proscriptions against Christians and ordered to sacrifice to the Roman gods, he refused and was sentenced to be burned. Offering climb on the pyre to show his faith and courage, he was instead drowned in the river with a millstone. His feast is May 4.
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The story of St Nicholas, the patron saint of brides is told in a modern drama. St Nicholas was known for his habit of secret gift-giving, most famously to keep three girls from a life of disrepute by providing for their dowries. Returning from a pilgrimage to Egypt and Syria Palaestina, he was made Bishop of Myra. His legend includes stories about slapping the heretic Arius, saving three men from execution and resurrecting three murdered children. His feast day is celebrated on December 6.
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St. Pantaleon's patronage is illustrated in a modern drama. He was a martyr on Nicomedia in Bithynia in 305 AD. He is considered one of the 14 Holy Helpers. He was raised as Christian, but fell away after his mother's death while studying medicine. He was won back to Christ by St Hermolaus who explained the superiority of the science of salvation over even the excellent field of medicine.He converted his father, and inheriting a large fortune on his father's death, he used it generously to free his slaves and help the poor, and was denounced by envious colleagues, and condemned by...
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St. Francis of Assisi, the aristocratic playboy who became a model of poverty in imitation of Christ, is one of the most remarkable saints in history. He founded the Franciscan Order, traveled to the holy land, and began the tradition of the Nativity scene. Towards the end of his life he received the precious gift of the stigmata and is one of the most venerated saints in history.
info_outlineSaint Cuthbert was a monk, bishop, and hermit in Northumbria and a popular medieval saint known for his many miracles and the holy, austere life he led. Relive the lives of the saints, experience their noble pursuit of holiness, and share with them their struggles, tears, and selfless sacrifices heroically endured for the God they loved above all else! The dramatized lives of these great saints are the perfect antidote to the deadening secularism which now pervades our society at all levels. Listeners young and old will discover a world of the spirit perhaps never known or half-forgotten. After reliving the inspiring lives of these saints it is certain that the listener will come to understand more fully what it means to know, to love, and to serve God!