Light Among Peers
Do humans have free will? Or does God determine each of our paths? In this episode, Dr. RJ discusses the two beliefs as it relates to our ability to choose our own path. He shares the story of Abraham and Lot and gives insight on how you can determine if you have free will.
info_outline Is Dating Unbiblical?Light Among Peers
Are you dating or thinking about dating? What does the bible say about dating? In this episode, Dr. RJ answers the question is dating unbiblical?
info_outline Social Media ConditioningLight Among Peers
Have you ever wondered why you struggle with certain sins? You try really hard not to do them but you find yourself doing them. Why does this happen? In this episode, Dr. RJ brings clarity to why believers struggle and what can be done to overcome.
info_outline Friend GroupsLight Among Peers
In this episode, Dr. RJ discusses the importance of choosing the correct friend group. He describes which friends to avoid based on scripture.
info_outline Promised Land ExperienceLight Among Peers
In this episode, Dr. RJ answers the question, "Was Moses treated fairly?" Moses missed out on the promised land experience. Discover why and how you can avoid missing out on what God has planned for you.
info_outline Ways to ChangeLight Among Peers
In this episode, Dr. RJ breaks down the four ways teenagers change. Whichever issues you struggle with, there are only four ways to change your behavior. Listen in to learn how you can choose the best way for change.
info_outline Dangers of Self-talkLight Among Peers
In this episode, Dr. RJ discusses what happens when we speak about ourselves in a negative way. He also reveals what the scriptures specifically say about negative self-talk. After this episode, you will think differently about the way you speak about yourself.
info_outline Non-BelieversLight Among Peers
In this episode, Dr. RJ looks at the instructions in the Bible for how Christians are to handle those that do not believe Jesus. Do we befriend them? Do we avoid them? Should we evangelize. Dr. RJ answers these questions and more.
info_outline Why Do Bad Things Happen?Light Among Peers
In this episode, Dr. RJ shares four reasons why Christians often experience hardships. Often times, we hear the reason bad things happen to believers is because of "free will." Well that explanation is insufficient because it doesn't consider the sovereignty of God. Dr. RJ uses examples that we find in scripture to explain why believers experience hardships.
info_outline Is Money Evil?Light Among Peers
In this episode, Dr. RJ answers the question, "Is money evil?" He teaches from 1 Timothy 6:10. Dr. RJ also discusses how Christian teenagers should handle money.
info_outlineIn this episode, Dr. RJ teaches how to manage your thoughts so that you can pursue obedience. He references Romans 12:1-2 and Philippians 4:8. If you have any questions for Dr. RJ you may message him at