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King Triviling #51: Songs in the Key of Quiz

King Triviling

Release Date: 11/07/2021

King Triviling Announcement show art King Triviling Announcement

King Triviling

Some sad news this week: King Triviling will be going on hiatus for the foreseeable future. Since lockdown ended, it's become increasingly difficult to juggle full time work and the podcast, so for the sake of my sanity I'll be taking a break while I figure out how to make the podcast more sustainable in the long run - any suggestions would be gratefully received! In the meantime, you can contact me at , or follow the show on  and .  Music by Benny Davis and  King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country.

King Triviling #76: Hot Off The Quizzes show art King Triviling #76: Hot Off The Quizzes

King Triviling

Extra! Extra! Quiz all about it!  Your categories this week are: General Knowledge Fictional Newspapers Wsilent W Who Wants To Be A Milliner? Connections If you've got a hot scoop, let us know via our confidential tipoff line at  , or follow the show on  and .  Music by Benny Davis and  King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country.

Episode #75: From The Archives show art Episode #75: From The Archives

King Triviling

Slightly strange episode this week - while I was cleaning up my computer, I found an old episode that I recorded ages ago but didn't release. Enjoy! This week's categories are: General Knowledge International Sesame Street Make It Fashion Starts & Ends With The Same Letter Connections As always, you can get in touch via , or follow the show on  or .  Music by Benny Davis and  King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country.

King Triviling #74: The Young & The Quizless show art King Triviling #74: The Young & The Quizless

King Triviling

Who is the handsome stranger claiming to be the secret identical twin brother of beloved podcast host King Triviling?  Your categories this week are: General Knowledge Soap Operas Name That Year! Bread & Butter Connections If you enjoy the show, please for God's sake email me , or follow the show on  or . I'm extremely lonely! Music by Benny Davis and  King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country.

King Triviling #73: A Work of Quiz show art King Triviling #73: A Work of Quiz

King Triviling

King Triviling is a half-length portrait painting by an unknown artist, and is considered to be an archetypal masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance. Your categories this week are: General Knowledge Cross Words Art & Artists Countries That Are Smaller in Area Than Australia But Larger Than Mongolia Connections If you enjoy the show, please for God's sake email me , or follow the show on  or . I'm extremely lonely! Music by Benny Davis and  King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country

King Triviling #72: Quiz Your Way Out Of That! show art King Triviling #72: Quiz Your Way Out Of That!

King Triviling

As I was going to St Ives, I met a king with seven quizzes... Your categories this week are: General Knowledge Games & Puzzles Crystal Clear Unhorned Animals Connections If you think you've solved the riddle, email , or follow the show on  or . Music by Benny Davis and  King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country

King Triviling #71: Target: Quiz show art King Triviling #71: Target: Quiz

King Triviling

If you are reading this message, I have been assassinated by my many enemies in the quiz community. Your categories this week are: General Knowledge Assassinations Horned Animals Weights & Measures Connections If you've got a tip-off about any planned assassination attempts, please email , or follow the show on  or . Music by Benny Davis and  King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country

King Triviling #70: Triple Quiz Score show art King Triviling #70: Triple Quiz Score

King Triviling

FUN FACT: Scrabble was originally called Criss Cross. Your categories this week are: General Knowledge Scrabble Fictional Monarchs Name That Continent! Connections If yyou've got a problem with how I run the quiz, say it to my face by emailing , or follow the show on  or . Music by Benny Davis and  King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country

King Triviling #69: ing Triviling show art King Triviling #69: ing Triviling

King Triviling

Yes, it's another episode of  ing Triviling, the wee ly quiz podcast! Your categories this episode are: General  nowledge Ksilent K Ships, Sailors & the Sea Animated Mice Connections Got a burning question for me? Email  , or follow the show on   or . Music by Benny Davis and   ing Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country  

King Triviling #68: Put It All On Quiz show art King Triviling #68: Put It All On Quiz

King Triviling

Yeah, the episode's late this week. What are you gonna do - sue me? Join the queue, pal! Your categories this week are: General Knowledge At The Casino What The L? Ballet Connections If you want to learn how to make megabucks at your local casino, email , or follow the show on  or . Music by Benny Davis and  King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country

More Episodes

If music be the food of love, quiz on!

Your categories this week are:

  1. General Knowledge
  2. Music, Sweet Music
  3. The Nuclear Option
  4. Words Before Words
  5. Connections

If you want to get in touch, you can email kingtriviling@gmail.com, and I'll even let you follow the show on Facebook or Instagram for more questions.

Music by Benny Davis and www.purple-planet.com

King Triviling is recorded on Cadigal country