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293: October Is Election Month

Life Matters

Release Date: 10/13/2022

318: SB 1196 with Alex Schadenberg show art 318: SB 1196 with Alex Schadenberg

Life Matters

In this episode of Life Matters, Brian interviews Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. They discuss in depth the recent failure of California Senate Bill 1196 by Senator Blakespear. The irony is that the bill was not defeated by pro-life efforts. The bill was actually attacked by other pro-death organizations, lobbyist and legislators. Why would other pro-death advocates attack this measure? The prospects of passage in the California legislature are very good - the progressive Democratic Party holds a super majority in both houses. The governor would’ve gladly signed off,...

317: Understanding Why the United States Founders Used Natural Law show art 317: Understanding Why the United States Founders Used Natural Law

Life Matters

In this episode of Life Matters, Commissioner Johnston explains the importance of not being religious in our attempts to change the laws to protect innocent human life. Johnston reminds us that America’s founders were themselves deeply religious individuals, but they understood that many of them had disagreements within their own theologies - differences in doctrine. The answer to this difficult challenge was actually found in the formation of other republics throughout history. A republic asserts that there is more than simple voting and majoritarianism in making law.   Votes must be...

316: Euthanasia Expansion show art 316: Euthanasia Expansion

Life Matters

In this episode of Life Matters, Brian Johnston explores the rapid expansion of medical killing - euthanasia. The pattern for euthanasia advocates is to first establish a right to “assisted suicide” - a form of voluntary euthanasia – and imply that there will be protections from any abuse, and that there will be no expansion of medical killing. California Senate Bill 1169 by Senator Blakespear demonstrates again that once the idea of legalized medical killing is established, it is impossible to monitor or prevent its “It’s okay” expansion.  Currently, it is very difficult to...

315: In Vitro Fertilization show art 315: In Vitro Fertilization

Life Matters

In this episode of Life Matters, Commissioner Johnston examines the February 2024 decision of the Alabama Supreme Court regarding in vitro fertilization. The issue of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is not a new debate, but sadly, media coverage has over simplified and reduced a deeper analysis. The issue of manipulating human beings and playing God by creating, and then destroying human lives, has grave and dramatic implications for all of society, many of which are being ignored. First and foremost is the issue of human ownership. There is no debate that these are human embryos. Yes, they can...

314: Nationalization of Euthanasia show art 314: Nationalization of Euthanasia

Life Matters

In this episode of Life Matters, Brian Johnston examines the pressure in 2024 to legalize assisted suicide nationwide in the United States. Many nations have now adopted assisted suicide throughout their borders, including Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, in many others. The American euthanasia movement had attempted to do this through the courts, but in 1994 the Glucksberg decision by the United States Supreme Court announced there was no national “legal right” to be killed by medicine. In spring of 2024, there are 10 states that have legalized medical killing, plus...

313: Local Elections Matter show art 313: Local Elections Matter

Life Matters

In this episode of Life Matters, Brian Johnson explains the importance of elections, each and every election.  More importantly, he focuses on the power of your vote the further down the ballot you go.  On a statewide level, your vote is a drop in the bucket.  But as various jurisdictions get smaller, the number of voters also gets dramatically smaller and this is why local elections are so important.  In order to have candidates for the state legislature, or for Congress, you must draw from people with some degree of political experience. Most people who run for these...

Life Matters 37th Anniversary Special show art Life Matters 37th Anniversary Special

Life Matters

In this episode of Life Matters, Commissioner Johnston reminiscences on Life Matters beginning in 1987, on its expansion, and the many friends and allies that have brought it to this point 37 years later. Life Matters began on radio station station KCBC the 50,000 Watt (The highest wattage allowed by the FCC ) flamethrower station covering northern California. It was the northern California cornerstone for the Bott Broadcasting Network. Life Matters with Brian Johnston gradually expanded to other Bott affiliates, then to the Wilkins Network, which is a nationwide Christian broadcast string of...

312: Red-Blue-Choice-Overturn show art 312: Red-Blue-Choice-Overturn

Life Matters

In this episode of Life Matters, Commissioner Johnston examines the real implications of Roe v. Wade, the fact that language is being used to trick people into thinking that the abortion debate has been settled - when in fact, it is only just begun in seriousness. Brian examines how the media uses semantics and semiotics – the study of signs and symbolism - to confuse the American public. The issue of red state versus blue state is but one example of how symbols are presented as truth to the public. The blue, which originally represented the Republican party, was intentionally changed...

311: Life Film Fest international show art 311: Life Film Fest international

Life Matters

Life Fest Film Festival is a very unique film festival from Hollywood California. Film festivals are an important part of the entertainment industry. This is where new filmmakers get their start and old filmmakers try out new ideas. Many film festivals are either geographically based, for example, Cannes, France or Park City and many are thematically based. Life Film Fest is an important aspect of the movie industry, and supported by many industry insiders, because of its unique and important message: the significance of each and every life, and in particular the seemingly insignificant life....

