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161: sExcommunication: The Mormon LGBTQ+ Dilemma

Latter Gay Stories

Release Date: 07/13/2022

188: Chosen Path: A Memoir by D. Michael Quinn show art 188: Chosen Path: A Memoir by D. Michael Quinn

Latter Gay Stories

Chosen Path, a memoir by D. Michael Quinn is a story of self-denial and inner struggle, while Michael strove to follow through on his personal commitments faithfully. The memoir, published by Signature Books is an intimate look into the life of one of Mormonism’s most prolific historians of church governance and LGBTQ intersections. Moshe Quinn, son of Michael Quinn and Barbara Jones Brown sit down to share a story of truth, struggle, excommunication, and honor. The book is available at your local bookstore, or available online through Signature Books and Amazon. Moshe is the youngest son...

187: Carmina and Sabrina | Sister Missionaries Fall In Love show art 187: Carmina and Sabrina | Sister Missionaries Fall In Love

Latter Gay Stories

Carmina and Sabrina were called to serve missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as Mormon missionaries. What they didn't expect was that they would meet each other--and eventually fall in love. This is a story about two Latter-day Saint women with unique stories of faith, of trial, of frustration, of hiding, and of freedom. Sabrina and Carmina share their stories about family, faith, and the future. #LatterGayStories #Queer #Lesbian #Bisexual #ComingOut

186: Dan and Sara Fisk | Being Prepared for Allyship show art 186: Dan and Sara Fisk | Being Prepared for Allyship

Latter Gay Stories

In 1998, the Fisk family faced what some might call a dilemma. A relative of theirs came out. Having been raised orthodox Mormon, Dan and Sara grappled with numerous questions: How should they navigate this news? What would the future of their relationship with their loved one look like? How could they move forward without sacrificing their standing in the Church?   As you listen, you will learn from the Fisk's story. For the Fisk family, Mormonism had always been central to them, then everything changed in 2017 when someone even closer to them came out: their daughter. What...

185: Jacob Lambert | I Came Out by Inviting People In show art 185: Jacob Lambert | I Came Out by Inviting People In

Latter Gay Stories

Jacob Lambert's story is about finding support from those around you. Raised in an active Latter-Day Saint family, Jacob’s world view shifted when he began to figure out that he was gay at 16 years old. Despite his awareness of his sexuality, Jacob felt inspired to serve a mission and attend BYU. Little by little, as he let people in he felt more comfortable and confident in his identity and eventually decided to come out on Instagram in June of 2021. As his religious views began to shift, Jacob decided that part of living authentically and honestly would involve transferring out of BYU and...

184: Cameron Call | Breaking Out of Mormon Expectation show art 184: Cameron Call | Breaking Out of Mormon Expectation

Latter Gay Stories

Cameron Call grew up in Queen Creek, Arizona. He served a mission in Nashville, Tennessee—the same mission as his father. He married a woman in a Mesa Temple and has three children. He came out to his wife in 2018 after ten years of marriage and they decided to divorce in 2019. He and his ex-wife are helping their kids discover the beauties of life both in and outside of the Mormon church. This is his story of trying to meet the expectations of religion, life and society—and learning that there is happiness and joy in all the places he was promised it didn't exist. #LatterGayStories...

183: Richard and Josh | A Love Story show art 183: Richard and Josh | A Love Story

Latter Gay Stories

In the final episode of our three-part story, Josh and Richard share the couch as a couple! They talk about dating, separating religion from their reality, family, navigating a vulnerable part of their lives, and MARRIAGE! They reflect on what they have learned through this journey, how their lives have changed, and what they hope for the future. Catch episodes 181 and 182 to hear Josh and Richard’s individual stories.

