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Ep. 513 Eddie Mannix

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Release Date: 06/11/2024

Ep. 514 Charles Guiteau show art Ep. 514 Charles Guiteau

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Well, dear listeners, where do I even start with this one? I guess first off, unless you already know who this is, I assure you that you will not see what is coming next at any point in this story. Because Charles Guiteau was a goddamn crazy person of the highest order. The leaps and mental gymnastics this dude makes throughout his life would make Charles Manson blink in confusion. It's a hell of a rollercoaster, but it's a damn fun one. So enjoy!

Ep. 513 Eddie Mannix show art Ep. 513 Eddie Mannix

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today we'll be taking a trip back to the golden age of Hollywood to talk about king goon, Eddie Mannix. It turns out even before TMZ became famous as the blood sucking leeches that they are making their money off celebrity gossip, people loved to talk about actors and actresses and their various scandals. So Eddie Mannix made sure that either those stories didn't get out, or that at least the people working for MGM were skipped in the headlines in favor of people who worked with a different studio. How did he do this? With corruption, intimidation, and violence of course. So enjoy!

Ep. 512 Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly show art Ep. 512 Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Time for another trip in ye olde scumnut time machine. Don't let Johann Tserclaes's fancy dandy boy title fool you, the Count of Tilly really knew how to throw down. Our boy here was a real die hard Catholic, so when the Protestants started trying to do their thing, well, old boy took it real personal and decided that he was going to show them exactly how he felt about their totally different from his religion. Usually at weapon point. Enjoy!

Ep. 511 John Wayne Glover show art Ep. 511 John Wayne Glover

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

This week we'll be sticking around Australia, but John Wayne Glover is nothing like the last Aussie we talked about. Instead of being a badass soldier, he's a massive creep. He got started on his creepin' young, and he ramped way up later in his life. But don't worry, he's not totally irredeemable. Wait no, I said that wrong, yea he's totally irredeemable, fuck this guy. Join us in making fun of everything about him. Enjoy!

Ep. 510 Albert Jacka show art Ep. 510 Albert Jacka

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today's person of honor is a badass Aussie with a super unfortunate name. When World War 1 kicked off, Albert Jacka was there to get stuck in on behalf of Australia. And boy did he make a name for himself. Then he decided to stick around and just keep up the madness and killing and see just how terrifying he could become to the other side. He saw some of the worst hellholes of the war, and definitely didn't come out unscathed, but he for sure gave more than he got. Enjoy!

Ep. 509 Samuel Ep. 509 Samuel "Champ" Ferguson

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

We're back with another round of people who were on the wrong side of history, and also giant pieces of shit. Samuel "Champ" Ferguson decided to fight on the side of the Confederacy during the Civil War. But not as a legitimate soldier for the most part, and also not out of any sense of patriotism, or southern pride, or anything that could kinda be respectable I guess. Nope, out of sheer self serving interests. Then he went on to commit a bunch of heinous acts and pretend he right to do so. So listen in while we dump on this guy, and enjoy!

Ep. 508 Rudolf Hess show art Ep. 508 Rudolf Hess

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Well, dear listeners, Tim done did it again and dropped a big ol' Nazi bomb all over the podcast. Today we're talking about Rudolf Hess, a shitsucker from day one, and boy did he not change his ways as time went on. Though he did get crazier and way more bonkers. I definitely didn't see where this episode was headed, but I enjoyed talking shit on this Nazi dickhead the whole way through. So listen along and find out just how much he sucked. And enjoy!

Ep. 507 H.H. Holmes show art Ep. 507 H.H. Holmes

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today we're bringing you a long, much requested person from the great corrupted city of Chicago, H.H. Holmes. Of course, we can't catch a break here so the technical issues continue and fucked up the sound on this one a bit, hopefully you can bear with us because this story is worth it. We had a lot of fun talking about this murderous conman and making fun of all the parts of his life story, both true and false. And there's some extra stuff in here at the end that you won't wanna miss. Enjoy!

Ep. 506 William Ep. 506 William "King" Hale

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

For the last Thursday episode we're bringing you William "King" Hale, a man so clearly the bad guy in life that he even looks like Judge Doom from Roger Rabbit. Yet for some reason people still let him do his thing and get power and influence. Dumbasses. Anyways, this guy did some truly evil stuff and was responsible for a whole lot of deaths, so get ready to say, "Wow, what a piece of shit," a lot while listening. Enjoy!

Ep. 505 Deborah Sampson show art Ep. 505 Deborah Sampson

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today we have proof that George Washington wasn't the only genetic freak running around the battlefield during the Revolutionary war. Because Deborah Sampson was out there too, not letting a little thing like the lack of testicles get in the way of her fighting for her country. She may have missed most of the war, but she showed up in the end and put in work for America, we we gotta give respect to this tough ass broad. But we still make the jokes. Enjoy!

More Episodes

Today we'll be taking a trip back to the golden age of Hollywood to talk about king goon, Eddie Mannix. It turns out even before TMZ became famous as the blood sucking leeches that they are making their money off celebrity gossip, people loved to talk about actors and actresses and their various scandals. So Eddie Mannix made sure that either those stories didn't get out, or that at least the people working for MGM were skipped in the headlines in favor of people who worked with a different studio. How did he do this? With corruption, intimidation, and violence of course. So enjoy!