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Ep 101: Less Junk More Journey

Keep Your Daydream

Release Date: 11/21/2016

Getting to know Marc & Trish: Questions from the Community show art Getting to know Marc & Trish: Questions from the Community

Keep Your Daydream

Eddie Hickinbotham has been a long-time KYD Insider . He created a list of 75 questions that he wanted to know and other KYD Insiders up-voted them to the top 10.  This is a long-format podcast - more of a conversation. We share how KYD came about, what we did prior to KYD and where we're going.  We hope you have a long drive day and we'll keep you company for almost two hours!  -M&T

Living 24/7 with your spouse or family, peacefully show art Living 24/7 with your spouse or family, peacefully

Keep Your Daydream

Before we hit the road fulltime, one of our biggest concerns was how we were all going to get along in a small space. After all, it wasn't exactly easy in a large home when the kids were in school and we had plenty of time apart. In this podcast, we both come to the table with three ideas that may help you when traveling or getting through quarantine! To participate in the conversation, go to Topics discussed: The Golden Rule does not apply to relationships What are you bringing to the table? Have important conversations about what you need, when you don't need it! Creating personal space...

What to Consider Before Jumping into Change show art What to Consider Before Jumping into Change

Keep Your Daydream

This is Episode 110. We want to know what you think of this format of type of conversation. Please go to to comment and add your thoughts. We'd love to write more, but don't want to over-complicate the podcast. To bring it back, we need to keep it simple. Perhaps we'll being on a podcast team to help if we get a good response :)  Marc & Trish

It's Back. Welcome to KYD Podcast 2.0! show art It's Back. Welcome to KYD Podcast 2.0!

Keep Your Daydream

Welcome back to the Keep Your Daydream Podcast! In this episode, we'll get you all caught up on what's been happening in the KYD community, why we stopped podcasting, why we are back, and what you can expect on the KYD podcast version 2.0. We'll also introduce you to future conversations and topics that we'll have about moving your dreams forward. Learn about getting to the core of your dreams, having a vision, finding your spark, and taking small steps towards your dreams, and building a community around your vision. We would really like to know what you thought of this episode and develop...

Ep 107: Less House & More Living  show art Ep 107: Less House & More Living

Keep Your Daydream

Have you ever thought of moving your family into an RV? After mulling this idea over for a few years Chris and Jared knew that if they wanted it to happen - they needed to set a date and be on their way! What does it take to get a family out of a house and into a lifestyle of more living? The Gillis family answers this along with a dozy of a question: do you have to be rich or retired to create the life of your dreams? What the've learned along the way has taught them that Less House More Living is a worthwhile cause. Check out the full description, pictures and show notes at...

Ep 106: A Conversation With Alex Hunter with Attaché show art Ep 106: A Conversation With Alex Hunter with Attaché

Keep Your Daydream

Are you ready to get in, out, and around the world's greatest cities? Alex Hunter is the creator of Attaché, the popular YouTube channel for the seasoned traveler looking for the essential travel guide in just 15 minutes. Check out the full description, pictures, and show notes . Join the KYD email list for travel ideas and even more inspiring stories. Join us on our adventure around the States on YouTube for weekly episodes. Let’s get social:
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Ep 105: Update & Operation Moto Dog with Mallory Paige show art Ep 105: Update & Operation Moto Dog with Mallory Paige

Keep Your Daydream

You have a choice. Every obstacle is an opportunity. Choose Happy. Seek Adventure. That is the motto of today’s guest Mallory Paige who is seeking adventure across North America on her KLR659 motorcycle with her dog Baylor in the sidecar. Before Operation Moto Dog, Mallory had never driven a motorcycle and had little camping experience. Most people thought she was crazy, so she created her own “Can Do Community” of people willing to help. This episode is loaded with inspiration of how to overcome the impossible and make your dreams happen. Check out the full description, pictures and...

Ep 104: Our Life is a Trip – From Plane to Sea show art Ep 104: Our Life is a Trip – From Plane to Sea

Keep Your Daydream

It’s been said that we become what we think about most. Tracy Rodriguez homeschooled her kids while sitting by the San Diego Harbor watching the boats sail over the horizon. It didn’t take long before Tracy found herself on her own sailboat preparing to sail full-time with her family of six. Check out the full description, pictures and show notes . Join the KYD email list for travel ideas and even more inspiring stories. Join us on our adventure around the States on YouTube for weekly episodes. Let’s get social:
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Ep 103: Restaurant to RV with When in Rome Travels  show art Ep 103: Restaurant to RV with When in Rome Travels

Keep Your Daydream

Can you relate to the feeling of working hard to buy things you don’t have time to use? If so, you’re not alone. Today’s guests, Engjell and Kaleigh with When in Rome Travels, had a successful restaurant and great life, but knew there was even more by having less. Check out the full description, pictures and show notes . Join the KYD email list for travel ideas and even more inspiring stories. Join us on our adventure around the States on YouTube for weekly episodes. Let’s get social:
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Ep 102: The Truth About the Nomadic Lifestyle show art Ep 102: The Truth About the Nomadic Lifestyle

Keep Your Daydream

The nomadic lifestyle isn’t for everyone. That is what Eli David learned early when trying convince people to make a change. Yet, if each day is starting to look like the last or you’re not happy, you owe it to yourself to make a change. Eli David is the creator of Become Nomad blog and podcast. He has been a nomad since 2010 and not due to faith or courage. Rather life was gracious enough to push him out the door when his relationship and job both came to an end. As he mentions in this episode, “Its only when you lose everything you have… you’re free to do anything you want. The...

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The title says it all. Do you want a life with less junk, more journey and even better relationships with the people that matter most? That’s exactly what Nathan and Marissa set out to accomplish. Living with less has provided so much more.

Check out the full description, pictures and show notes here. Join the KYD email list for travel ideas and even more inspiring stories.

Join us on our adventure around the States on YouTube for weekly episodes.

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