182: Josh Castro-Mitchell | From the Philippines to Utah: Finding My Happiness show art 182: Josh Castro-Mitchell | From the Philippines to Utah: Finding My Happiness

Latter Gay Stories

Josh was thriving as a young, out, gay teen in the Philippines, but Mormon missionaries knocked on his door and he and his family ended up joining the Church. Soon after, his mother married a man from Utah, and Josh found himself living in a small religious town in Northern Utah. His life went from being openly gay and accepted to hiding his sexuality and being an ethnic minority in a community of opinionated Mormon farmers. Utah forced him to hide inside a “shell” because he found it impossible to live who he really was. In this interview Josh shares what he experienced as a convert from...

181: Richard Mitchell | When A Mormon Bishop Comes Out show art 181: Richard Mitchell | When A Mormon Bishop Comes Out

Latter Gay Stories

What happens when a former Mormon bishop can no longer stay closeted and hidden? He grabs the door-handle, walks through that door and into a world he’s avoided his whole life. Richard Mitchell was a very active, stalwart Latter-day Saint. He married a woman, had children, served in the church (including as Bishop) and tried to use the promises of Mormonism to “change” his sexual orientation. But was the “Mormon Message” sustainable for him? In this three-episode series, Richard shares a candid look into his journey through church leadership, marriage and divorce, navigating life...

180: Brad Talbot | I Colored The BYU Campus in Rainbow show art 180: Brad Talbot | I Colored The BYU Campus in Rainbow

Latter Gay Stories

What started as a dream to paint the Brigham Young University campus in rainbow paint ended up encouraging Bradley Talbot to start a movement that changed the face of BYU and literally lit it up with color. Brad took on Goliath—the Mormon Church and he organized a group of people to light the iconic Y in rainbow colors…not once, but three times. But how did we get here? Who is Bradley Talbot? Why color the campus? And why did he feel compelled to advocate for the LGBTQ community and one of the nation’s most orthodox universities?  He is going to tell all. 

179: Flo Montierth | My Husband is Gay, Now What? show art 179: Flo Montierth | My Husband is Gay, Now What?

Latter Gay Stories

My husband is gay, now what? In a topic not regularly discussed, Flo Montierth shares her story of dating, marrying and then divorcing a gay Mormon husband. As a lifelong lover of learning and teaching, Flo is an advocate for special needs and the LGBTQIA community. Navigating Mormon life in a mixed-orientation marriage was challenging, but leaning into those challenges opened new opportunities and new insights into Flo’s personal journey—and expanded opportunities for her family. Through this journey, it wasn’t just Flo’s husband that will come out!  #LatterGayStories...

More Episodes
The LatterGayStories podcast has been following over a dozen same-gender couples that are facing excommunication (membership councils) from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their offense: being legally and lawfully married.

In April of 2019, the Church publicly announced that same-sex couples would no longer be considered apostates and subjected to mandatory excommunication. Instead, the Church proclaimed that “immoral conduct in heterosexual and homosexual relationships will be treated the same way.”

However, determined bishops and stake presidents have often used their personal bias and ignorance to continue the excommunications of gay members—despite church leaders stating that these excommunications are not happening.

Join us for a special 7.5 HOUR LatterGayStories and Mormon Stories episode where we sit down with Brennan and Douglas. They are a married couple from Idaho who were just subjected to a membership council for being in a legal, monogamous marriage. And they provide an audio recording of that council.

But there’s more…
When asked by Douglas and Brennan why they *really* were being forced out the church, the bishop and stake president couldn’t keep their stories straight. The church leaders piled lie upon lie to justify their actions. They accused them of making evil social media posts about the church, accused them of drinking coffee and tea, and even compared their legal and lawful marriage to a husband and wife embroiled in infidelity.

We have the audio recordings of the phone calls, meetings, and the membership council itself and we will play them during this interview.
We want to use this episode to show the constant misrepresentations, deflections, and gaslighting perpetrated by LDS bishops and stake presidents to protect “the good name of the church.” And we also want to show the harm that is done to good people when you use ignorance and prejudice to force people out of the fold.

Is there a place for same-sex couples in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?