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Ep. 527 James "Bo" Gritz

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Release Date: 09/17/2024

Ep. 528 John Hunyadi show art Ep. 528 John Hunyadi

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today's entry is another blast from the past, John Hunyadi. He came around in Hungary at a time when those dastardly Ottomans basically ran the show, and he sharpened his skills fighting against them along the borders between his lands and theirs. In fact, he was so good at fucking with the Ottomans he turned up in other episodes we've done. Now you can get the full story. Enjoy!

Ep. 527 James Ep. 527 James "Bo" Gritz

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today's subject is just a nice, ordinary military badass. Or is he? James "Bo" Gritz (not pronounced how you think) did in fact do some shit kicking for the military, but that's just the start of this crazy ass story. The rabbit hole goes deep on this one, and there are enough twists to get M. Night Shyamalan's dick hard. Enjoy!

Ep. 526 William Joseph Donovan show art Ep. 526 William Joseph Donovan

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today we're giving you a break from the monsters to talk about Wild Bill himself, well, one of the Wild Bills anyway. William Joseph Donovan lived one hell of a life, so sure the nickname fits, but c'mon, dude deserved something a bit more creative. Also, you're gonna feel a little conflicted about this guy when you find out what group he was a part of starting. Enjoy!

Ep. 525 Theresa Knorr show art Ep. 525 Theresa Knorr

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Well, dear listeners, we had a request from one of you to cover a woman who is truly evil. Of course, they didn't bother to do any research and just said, "make her evil!" Luckily another listener overheard what was being requested and said, "Oh, I have the perfect woman in mind." Thus Theresa Knorr enters the picture. A woman who does not quite understand what the word "family" means. Everyone should join us in hating her and her dumb bullfrog face. Strap in for this doozy of an episode, and enjoy!

Ep. 524 Lawrence Singleton show art Ep. 524 Lawrence Singleton

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

The train of nightmares continues this week with lumpy, walnut face Lawrence Singleton. This piece of shit managed to avoid being even a blip on anyone's radar for most of his life. Then he decided to make a huge goddamn splash and show everyone how inept he was at getting his scumnut off. Then even more fuckery happened because California ain't shit. So join us in making fun of this pile of shit, and also raging at the system a bit, and enjoy!

Ep. 523 Dana Sue Gray show art Ep. 523 Dana Sue Gray

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today we're bringing you a woman who started off life pretty innocuously, but boy is there a hard shift after a little bit of time. Dana Sue Gray is probably gonna go down in LTF history for the dumbest defense given in court. Literally everything she tried was stupid as hell. The one positive thing I can say about her is at least she was terrible at getting away with her crimes so not that many people got hurt. Come listen to her story and judge her with us. Enjoy!

Ep. 522 Charles Upham show art Ep. 522 Charles Upham

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today we're talking about a bad motherfucker from New Zealand. Charles Upham had a solid upbringing and life, then World War 2 were declared and he saw it as his duty to sign up. That's when he became one of the hardest bastards that off-brand Australia has every created. This dude stomped Nazis all over the place and survived a hell of a lot of damage along the way. Enjoy!

Ep. 521 Carlos the Jackal show art Ep. 521 Carlos the Jackal

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

The subject of today's episode might just have the dumbest name origin story of any person we've ever covered. Carlos the Jackal doesn't let the dumb stop there though. This dude travelled all around the world getting into various shenanigans and pissing people off, never quite seeming to grasp the concept of competency. Sure, sometimes he did ok, but man did he fail a lot along the way. Plenty of twists and turns to this episode, so make sure to pay attention. And enjoy!

Ep. 520 Todd Kohlhepp show art Ep. 520 Todd Kohlhepp

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

Today we have another unrepentant shitbag for you, dear listeners. Todd Kohlhepp. He lived a real tough life growing up, but that's no excuse for the sociopathic nightmare he became. Some people claimed he was smart. I think someone carried a one they weren't supposed to because they dude acted like a straight dumb fuck a lot. Either way, fuck him, but enjoy the episode!

Ep. 519 Anders Behring Breivik show art Ep. 519 Anders Behring Breivik

Let Them Fight: A Comedy History Podcast

There's more to the subject of today's podcast than just the terrifying lack of life in his eyes and his hard to say name, Anders Behring Breivik is also a huge piece of shit. We combed through his childhood to find out what makes a man become so shitty and well, we found a ton of different reasons. Most having to do with his garbage monster of a mom. The only upside to this guy is he's a reminder to the Norwegians that they fuck up and let an occasional shithead through the net too Enjoy!

More Episodes

Today's subject is just a nice, ordinary military badass. Or is he? James "Bo" Gritz (not pronounced how you think) did in fact do some shit kicking for the military, but that's just the start of this crazy ass story. The rabbit hole goes deep on this one, and there are enough twists to get M. Night Shyamalan's dick hard. Enjoy!