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Episode 101: Building a Strong Basketball Program without AAU

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

Release Date: 02/14/2022

Episode 111: Free Play is More Important Than You Know show art Episode 111: Free Play is More Important Than You Know

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

Free Play is undervalued. If adults realized how crucial free play is for the development of athleticism and creativity, they would start to find time more time for it. Listen in as to why free play needs to be a bigger part of the lives of our youth.     

Episode 110: Can You Make A Left Hand Lay Up? show art Episode 110: Can You Make A Left Hand Lay Up?

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

Youth basketball has a problem. The cart is being put before the horse. If youth players can't make a left-hand lay-up or dribble with their left hand, why are they paying huge amounts of money to play in AAU tournaments? Learn my thoughts!

Episode 109: Better Options show art Episode 109: Better Options

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

Any time we want to change something, we have to have a reason to do so. Parents who feel AAU is the only options need to know that it's one of the worst options for their child.  There are many more options than serving their child's current ability better. 

Episode 108: Stop Flopping show art Episode 108: Stop Flopping

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

Only a few things can make me want to turn a basketball game off, and flopping is one. I have argued against it for decades. There is no denying that flopping ruins the game. It destroys games, seasons, and careers. Learn why flopping has to go to save the game. 

Episode 107: Shuffle, Lateral Run, or Both? show art Episode 107: Shuffle, Lateral Run, or Both?

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

There has been a crazy trend of basketball coaches talking about not teaching their defenders to shuffle and ONLY laterally run. What a big mistake! Listen in as I break down many reasons why it's a big mistake. 

Episode 106: Primary and Secondary Practice Focus show art Episode 106: Primary and Secondary Practice Focus

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

End your training sessions and practices with a WIN! Planning too much "stuff" in one practice is a sure way to eliminate wins. Concentrate on a few exercises and skills so the athletes can learn and remember the information. Always have a primary focus for the day and sprinkle in the secondary focus when appropriate. 

Episode 105: How To Give Basketball Players Context show art Episode 105: How To Give Basketball Players Context

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

Give your basketball players better context when teaching them a new skill, concept, or method. It is crucial to "catch" them at the moment. This awareness is where the magic of learning occurs.   For more knowledge about basketball performance, visit BasketballSpeedSpecialist.com.

Episode 104: Running Basketball Camps show art Episode 104: Running Basketball Camps

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

If you want to make more significant impacts with your programs, you need to consider running basketball camps. They are a great way to fund your team's expenses, support your staff, and build your overall basketball program. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity.   For more knowledge about basketball performance, visit BasketballSpeedSpecialist.com.    

Episodes 103: Building your Basketball Program with a Phone Call show art Episodes 103: Building your Basketball Program with a Phone Call

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

We have to stop thinking the only way to build your basketball program is by subjecting parents and kids to expensive AAU programs that require long weekends, lots of travel, and stress. There is a much better way. Listen as I walk you through how I accomplished this with multiple programs.    For more knowledge about basketball performance, visit BasketballSpeedSpecialist.com.

Episode 102: Just Say No to Toes show art Episode 102: Just Say No to Toes

Lee Taft Performance Podcast

Being on your toes is wrong! We have to stop telling players to get off their heels and way up on the balls of their feet. This position causes slower movements during COD and increases ankle sprains. The weight should be toward the ball of the foot with the heels down so the ankle is dorsiflexed. Listen in to learn why. For more knowledge about basketball performance, visit BasketballSpeedSpecialist.com.

More Episodes

How do you build a powerful basketball program without using AAU? Here is the 4-step system I have used for years to build a strong high school program.