310 - Euthanasia In Canada show art 310 - Euthanasia In Canada

Life Matters

In this episode of Life Matters, Commissioner Johnston explains the growing embrace of euthanasia in western culture. Listeners of Life Matters understand that the Right to Life debate is a debate about whether the law should allow the killing of innocent human lives. Today, after the impact of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, medical killing has become widespread in the United States and accepted under the law. This is not simply in the act of human abortion. Numerous states have legalized “Assisted suicide”.  But understand that the emotions surrounding suicide can easily be addressed...

More Episodes

In this episode of Life Matters, Brian Johnston pointedly focuses on elections in 2022. This is the first election since the overturn of Roe versus Wade. Because of that, the disposition of the elected representatives will be of considerable importance. 

As usual, Brian goes into extraordinary depths to help individuals understand the details of the Right To Life fight for legal protection of the innocent.  First, Brian explains the history of PACs. PACs were formed in the 1980s in response to public employee unions forced withdrawal of money from union members, and the use of that money for political purposes. This gave the political left multiple millions to use at election time. This is actually government money. 

PACs were formed to allow normal people to also “unionize” - that is to say, join together in a group and pool their resources together to impact particular elections.

California Prolife, National Right to Life and various state affiliates have organized pro-life PACs. This is the time of year that these tools MUST come into play. Because of the importance of elections now in the wake of Roe v. Wade, pro-lifers need to focus sharply on electing pro-life representatives. The link to the CaliforniaProlife PAC is as follows: 


Brian also takes a moment to read directly from the Dobbs decision of earlier this summer. This decision is inescapable in its power and significance. There was never a right to abortion in the Constitution. The Supreme Court had wrongly held it in both Roe v. Wade and Casey and those decisions were overturned. 

The Supreme Court explicitly returned to the people and their representatives, the authority to protect the lives of those in their jurisdiction. 

Roe versus Wade and its progeny had given abortionists alone the authority to decide the propriety of an abortion and which child should be killed in which manner. This untrammeled right to abortion being given to MDs was a gross violation of the US Constitution.

In affirming the authority of the people and their voting power in electing representatives, the Supreme Court has renewed this basic principle of the Constitution: we have been given a government of the people, by the people and for the people. This principle was reiterated by Lincoln in his desire to ensure that the self-evident truth of the humanity of then-slaves would be recognized, and their right to life (as he expressed in the Lincoln-Douglas debates) that their right to life could be affirmed and insured under the constitutional principles of The United States of America.

Each and every affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee has focused on this duty of the people to speak up, and to elect representatives who would speak up for the innocent. 

In the last several decades, the voting process has been altered and in particular during the Covid epidemic. Instead of a particular voting day (today marked as November 8, 2022) many states are practicing early voting and absentee voting. 

Due to the serious questions regarding the tallying of these ballots, it is strongly suggested that our method of electing our representatives be returned to its original accountable model where abuses, false votes, ballot stuffing, and other questionable forms of electioneering are harder to implement. For this reason California Prolife is adhering to and suggesting the policies of the Election Integrity Project of California.

While the state is still asserting one can send in an absentee ballot and it can be tracked electronically, it is only able to track its reception, but not the fact that it has been tallied. Voter IntegrityProject points out that the envelopes provided for this process indicate the political party of the recipient. 

When that is the case, even if that envelope arrives safely at a voter registrars office, it no longer has the qualities of an “Australian ballot,” a ‘secret’ ballot. In other words, those who would seek malfeasance could easily not count certain disfavorable ballots if they are cognizant that they’re from Republicans or, from a particular precinct. 

For this reason California Prolife strongly suggests that pro-life voters follow the guidelines of the Election Integrity Project and walk their ballot personally to their local voting precinct. The instructions on how to process that ballot are available at this website: 


The exciting news is that there are many many concerned pro-life individuals now running for office all the way down the ballot. The non-aligned/nonpartisan offices of the county and city level, school board, city councils, various service districts - these races are often won by a handful of votes and when concerned citizens vote with knowledge they can win many of these races. These newly elected representatives, though it may be a small office, become the future representatives up the ballot. Brian points out he knows many members of Congress and state representatives. Nearly all of them began by running for office on the local level. The pro-life community must understand the need to be involved in local politics. 

For this reason California Prolife has been coordinating with West Virginians For Life, and providing a very specific voter look-up tool. This is an app available for any computer or smart phone which upon entering ones ballot mailing address, all of the relevant offices from governor to constitutional office or state wide, to ballot measures, to state offices, to county city and local offices including school boards and special service districts, all of these are than made known to that pro-life voter. This voting tool is available at the following URL address: 


Finally, we must be reminded that the Supreme Court has returned to us, as the people, the ability to speak up for innocent life. A corrupt abortion law and government is attempting to silence further discussion. In California, Michigan and Vermont, constitutional propositions have been placed on the ballot that will forever silence the ability of the people and their elected representatives to put into place pro-life laws protecting young mothers and their babies. 

This is a top-down, imperious and forced view of government, which Roe v. Wade had represented.  

This corrupt, simplistic view of government power suppresses freedom of expression and the right to protect the lives of those who cannot protect themselves.