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Wreck the Roof Luke 5:17

LifePoint Church Longwood

Release Date: 06/02/2024

Week 8: LETTERS TO TIMOTHY: Equipped (Timothy 3:12-17) show art Week 8: LETTERS TO TIMOTHY: Equipped (Timothy 3:12-17)

LifePoint Church Longwood

The sermon discusses how the scriptures equip believers for living a Christian life, similar to the gadgets used by James Bond in his adventures. Pastor emphasizes the importance of continuing in the teachings of the Bible, highlighting Timothy's legacy of faith instilled by his mother and grandmother. He urges listeners to find mentors or role models to help guide them in their faith, while also noting the significance of teaching scripture to children. Ultimately, the message calls for readers to prioritize the Bible in their lives, as it offers guidance, wisdom, and encouragement for every...

Week 7: LETTERS TO TIMOTHY: How to Endure (2 Timothy 2:1-13) show art Week 7: LETTERS TO TIMOTHY: How to Endure (2 Timothy 2:1-13)

LifePoint Church Longwood

Pastor Phil shares his personal struggles with exhaustion and doubt during his pastoral journey, highlighting how he sought wisdom from his former pastor, who emphasized that enduring challenges comes from Christ’s strength rather than one’s own. He emphasizes four keys to enduring faith: relying on the grace of Christ, fostering community support, embracing discipline, and keeping Jesus at the forefront of one’s mind. Pastor uses illustrations from soldiers, athletes, and farmers to convey the importance of commitment and perseverance in the Christian life. He concludes with a reminder...

Week 6: LETTERS TO TIMOTHY: Not Ashamed (2 Timothy) show art Week 6: LETTERS TO TIMOTHY: Not Ashamed (2 Timothy)

LifePoint Church Longwood

In this sermon, Pastor Phil emphasizes the importance of not being ashamed of the gospel, drawing on the personal letter from Paul to Timothy as a source of encouragement amidst difficulties. He highlights that suffering for the gospel is part of the Christian journey and serves as a means for sanctification, teaching that God's grace is sufficient in our weaknesses. Pastor Phil outlines three critical theological concepts—justification, sanctification, and glorification—that reveal the believer's growth and ultimate hope in Christ. Ultimately, Pastor Phil urges believers to guard the...

Week 5: LETTERS TO TIMOTHY: When Possessions Possess show art Week 5: LETTERS TO TIMOTHY: When Possessions Possess

LifePoint Church Longwood

In this sermon, Pastor discusses the dangers of materialism and the pursuit of wealth, illustrated through the life of Howard Hughes, who became a recluse despite his billions. He emphasizes that the craving for money can lead to spiritual division and a false sense of security, resulting in a disconnect from God. Pastor warns that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil and provides three cautions about materialism: it is deceptive, dangerous, and can be damning, leading people away from their faith. The key to combating materialism is contentment and generosity, urging the...

Week 4: Letters To Timothy: Be An Example (1 Timothy 4:12-16) show art Week 4: Letters To Timothy: Be An Example (1 Timothy 4:12-16)

LifePoint Church Longwood

Pastor Phil's sermon, "Be An Example," delves into the teachings of Paul to Timothy, emphasizing setting an example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. The story of missionary Hudson Taylor illustrates the impact of serving Christ from a young age. Paul encourages Timothy to not be hindered by his youth, but to embrace his role as a spiritual leader. The sermon stresses the significance of reading scripture, teaching, and utilizing spiritual gifts, concluding with a call to be steadfast in faith and lead others to salvation.

Week 3: A Call For Leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-13) show art Week 3: A Call For Leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-13)

LifePoint Church Longwood

Pastor Phil's sermon "A Call For Leadership" emphasizes developing strong leaders in the church, highlighting the importance of preparing for the future by following the qualifications outlined in 1 Timothy 3. He stresses the need for both men and women to embody godly leadership roles in the church, focusing on guidance, protection, and prayer. The sermon outlines the process of evaluating potential elders at Life Point Christian Church and encourages the congregation to fill the leadership gap and leave a lasting impact for the next generation.

Letters To Timothy: Prayer Is For All show art Letters To Timothy: Prayer Is For All

LifePoint Church Longwood

In the sermon "Prayer Is For All," Pastor Phil discusses the importance of prayer for all people, emphasizing prayer as the first response. He highlights the significance of diverse types of prayer such as supplications, intercessions, and thanksgiving. Pastor Phil encourages the congregation to pray for all, even those they disagree with, illustrating the power of praying for leaders. The sermon addresses challenges like Gnosticism and universalism, emphasizing the importance of sharing the Gospel with others and the role of prayer in this mission

Letters to Timothy: God's Perfect Patience show art Letters to Timothy: God's Perfect Patience

LifePoint Church Longwood

Pastor Phil shares a story of gratitude in sermon God's Perfect Patience focusing on the "Letters to Timothy" series. He emphasizes the significance of understanding the context of these personal letters written by Paul to Timothy. Pastor Phil highlights the transformational power of God's mercy and the importance of humility and repentance. The sermon concludes with a call to accept God's mercy, be judged faithful, receive strength, and be appointed to serve for His glory. 

We Are The Church: Prayer Still Works! show art We Are The Church: Prayer Still Works!

LifePoint Church Longwood

Pastor Phil delivers a sermon titled "Prayer Still Works" emphasizing the importance of prayer in the church from the series "We Are The Church." He focuses on the story of Elijah as an example of the power of prayer and encourages the congregation to delve into 1 Kings 17. The sermon explores the role of prayer in times of suffering, joy, and physical healing, emphasizing the need for consistent prayer and support within the Christian community. Pastor Phil concludes by highlighting the impact of prayer in ordinary individuals' lives, urging believers to prioritize prayer as a vital aspect of...

We Are The Church: Worship Without Boundaries show art We Are The Church: Worship Without Boundaries

LifePoint Church Longwood

Pastor Phil's sermon, "Worship Without Boundaries," explores the inclusive nature of worship, as illustrated by Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman. He emphasizes that true worship transcends physical locations and rituals, manifesting as a lifestyle of honoring God in all activities. Through examples from Haiti and biblical teachings, Pastor Phil encourages believers to view everyday tasks as acts of worship, enhancing their spiritual connection. Ultimately, he calls for a holistic approach to worship, integrating faith into all aspects of life to lead a fulfilling journey of continual...

More Episodes

Guest Speaker Jeff Swearingen's sermon "Wreck the Roof" centers on the importance of faith and taking action to help others find Jesus, using the story of the paralyzed man in Luke 5:17. He discusses communion, Jesus' sacrifice, and the congregation confesses sins in prayer. Swearingen announces church events, emphasizes the power of shared faith with the friends who helped the paralyzed man, and challenges the congregation to actively help others find Jesus.